//Let's join Kaede Takagaki Fan Club !! #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define int long long //#define L __int128 typedef long long ll; typedef pair P; typedef pair P1; typedef pair P2; #define pu push #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define mp make_pair #define eps 1e-7 #define INF 1000000000 #define a first #define b second #define fi first #define sc second #define rng(i,a,b) for(int i=(int)(a);i<(int)(b);i++) #define rep(i,x) for(int i=0;i bool chmax(t&a,u b){if(a bool chmin(t&a,u b){if(b using vc=vector; template ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const pair& p){ return os<<"{"< ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const vc& v){ os<<"{"; for(auto e:v)os<> 30)) * 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9; x = (x ^ (x >> 27)) * 0x94d049bb133111eb; return x ^ (x >> 31); } size_t operator()(uint64_t x) const { static const uint64_t FIXED_RANDOM = chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); return splitmix64(x + FIXED_RANDOM); } size_t operator()(pair x)const{ return operator()(uint64_t(x.first)<<32|x.second); } }; //unordered_set -> dtype, null_type //unordered_map -> dtype(key), dtype(value) using namespace __gnu_pbds; template using hash_table=gp_hash_table; template void g(T &a){ cin >> a; } template void o(const T &a,bool space=false){ cout << a << (space?' ':'\n'); } //ios::sync_with_stdio(false); const ll mod = 998244353; //const ll mod = 1000000007; mt19937_64 mt(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); template void add(T&a,T b){ a+=b; if(a >= mod) a-=mod; } ll modpow(ll x,ll n){ ll res=1; while(n>0){ if(n&1) res=res*x%mod; x=x*x%mod; n>>=1; } return res; } #define _sz 1 ll F[_sz],R[_sz]; void make(){ F[0] = 1; for(int i=1;i<_sz;i++) F[i] = F[i-1]*i%mod; R[_sz-1] = modpow(F[_sz-1], mod-2); for(int i=_sz-2;i>=0;i--) R[i] = R[i+1] * (i+1) % mod; } ll C(int a,int b){ if(b < 0 || a < b) return 0; return F[a]*R[b]%mod*R[a-b]%mod; } #define SZ 200005 int n; vc

edge[SZ]; P ar[SZ*2]={}; int pos[SZ]={},id=0,up[SZ],dep[SZ],val[SZ]; P mn[20][SZ*2]={}; int sz[SZ*2]={}; struct LCA{ //SZは元の木の頂点数より大 //外部でedge[]に隣接状況を持って置く必要あり void dfs(int v,int u,int d){ pos[v] = id; up[v] = u; val[v] = d; if(u == -1) dep[v] = 0; else dep[v] = dep[u] + 1; ar[id++] = mp(dep[v],v); for(int i=0;i= id) mn[j+1][i] = mn[j][i]; else mn[j+1][i] = min(mn[j][i], mn[j][i+(1< p == NULL || n -> p -> l != n && n -> p -> r != n; } inline bool left(node *n){ return n == n -> p -> l; } //遅延評価 //push(n)を走らせた後にはn->l と n->r の値は正しく計算されている必要あり inline void push(node *n){ if(n->rev){ swap(n->l, n->r); if(n->l){ n->l->rev ^= 1; n->l->D.rv(); } if(n->r){ n->r->rev ^= 1; n->r->D.rv(); } n->rev = 0; } } //値の再計算 inline void update(node *n){ //最初に遅延評価 push(n); dat slf = mrg(n->S, n->L); if(n->l) slf = mrg(n->l->D, slf); if(n->r) slf = mrg(slf, n->r->D); n->D = slf; } inline void connect(node *n, node *p, bool l){ (l ? p -> l : p -> r) = n; if(n) n -> p = p; } //rotateが呼ばれる前には関与しているノードの遅延評価をする必要がある inline void rotate(node *n){ node *p = n -> p, *g = p -> p; bool l = left(n); connect(l ? n -> r : n -> l, p, l); if(!is_root(p)) connect(n, g, left(p)); else n -> p = g; connect(p, n, !l); update(p), update(n); } inline void splay(node *n){ while(!is_root(n)){ node *p = n -> p, *g = p -> p; //関与する頂点群の遅延評価をする if(!is_root(p)) push(g); push(p), push(n); if(!is_root(p)) rotate(left(n) ^ left(p) ? n : p); rotate(n); } //最後に遅延評価 push(n); } //返り値はnじゃないよ //部分木クエリの時はLを修正しようね! inline node* expose(node *n){ node *last = NULL; for(node *m = n; m; m = m -> p){ splay(m); m->L.sz += (m->r ? m->r->D.sz : 0); m -> r = last; m->L.sz -= (m->r ? m->r->D.sz : 0); update(m); last = m; } splay(n); return last; } //部分木クエリの時はLを修正しようね! inline void link(node *m, node *n){ expose(m), expose(n); m -> p = n; n->L.sz += m->D.sz; update(n); } inline void cut(node *n){ expose(n); n -> l -> p = NULL; n -> l = NULL; update(n); } //nを根に持っていく //updateは必要ない inline void evert(node *n){ expose(n); n->rev ^= 1; n->D.rv(); } //u-v切断: evert(V[u]) cut(V[v]) //u-v接続: evert(V[u]) link(V[u], V[v]) //点更新は: evert(V[v]) update(V[x]) //u-vパスクエリ: evert(V[u]) expose(V[v]) update(V[v]) でV[v]->Dを見る const int MAXN = 200005; node *V[MAXN]; void solve(){ cin>>n; repn(i, n){ V[i] = new node(i, 1); } rep(i, n-1){ int a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c; edge[a].eb(b, c); edge[b].eb(a, c); evert(V[a]); link(V[a], V[b]); } kaede.prepare(); map>M; repn(i, n){ M[val[i]].pb(i); } int ans = 0; for(auto a:M){ auto ls = a.b; for(auto v:ls){ for(auto x:edge[v]){ if(val[v] == a.a and val[x.a] == a.a and v < x.a) continue; { evert(V[v]); cut(V[x.a]); } } } for(auto v:ls){ if(val[v] != a.a) continue; for(auto x:edge[v]){ if(val[x.a] != a.a){ evert(V[v]); link(V[v], V[x.a]); } } evert(V[v]); ans += V[v]->D.sz - 1; for(auto x:edge[v]){ if(val[x.a] != a.a){ evert(V[v]); cut(V[x.a]); } } } for(auto v:ls){ for(auto x:edge[v]){ if(val[v] == a.a and val[x.a] == a.a and v < x.a) continue; { evert(V[v]); link(V[v], V[x.a]); } } } } o(ans); } signed main(){ cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cout<> t; while(t--) solve(); }