#line 1 "atcoder-workspace\\tmp.cc" #include #line 2 "Library\\src\\data_structure\\compression.hpp" /** * @file compression.hpp * @brief Compression */ #line 11 "Library\\src\\data_structure\\compression.hpp" namespace workspace { template class compression { std::vector<_Tp> __vec; decltype(auto) begin() { return __vec.begin(); } decltype(auto) end() { return __vec.end(); } public: using size_type = typename std::vector<_Tp>::size_type; /** * @brief Construct a new compression object. */ compression() = default; /** * @brief Construct a new compression object. * * @param __first * @param __last */ template compression(_IIter __first, _IIter __last) noexcept : __vec(__first, __last) { make(); } decltype(auto) begin() const noexcept { return __vec.begin(); } decltype(auto) end() const noexcept { return __vec.end(); } decltype(auto) operator[](size_type __i) const noexcept { assert(__i < size()); return __vec[__i]; } size_type size() const noexcept { return __vec.size(); } template decltype(auto) emplace(_Args&&... __args) noexcept { return __vec.emplace_back(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); } template void insert(_Args&&... __args) noexcept { __vec.insert(end(), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); } /** * @brief Sort and make unique. * @return Number of different values. */ size_type make() noexcept { std::sort(begin(), end()); __vec.erase(std::unique(begin(), end(), [](const _Tp& __l, const _Tp& __r) { return !(__l < __r) && !(__r < __l); }), end()); return size(); } size_type lower_bound(const _Tp& __x) const noexcept { return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), __x) - begin(); } size_type upper_bound(const _Tp& __x) const noexcept { return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), __x) - begin(); } }; template compression(_IIter, _IIter) -> compression::value_type>; } // namespace workspace #line 2 "Library\\src\\graph\\directed\\flow\\Dinic.hpp" /** * @file Dinic.hpp * @brief Dinic's Algorithm */ #line 9 "Library\\src\\graph\\directed\\flow\\Dinic.hpp" #line 2 "Library\\src\\graph\\directed\\flow\\base.hpp" /** * @file base.hpp * @brief Flow Graph */ #line 12 "Library\\src\\graph\\directed\\flow\\base.hpp" namespace workspace { template class flow_graph { protected: class adjacency_impl; public: using container_type = std::vector; using size_type = typename container_type::size_type; class unweighted_edge { public: size_type tail; // Source size_type head; // Destination _Cap capacity; // Capacity _Cap flow; // Flow unweighted_edge(size_type __s, size_type __d, const _Cap &__u = 1) : tail(__s), head(__d), capacity(__u), flow(0) { assert(!(capacity < static_cast<_Cap>(0))), assert(!(flow < static_cast<_Cap>(0))); } // tail, head, capacity, flow template friend _Os &operator<<(_Os &__os, const unweighted_edge &__e) { return __os << __e.tail << ' ' << __e.head << ' ' << __e.capacity << ' ' << __e.flow; } protected: unweighted_edge() = default; unweighted_edge(size_type __s, size_type __d, const _Cap &__u, const _Cap &__f) : tail(__s), head(__d), capacity(__u), flow(__f) {} unweighted_edge make_rev() const { return {head, tail, flow, capacity}; } }; class weighted_edge : public unweighted_edge { public: _Cost cost; // _Cost weighted_edge(const unweighted_edge &__e, const _Cost &__c = 0) : unweighted_edge(__e), cost(__c) {} weighted_edge(size_type __s, size_type __d, const _Cap &__u = 1, const _Cost &__c = 0) : unweighted_edge(__s, __d, __u), cost(__c) {} // tail, head, capacity, flow, cost template friend _Os &operator<<(_Os &__os, const weighted_edge &__e) { return __os << static_cast(__e) << ' ' << __e.cost; } protected: weighted_edge() = default; weighted_edge make_rev() const { return {unweighted_edge::make_rev(), -cost}; } }; using edge = std::conditional_t::value, unweighted_edge, weighted_edge>; protected: struct edge_impl : edge { bool aux = false; edge_impl *rev = nullptr; edge_impl() = default; edge_impl(const edge &__e) : edge(__e) {} edge_impl(edge &&__e) : edge(__e) {} void push(_Cap __f) { edge::capacity -= __f; edge::flow += __f; if (rev) { rev->capacity += __f; rev->flow -= __f; } } edge_impl make_rev() { edge_impl __e = edge::make_rev(); __e.aux = true; __e.rev = this; return __e; } }; public: class adjacency { public: using value_type = edge; using reference = edge &; using const_reference = edge const &; using pointer = edge *; using const_pointer = const edge *; class iterator { edge_impl *__p; public: iterator(edge_impl *__p = nullptr) : __p(__p) {} bool operator!=(const iterator &__x) const { return __p != __x.__p; } bool operator==(const iterator &__x) const { return __p == __x.__p; } iterator &operator++() { do ++__p; while (__p->rev && __p->aux); return *this; } iterator operator++(int) { auto __cp = *this; do ++__p; while (__p->rev && __p->aux); return __cp; } iterator &operator--() { do --__p; while (__p->aux); return *this; } iterator operator--(int) { auto __cp = *this; do --__p; while (__p->aux); return __cp; } pointer operator->() const { return __p; } reference operator*() const { return *__p; } }; class const_iterator { const edge_impl *__p; public: const_iterator(const edge_impl *__p = nullptr) : __p(__p) {} bool operator!=(const const_iterator &__x) const { return __p != __x.__p; } bool operator==(const const_iterator &__x) const { return __p == __x.__p; } const_iterator &operator++() { do ++__p; while (__p->rev && __p->aux); return *this; } const_iterator operator++(int) { auto __cp = *this; do ++__p; while (__p->rev && __p->aux); return __cp; } const_iterator &operator--() { do --__p; while (__p->aux); return *this; } const_iterator operator--(int) { auto __cp = *this; do --__p; while (__p->aux); return __cp; } const_pointer operator->() const { return __p; } const_reference operator*() const { return *__p; } }; adjacency() : first(new edge_impl[2]), last(first + 1), __s(first), __t(first) {} ~adjacency() { delete[] first; } const_reference operator[](size_type __i) const { assert(__i < size()); return *(first + __i); } size_type size() const { return __t - first; } auto begin() { return iterator{__s}; } auto begin() const { return const_iterator{__s}; } auto end() { return iterator{__t}; } auto end() const { return const_iterator{__t}; } /** * @brief Construct a new adjacency object * * @param __x Rvalue reference to another object */ adjacency(adjacency &&__x) : first(nullptr) { operator=(std::move(__x)); } /** * @brief Assignment operator. * * @param __x Rvalue reference to another object * @return Reference to this object. */ adjacency &operator=(adjacency &&__x) { delete[] first; first = __x.first, __x.first = nullptr; last = __x.last, __s = __x.__s, __t = __x.__t; return *this; } protected: edge_impl *first, *last, *__s, *__t; }; using value_type = adjacency; using reference = adjacency &; using const_reference = adjacency const &; protected: class adjacency_impl : public adjacency { public: using base = adjacency; using base::__s; using base::__t; using base::first; using base::last; using iterator = edge_impl *; iterator push(const edge_impl &__e) { realloc(); *__t = __e; if (__s->aux) ++__s; return __t++; } iterator push(edge_impl &&__e) { realloc(); *__t = std::move(__e); if (__s->aux) ++__s; return __t++; } iterator begin() const { return first; } iterator end() const { return __t; } void realloc() { if (__t == last) { size_type __n(last - first); iterator loc = new edge_impl[__n << 1 | 1]; __s += loc - first; __t = loc; for (iterator __p{first}; __p != last; ++__p, ++__t) { *__t = *__p; if (__p->rev) __p->rev->rev = __t; } delete[] first; first = loc; last = __t + __n; } } }; // Only member variable. container_type graph; public: /** * @brief Construct a new flow graph object * * @param __n Number of vertices */ flow_graph(size_type __n = 0) : graph(__n) {} /** * @brief Construct a new flow graph object * * @param __x Const reference to another object */ flow_graph(const flow_graph &__x) : graph(__x.size()) { for (auto &&__adj : __x) for (auto &&__e : __adj) add_edge(__e); } /** * @brief Construct a new flow graph object * * @param __x Rvalue reference to another object */ flow_graph(flow_graph &&__x) : graph(std::move(__x.graph)) {} /** * @brief Assignment operator. * * @param __x Const reference to another object * @return Reference to this object. */ flow_graph &operator=(const flow_graph &__x) { return operator=(std::move(flow_graph{__x})); } /** * @brief Assignment operator. * * @param __x Rvalue reference to another object * @return Reference to this object. */ flow_graph &operator=(flow_graph &&__x) { graph = std::move(__x.graph); return *this; } /** * @return Whether the graph is empty. */ bool empty() const { return graph.empty(); } /** * @return Number of nodes. */ size_type size() const { return graph.size(); } /** * @param node Node * @return Referece to the adjacency list of the node. */ reference operator[](size_type node) { assert(node < size()); return graph[node]; } /** * @param node Node * @return Const referece to the adjacency list of the node. */ const_reference operator[](size_type node) const { assert(node < size()); return graph[node]; } class iterator : public container_type::iterator { using base = typename container_type::iterator; public: using reference = adjacency &; using pointer = adjacency *; iterator(const base &__i) : base(__i) {} pointer operator->() const { return base::operator->(); } reference operator*() const { return base::operator*(); } }; class const_iterator : public container_type::const_iterator { using base = typename container_type::const_iterator; public: using const_reference = const adjacency &; using const_pointer = const adjacency *; const_iterator(const base &__i) : base(__i) {} const_pointer operator->() const { return base::operator->(); } const_reference operator*() const { return base::operator*(); } }; auto begin() { return iterator{graph.begin()}; } auto begin() const { return const_iterator{graph.begin()}; } auto end() { return iterator{graph.end()}; } auto end() const { return const_iterator{graph.end()}; } /** * @brief Add a node to the graph. * * @return Index of the node. */ size_type add_node() { return add_nodes(1).front(); } /** * @brief Add some nodes to the graph. * * @param __n Number of nodes added * @return List of indices of the nodes. */ std::vector add_nodes(size_type __n) { std::vector __nodes(__n); std::iota(__nodes.begin(), __nodes.end(), graph.size()); __n += graph.size(); if (__n > graph.capacity()) { container_type __tmp(__n); for (auto &&__adj : graph) for (auto &&__e : __adj) { edge_impl *__p = __tmp[__e.tail].push(std::move(__e)); // Careful with a self loop. if (__p->rev) __p->rev->rev = __p; } graph = std::move(__tmp); } else graph.resize(__n); return __nodes; } /** * @brief Add a directed edge to the graph. * * @return Reference to the edge. */ template typename std::enable_if::value, edge &>::type add_edge(_Args &&...__args) { edge_impl __e = edge(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); assert(__e.tail < size()), assert(__e.head < size()); edge_impl *__p = graph[__e.tail].push(std::move(__e)); // Careful with a self loop. if (__p->tail != __p->head) __p->rev = graph[__p->head].push(__p->make_rev()); return *__p; } /** * @brief Add a directed edge to the graph. * * @return Reference to the edge. */ template typename std::enable_if<(std::tuple_size>::value >= 0), edge &>::type add_edge(_Tp &&__t) { return _unpack_directed(std::forward<_Tp>(__t)); } /** * @brief Add an undirected edge to the graph. Its cost must be non-negative. * * @return Reference to the edge. */ template edge &add_undirected_edge(_Args &&...__args) { edge_impl __e = edge(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); assert(__e.tail < size()), assert(__e.head < size()); __e.flow += __e.capacity; edge_impl *__p = graph[__e.tail].push(std::move(__e)); // Careful with a self loop. if (__p->tail != __p->head) { edge_impl __r = __p->make_rev(); __r.aux = false; __p->rev = graph[__p->head].push(std::move(__r)); } return *__p; } /** * @brief Add an undirected edge to the graph. Its cost must be non-negative. * * @return Reference to the edge. */ template typename std::enable_if<(std::tuple_size>::value >= 0), edge &>::type add_undirected_edge(_Tp &&__t) { return _unpack_undirected(std::forward<_Tp>(__t)); } protected: // internal template decltype(auto) _unpack_directed(_Tp &&__t, _Args &&...__args) { if constexpr (_Nm == std::tuple_size>::value) return add_edge(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); else return _unpack_directed<_Tp, _Nm + 1>(std::forward<_Tp>(__t), std::forward<_Args>(__args)..., std::get<_Nm>(__t)); } // internal template decltype(auto) _unpack_undirected(_Tp &&__t, _Args &&...__args) { if constexpr (_Nm == std::tuple_size>::value) return add_undirected_edge(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); else return _unpack_undirected<_Tp, _Nm + 1>(std::forward<_Tp>(__t), std::forward<_Args>(__args)..., std::get<_Nm>(__t)); } template friend _Os &operator<<(_Os &__os, flow_graph const &__g) { for (const auto &adj : __g) for (const auto &e : adj) __os << e << "\n"; return __os; } }; } // namespace workspace #line 11 "Library\\src\\graph\\directed\\flow\\Dinic.hpp" namespace workspace { /** * @brief Compute the maximum flow. * @tparam _Cap Capacity type */ template class Dinic : public flow_graph<_Cap> { using base = flow_graph<_Cap>; public: using size_type = typename base::size_type; protected: constexpr static size_type nil = -1; std::vector __level; std::vector __iter; _Cap dfs(size_type __src, size_type __dst, _Cap __limit) noexcept { if (__src == __dst) return __limit; _Cap __flow(0); for (auto &__e{__iter[__dst]}; __e != base::graph[__dst].end(); ++__e) if (static_cast<_Cap>(0) < __e->flow && __level[__e->head] < __level[__dst]) if (_Cap achv = dfs(__src, __e->head, std::min(__limit, __e->flow)); static_cast<_Cap>(0) < achv) { __e->push(-achv); __flow += achv, __limit -= achv; if (__limit == static_cast<_Cap>(0)) break; } return __flow; } public: // Construct a new Dinic object. Dinic() noexcept {} /** * @brief Construct a new Dinic object. * @param __n Number of nodes */ Dinic(size_type __n) noexcept : base::flow_graph(__n) {} /** * @brief Run Dinic's algorithm. * @param __src Source * @param __dst Destination * @return Maximum flow. */ _Cap run(size_type __src, size_type __dst) noexcept { return run(__src, __dst, std::numeric_limits<_Cap>::max()); } /** * @brief Run Dinic's algorithm. * @param __src Source * @param __dst Destination * @param __limit Flow limit * @return Maximum flow. */ _Cap run(size_type __src, size_type __dst, _Cap __limit) noexcept { assert(__src < base::size()), assert(__dst < base::size()), assert(__src != __dst); __level.resize(base::size(), nil); __iter.resize(base::size()); if (!(static_cast<_Cap>(0) < __limit)) return 0; _Cap __flow = 0; for (std::vector __q(base::size());; std::fill(__level.begin(), __level.end(), nil)) { __level[__q.front() = __src] = 0; for (auto __ql{__q.begin()}, __qr{std::next(__ql)}; __level[__dst] == nil && __ql != __qr; ++__ql) for (const auto &__e : base::graph[*__ql]) if (static_cast<_Cap>(0) < __e.capacity && __level[__e.head] == nil) __level[ *__qr++ = __e.head] = __level[*__ql] + 1; if (__level[__dst] == nil) break; for (size_type __x{}; __x != base::size(); ++__x) __iter[__x] = base::graph[__x].begin(); __flow += dfs(__src, __dst, __limit); } return __flow; } // Minimum Cut. // Call it after `run`. auto min_cut() const noexcept { std::vector __cut; for (size_type __x{}; __x != base::size(); ++__x) if (~__level[__x]) for (const auto &__e : base::operator[](__x)) if (!~__level[__e.head]) __cut.emplace_back(__e); return __cut; } }; } // namespace workspace #line 2 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\enumerate.hpp" /** * @file enumerate.hpp * @brief Enumerate */ #line 2 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\range.hpp" /** * @file range.hpp * @brief Range */ #line 2 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\reversed.hpp" /** * @file reversed.hpp * @brief Reversed */ #line 9 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\reversed.hpp" #line 2 "Library\\lib\\cxx17" #line 2 "Library\\lib\\cxx14" #ifndef _CXX14_CONSTEXPR #if __cplusplus >= 201402L #define _CXX14_CONSTEXPR constexpr #else #define _CXX14_CONSTEXPR #endif #endif #line 4 "Library\\lib\\cxx17" #ifndef _CXX17_CONSTEXPR #if __cplusplus >= 201703L #define _CXX17_CONSTEXPR constexpr #else #define _CXX17_CONSTEXPR #endif #endif #ifndef _CXX17_STATIC_ASSERT #if __cplusplus >= 201703L #define _CXX17_STATIC_ASSERT static_assert #else #define _CXX17_STATIC_ASSERT assert #endif #endif #line 22 "Library\\lib\\cxx17" #if __cplusplus < 201703L namespace std { /** * @brief Return the size of a container. * @param __cont Container. */ template constexpr auto size(const _Container& __cont) noexcept(noexcept(__cont.size())) -> decltype(__cont.size()) { return __cont.size(); } /** * @brief Return the size of an array. */ template constexpr size_t size(const _Tp (&)[_Nm]) noexcept { return _Nm; } /** * @brief Return whether a container is empty. * @param __cont Container. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto empty(const _Container& __cont) noexcept( noexcept(__cont.empty())) -> decltype(__cont.empty()) { return __cont.empty(); } /** * @brief Return whether an array is empty (always false). */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty(const _Tp (&)[_Nm]) noexcept { return false; } /** * @brief Return whether an initializer_list is empty. * @param __il Initializer list. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty(initializer_list<_Tp> __il) noexcept { return __il.size() == 0; } struct monostate {}; } // namespace std #else #include #endif #line 11 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\reversed.hpp" namespace workspace { // Reversed container. template class reversed { _Container __c; public: template constexpr reversed(_Tp &&__x) noexcept : __c(std::forward<_Container>(__x)) {} template constexpr reversed(std::initializer_list<_Tp> __x) noexcept : __c(__x) {} constexpr decltype(auto) begin() noexcept { return std::rbegin(__c); } constexpr decltype(auto) begin() const noexcept { return std::rbegin(__c); } constexpr decltype(auto) end() noexcept { return std::rend(__c); } constexpr decltype(auto) end() const noexcept { return std::rend(__c); } constexpr bool empty() const noexcept { return std::empty(__c); } constexpr decltype(auto) size() const noexcept { return std::size(__c); } using iterator = decltype(std::rbegin(__c)); using const_iterator = decltype(std::crbegin(__c)); using size_type = decltype(std::size(__c)); using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type; using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type; using reference = typename std::iterator_traits::reference; using const_reference = typename std::iterator_traits::reference; }; #if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606L template reversed(_Tp &&) -> reversed<_Tp>; template reversed(std::initializer_list<_Tp>) -> reversed>; #endif } // namespace workspace #line 9 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\range.hpp" namespace workspace { template class range { _Index __first, __last; public: class iterator { _Index __i; public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = _Index; using pointer = void; using reference = value_type; using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag; constexpr iterator() = default; constexpr iterator(const _Index &__x) noexcept : __i(__x) {} constexpr bool operator==(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i == __x.__i; } constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i != __x.__i; } constexpr bool operator<(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i < __x.__i; } constexpr bool operator<=(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i <= __x.__i; } constexpr bool operator>(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i > __x.__i; } constexpr bool operator>=(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i >= __x.__i; } constexpr iterator &operator++() noexcept { ++__i; return *this; } constexpr iterator operator++(int) noexcept { auto __tmp = *this; ++__i; return __tmp; } constexpr iterator &operator--() noexcept { --__i; return *this; } constexpr iterator operator--(int) noexcept { auto __tmp = *this; --__i; return __tmp; } constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return __i - __x.__i; } constexpr iterator &operator+=(difference_type __x) noexcept { __i += __x; return *this; } constexpr iterator operator+(difference_type __x) const noexcept { return iterator(*this) += __x; } constexpr iterator &operator-=(difference_type __x) noexcept { __i -= __x; return *this; } constexpr iterator operator-(difference_type __x) const noexcept { return iterator(*this) -= __x; } constexpr reference operator*() const noexcept { return __i; } }; using value_type = _Index; using reference = value_type; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using size_type = std::size_t; using const_iterator = iterator; using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator; using const_reverse_iterator = reverse_iterator; template constexpr range(const _Tp1 &__first, const _Tp2 &__last) noexcept : __first(__first), __last(__last) {} template constexpr range(const _Tp &__last) noexcept : __first(), __last(__last) {} constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept { return {__first}; } constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return begin(); } constexpr iterator end() const noexcept { return {__last}; } constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return end(); } constexpr reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept { return reverse_iterator{end()}; } constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept { return rbegin(); } constexpr reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept { return reverse_iterator{begin()}; } constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return rend(); } constexpr size_type size() const noexcept { return __last - __first; } }; #if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606L template range(const _Tp1 &, const _Tp2 &) -> range())>>; template range(const _Tp &) -> range())>>; template constexpr decltype(auto) rrange(_Args &&...__args) noexcept { return reversed(range(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)); } #endif } // namespace workspace #line 2 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\zip.hpp" /** * @file zip.hpp * @brief Zip */ #line 11 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\zip.hpp" #line 2 "Library\\src\\utils\\iterator\\category.hpp" /* * @file category.hpp * @brief Iterator Category */ #line 10 "Library\\src\\utils\\iterator\\category.hpp" namespace workspace { /* * @tparam Tuple Tuple of iterator types */ template ::value - 1> struct common_iterator_category { using type = typename std::common_type< typename common_iterator_category::type, typename std::iterator_traits::type>::iterator_category>::type; }; template struct common_iterator_category { using type = typename std::iterator_traits< typename std::tuple_element<0, Tuple>::type>::iterator_category; }; } // namespace workspace #line 2 "Library\\src\\utils\\iterator\\reverse.hpp" /* * @file reverse_iterator.hpp * @brief Reverse Iterator */ #if __cplusplus >= 201703L #include #include namespace workspace { /* * @class reverse_iterator * @brief Wrapper class for `std::reverse_iterator`. * @see http://gcc.gnu.org/PR51823 */ template class reverse_iterator : public std::reverse_iterator { using base_std = std::reverse_iterator; std::optional deref; public: using base_std::reverse_iterator; constexpr typename base_std::reference operator*() noexcept { if (!deref) { Iterator tmp = base_std::current; deref = *--tmp; } return deref.value(); } constexpr reverse_iterator &operator++() noexcept { base_std::operator++(); deref.reset(); return *this; } constexpr reverse_iterator &operator--() noexcept { base_std::operator++(); deref.reset(); return *this; } constexpr reverse_iterator operator++(int) noexcept { base_std::operator++(); deref.reset(); return *this; } constexpr reverse_iterator operator--(int) noexcept { base_std::operator++(); deref.reset(); return *this; } }; } // namespace workspace #endif #line 15 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\zip.hpp" namespace workspace { template class zipped : protected _Tuple { public: zipped(const _Tuple &__x) : _Tuple(__x) {} template constexpr decltype(auto) get() const &noexcept { return *std::get<_Nm>(*this); } template constexpr decltype(auto) get() &&noexcept { auto __tmp = *std::get<_Nm>(*this); return __tmp; } }; template class zip { std::tuple<_Containers...> __c; template constexpr decltype(auto) begin_cat() const noexcept { if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm != sizeof...(_Containers)) { return std::tuple_cat(std::tuple(std::begin(std::get<_Nm>(__c))), begin_cat<_Nm + 1>()); } else return std::tuple<>(); } template constexpr decltype(auto) end_cat() const noexcept { if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm != sizeof...(_Containers)) { return std::tuple_cat(std::tuple(std::end(std::get<_Nm>(__c))), end_cat<_Nm + 1>()); } else return std::tuple<>(); } using _Iterator_tuple = std::tuple()))...>; public: using size_type = std::size_t; class iterator : public zipped<_Iterator_tuple> { using _Base = zipped<_Iterator_tuple>; public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = _Base; using pointer = void; using reference = value_type &; using iterator_category = typename common_iterator_category<_Iterator_tuple>::type; protected: template constexpr bool equal(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm != sizeof...(_Containers)) { return std::get<_Nm>(*this) == std::get<_Nm>(__x) || equal<_Nm + 1>(__x); } else return false; } template constexpr void increment() noexcept { if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm != sizeof...(_Containers)) ++std::get<_Nm>(*this), increment<_Nm + 1>(); } template constexpr void decrement() noexcept { if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm != sizeof...(_Containers)) --std::get<_Nm>(*this), decrement<_Nm + 1>(); } template constexpr void advance(difference_type __d) noexcept { if _CXX17_CONSTEXPR (_Nm != sizeof...(_Containers)) std::get<_Nm>(*this) += __d, advance<_Nm + 1>(__d); } public: iterator(const _Iterator_tuple &__x) : _Base(__x) {} constexpr bool operator==(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return equal(__x); } constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return !equal(__x); } constexpr iterator &operator++() noexcept { increment(); return *this; } constexpr iterator operator++(int) noexcept { auto __tmp = *this; increment(); return __tmp; } constexpr iterator &operator--() noexcept { decrement(); return *this; } constexpr iterator operator--(int) noexcept { auto __tmp = *this; decrement(); return __tmp; } constexpr bool operator<(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return std::get<0>(*this) < std::get<0>(__x); } constexpr bool operator<=(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return std::get<0>(*this) <= std::get<0>(__x); } constexpr bool operator>(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return !operator<=(__x); } constexpr bool operator>=(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return !operator>(__x); } constexpr iterator &operator+=(difference_type __d) noexcept { advance(__d); return *this; } constexpr iterator &operator-=(difference_type __d) noexcept { advance(-__d); return *this; } constexpr iterator operator+(difference_type __d) const noexcept { return iterator{*this} += __d; } constexpr iterator operator-(difference_type __d) const noexcept { return iterator{*this} -= __d; } constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator &__x) const noexcept { return std::get<0>(*this) - std::get<0>(__x); } constexpr reference operator*() noexcept { return {*this}; } }; using const_iterator = iterator; template constexpr zip(_Args &&...__args) noexcept : __c(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...) {} template constexpr zip(std::initializer_list<_Args>... __args) noexcept : __c(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...) {} constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept { return {begin_cat()}; } constexpr iterator end() const noexcept { return {end_cat()}; } constexpr reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept { return reverse_iterator{end()}; } constexpr reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept { return reverse_iterator{begin()}; } #if __cplusplus >= 201703L constexpr size_type size() const noexcept { size_type __n = -1; std::apply( [&__n](auto &&__x) { if (__n < __x.size()) __n = __x.size(); }, __c); return __n; } #endif }; #if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606L template zip(_Args &&...) -> zip<_Args...>; // For gcc version < 10 // https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=80438 template zip(_Tp &&, _Args &&...) -> zip<_Tp, _Args...>; template zip(std::initializer_list<_Args>...) -> zip...>; #endif } // namespace workspace namespace std { template struct tuple_element<_Nm, workspace::zipped<_Tuple>> { using type = remove_reference_t< typename iterator_traits>::reference>; }; template struct tuple_size> : tuple_size<_Tuple> {}; } // namespace std #line 10 "Library\\src\\utils\\py-like\\enumerate.hpp" #if __cplusplus >= 201703L namespace workspace { namespace _enumerate_impl { constexpr size_t min_size() noexcept { return SIZE_MAX; } template constexpr size_t min_size(_Container const &__cont, _Args &&... __args) noexcept { return std::min(std::size(__cont), min_size(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)); } } // namespace _enumerate_impl template constexpr decltype(auto) enumerate(_Args &&... __args) noexcept { return zip(range(_enumerate_impl::min_size(__args...)), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); } template constexpr decltype(auto) enumerate( std::initializer_list<_Args> const &... __args) noexcept { return zip(range(_enumerate_impl::min_size(__args...)), std::vector(__args)...); } } // namespace workspace #endif #line 6 "atcoder-workspace\\tmp.cc" namespace workspace { void main() { // start here! int h, w; std::cin >> h >> w; std::vector> rows(501010), cols(rows); std::vector>> cells(501010); for (auto i : range(h)) { for (auto j : range(w)) { int a; std::cin >> a; if (a) { cells[a].emplace_back(i, j); rows[a].insert(i); cols[a].insert(j); } } } int ans{}; for (auto &&[rs, cs, ps] : zip(rows, cols, cells)) { rs.make(); cs.make(); Dinic g; auto src = g.add_node(); auto dst = g.add_node(); auto rv = g.add_nodes(rs.size()); auto cv = g.add_nodes(cs.size()); for (auto &&v : rv) { g.add_edge(src, v, 1); } for (auto &&v : cv) { g.add_edge(v, dst, 1); } for (auto [x, y] : ps) { g.add_edge(rv[rs.lower_bound(x)], cv[cs.lower_bound(y)], 1); } ans += g.run(src, dst); } std::cout << ans << "\n"; } } // namespace workspace int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0); std::cin.tie(0); workspace::main(); }