#include "bits/stdc++.h" #include #include #pragma GCC target("avx2") #pragma GCC optimize("O3") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #define ALL(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define RALL(x) (x).rbegin(), (x).rend() #define SZ(x) ((lint)(x).size()) #define FOR(i, begin, end) for(lint i=(begin),i##_end_=(end);i=i##_begin_;--i) #define REP(i, n) FOR(i,0,n) #define IREP(i, n) IFOR(i,0,n) #define endk '\n' using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long _ulong; typedef long long int lint; typedef long double ld; typedef pair plint; typedef pair pld; struct fast_ios { fast_ios() { cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cout << fixed << setprecision(20); }; } fast_ios_; template auto add = [](T a, T b) -> T { return a + b; }; template auto mul = [](T a, T b) -> T { return a * b; }; template auto f_max = [](T a, T b) -> T { return max(a, b); }; template auto f_min = [](T a, T b) -> T { return min(a, b); }; template using V = vector; using Vl = V; using VVl = V; template< typename T > ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector< T >& v) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)v.size(); i++) os << v[i] << (i + 1 != v.size() ? " " : ""); return os; } template< typename T >istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector< T >& v) { for (T& in : v) is >> in; return is; } template bool chmax(T& a, const T& b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } template bool chmin(T& a, const T& b) { if (b < a) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; } template T div_floor(T a, T b) { if (b < 0) a *= -1, b *= -1; return a >= 0 ? a / b : (a + 1) / b - 1; } template T div_ceil(T a, T b) { if (b < 0) a *= -1, b *= -1; return a > 0 ? (a - 1) / b + 1 : a / b; } template struct rec { F f; rec(F&& f_) : f(std::forward(f_)) {} template auto operator()(Args &&... args) const { return f(*this, std::forward(args)...); } }; lint gcd(lint a, lint b) { if (b == 0) return a; else return gcd(b, a % b); } lint digit(lint a) { return (lint)log10(a); } lint e_dist(plint a, plint b) { return abs(a.first - b.first) * abs(a.first - b.first) + abs(a.second - b.second) * abs(a.second - b.second); } lint m_dist(plint a, plint b) { return abs(a.first - b.first) + abs(a.second - b.second); } bool check_overflow(lint a, lint b, lint limit) { if (b == 0) return false; return a > limit / b; } // a * b > c => true void Worshall_Floyd(VVl& g) { REP(k, SZ(g)) REP(i, SZ(g)) REP(j, SZ(g)) chmin(g[i][j], g[i][k] + g[k][j]); } const lint MOD1000000007 = 1000000007, MOD998244353 = 998244353, INF = 1e18; lint dx[8] = { 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 }, dy[8] = { -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1 }; bool YN(bool flag) { cout << (flag ? "YES" : "NO") << endk; return flag; } bool yn(bool flag) { cout << (flag ? "Yes" : "No") << endk; return flag; } struct Edge { lint from, to; lint cost, peek; Edge() { } Edge(lint u, lint v, lint c) { cost = c; from = u; to = v; } bool operator<(const Edge& e) const { return cost < e.cost; } }; struct WeightedEdge { lint to; lint cost, peek; WeightedEdge(lint v, lint c, lint p) { to = v; cost = c; peek = p; } bool operator<(const WeightedEdge& e) const { return cost < e.cost; } }; using WeightedGraph = V>; typedef pair tlint; typedef pair pVl; typedef pair qlint; typedef pair valc; int main() { lint N, D; cin >> N >> D; V arr(N); REP(i, N) { lint A, B; cin >> A >> B; arr.push_back({ -A, B - A }); } sort(ALL(arr)); auto check = [&](lint val) { lint idx = 0, score = -val; priority_queue que; priority_queue _que; while (idx < N) { if (arr[idx].first <= score) { if (arr[idx].second < 0) { _que.push({ arr[idx].first + arr[idx].second, arr[idx].first }); } else { que.push(arr[idx].second); } idx++; } else { if (que.empty()) { return true; } score += que.top(); que.pop(); } } while (!que.empty()) { score += que.top(); que.pop(); } while (!_que.empty()) { if (_que.top().second > score) { return true; } else { score += (_que.top().first - _que.top().second); } _que.pop(); } return score < 0; }; lint ng = -1e9, ok = 1e9 + 1; while (ok - ng > 1) { lint mid = (ok + ng) / 2; if (check(mid)) ok = mid; else ng = mid; } cout << -ok << endl; }