import sys input = sys.stdin.readline """ Strongly Connected Components source ; 注) PyPy3 で提出した際の TLE を防ぐため、dfs 部分を非再帰で実装 """ # 強連結成分分解(SCC): グラフGに対するSCCを行う # 入力: : 頂点サイズ, : 順方向の有向グラフ, : 逆方向の有向グラフ # 出力: (<ラベル数>, <各頂点のラベル番号>) def scc(N, G, RG): order = [] used = [0]*N group = [None]*N cnt = [0]*N def dfs(s): que = [s] used[s] = 1 while(que): v = que[-1] while(cnt[v] < len(G[v])): t = G[v][cnt[v]] cnt[v] += 1 if not used[t]: used[t] = 1 que.append(t) break else: order.append(que.pop()) def rdfs(s, col): used[s] = 1 que = [s] while(que): v = que.pop() group[v] = col for t in RG[v]: if not used[t]: used[t] = 1 que.append(t) for i in range(N): if not used[i]: dfs(i) used = [0]*N label = 0 for s in reversed(order): if not used[s]: rdfs(s, label) label += 1 return label, group # 縮約後のグラフを構築 def construct(N, G, label, group): G0 = [set() for i in range(label)] GP = [[] for i in range(label)] for v in range(N): lbs = group[v] for w in G[v]: lbt = group[w] if lbs == lbt: continue G0[lbs].add(lbt) GP[lbs].append(v) return G0,GP """ Main Code """ N,M = map(int,input().split()) if not(2 <= N <= 10 ** 5 and 0 <= M <= min(2 * 10 ** 5, N * (N - 1))): exit(1) G = [[] for _ in [0]*N] GR = [[] for _ in [0]*N] st = set([]) for _ in [0]*M: a,b = map(int,input().split()) if ((a,b) in st): exit(1) st.add((a,b)) if not(1 <= a <= N and 1 <= b <= N and a != b): exit(1) G[a-1].append(b-1) GR[b-1].append(a-1) label,group = scc(N,G,GR) DAG,_ = construct(N,G,label,group) t = len(DAG) if(t == 1): print(0) exit(0) source = [True]*t sink = [True]*t for i in range(t): for j in DAG[i]: sink[i] = source[j] = False ans = max(sum(source),sum(sink)) print(ans)