use std::cmp::*; use std::io::{Write, BufWriter}; // macro_rules! input { ($($r:tt)*) => { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut bytes = std::io::Read::bytes(std::io::BufReader::new(stdin.lock())); let mut next = move || -> String{ bytes.by_ref().map(|r|r.unwrap() as char) .skip_while(|c|c.is_whitespace()) .take_while(|c|!c.is_whitespace()) .collect() }; input_inner!{next, $($r)*} }; } macro_rules! input_inner { ($next:expr) => {}; ($next:expr,) => {}; ($next:expr, $var:ident : $t:tt $($r:tt)*) => { let $var = read_value!($next, $t); input_inner!{$next $($r)*} }; } macro_rules! read_value { ($next:expr, [ $t:tt ; $len:expr ]) => { (0..$len).map(|_| read_value!($next, $t)).collect::>() }; ($next:expr, chars) => { read_value!($next, String).chars().collect::>() }; ($next:expr, $t:ty) => ($next().parse::<$t>().expect("Parse error")); } /// Verified by mod mod_int { use std::ops::*; pub trait Mod: Copy { fn m() -> i64; } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct ModInt { pub x: i64, phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData } impl ModInt { // x >= 0 pub fn new(x: i64) -> Self { ModInt::new_internal(x % M::m()) } fn new_internal(x: i64) -> Self { ModInt { x: x, phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData } } pub fn pow(self, mut e: i64) -> Self { debug_assert!(e >= 0); let mut sum = ModInt::new_internal(1); let mut cur = self; while e > 0 { if e % 2 != 0 { sum *= cur; } cur *= cur; e /= 2; } sum } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn inv(self) -> Self { self.pow(M::m() - 2) } } impl Default for ModInt { fn default() -> Self { Self::new_internal(0) } } impl>> Add for ModInt { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: T) -> Self { let other = other.into(); let mut sum = self.x + other.x; if sum >= M::m() { sum -= M::m(); } ModInt::new_internal(sum) } } impl>> Sub for ModInt { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, other: T) -> Self { let other = other.into(); let mut sum = self.x - other.x; if sum < 0 { sum += M::m(); } ModInt::new_internal(sum) } } impl>> Mul for ModInt { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, other: T) -> Self { ModInt::new(self.x * other.into().x % M::m()) } } impl>> AddAssign for ModInt { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: T) { *self = *self + other; } } impl>> SubAssign for ModInt { fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: T) { *self = *self - other; } } impl>> MulAssign for ModInt { fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: T) { *self = *self * other; } } impl Neg for ModInt { type Output = Self; fn neg(self) -> Self { ModInt::new(0) - self } } impl ::std::fmt::Display for ModInt { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { self.x.fmt(f) } } impl From for ModInt { fn from(x: i64) -> Self { Self::new(x) } } } // mod mod_int macro_rules! define_mod { ($struct_name: ident, $modulo: expr) => { #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct $struct_name {} impl mod_int::Mod for $struct_name { fn m() -> i64 { $modulo } } } } const MOD: i64 = 1_000_000_007; define_mod!(P, MOD); type MInt = mod_int::ModInt

; // Depends on fn fact_init(w: usize) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut fac = vec![MInt::new(1); w]; let mut invfac = vec![0.into(); w]; for i in 1..w { fac[i] = fac[i - 1] * i as i64; } invfac[w - 1] = fac[w - 1].inv(); for i in (0..w - 1).rev() { invfac[i] = invfac[i + 1] * (i as i64 + 1); } (fac, invfac) } // (4) // s[i] に対して、j 番目に取られる時の疲労度の期待値が分かれば良さそう。 // s[i] に対して、s[i] と l 文字目まで同じ文字列が s[i] 含め x 個以上あるような l の最小値を tbl[i][x] とする。tbl[i][x] の計算は 1 文字ずつ見て探索範囲を狭めることでできる。 // tbl[i][x] >= 0 である i, x (>= 1) に対して、q[x][k] := (n 個のうち指定された x 個を全て取りながら k 個取り、しかも k 個目が i である確率) = C(n-x, k-x)(k-1)! / (C(n, k)k!) = C(n-x, k-x)/(C(n, k)k) とすると、(tbl[i][x] + 1) * (q[x][k] - q[x+1][k]) の和 が E_k - E_{k-1} であり、その累積和を P(n, k) 倍したものが出力すべき答え。 // tbl[i][x] は i を動かしたときの和をとれば良い。計算量は O(sum |S_i| log n + n^2) である。二分探索ではなく尺取り法を使って tbl を計算すれば O(sum |S_i| + n^2) fn main() { let out = std::io::stdout(); let mut out = BufWriter::new(out.lock()); macro_rules! puts {($($format:tt)*) => (let _ = write!(out,$($format)*););} input! { n: usize, s: [chars; n], } let (fac, invfac) = fact_init(n + 1); let mut s = s; s.sort(); for i in 0..n { s[i].push('}'); } const INF: usize = 1 << 28; let mut tbl = vec![vec![INF; n + 1]; n]; for i in 0..n { let mut l = 0; let mut r = n; let mut len = 0; while len < s[i].len() { // We don't need bounds check because after we add '}' to every // string, every string becomes out of the interval [l, r) before // its out-of-bounds element is accessed. while l < i && s[i][len] != s[l][len] { l += 1; } while r > i + 1 && s[i][len] != s[r - 1][len] { r -= 1; } tbl[i][r - l] = min(tbl[i][r - l], len + 1); len += 1; } for j in 1..n + 1 { tbl[i][j] = min(tbl[i][j], tbl[i][j - 1]); } } let mut sum = vec![MInt::new(0); n + 1]; for i in 0..n { for j in 1..n + 1 { sum[j] += tbl[i][j] as i64; } } let mut ans = MInt::new(0); for k in 1..n + 1 { let mut now = MInt::new(0); let mut val = vec![MInt::new(0); n + 2]; for x in 1..k + 1 { val[x] = fac[n - x] * invfac[k - x] * invfac[n - k]; } for x in 1..k + 1 { now += (val[x] - val[x + 1]) * sum[x]; } now *= invfac[n] * fac[n - k] * fac[k - 1]; ans += now; puts!("{}\n", ans * fac[n] * invfac[n - k]); } }