#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = long double; using i32 = int32_t; using i64 = int64_t; namespace cpio{ //IO library for Competitive-Programming struct scanner { private: struct reader { template operator T() const {T buf; std::cin >> buf; return buf;} }; public: scanner() {std::cin.sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr);} reader operator()() const {return reader();} }; //Debug out void dout(){ cerr << "\n"; } template void dout(const T& a, const Ts&... b){ cerr << a; (cerr << ... << (cerr << ' ', b)); cerr << "\n"; } template void input(T&... a){ (cin >> ... >> a); } void yes(){ cout << "Yes\n"; } void no(){ cout << "No\n"; } } namespace cpmath{ //Math library for Competitive-Programming constexpr ll mod97 = 1000000007; constexpr ll mod99 = 1000000009; constexpr ll mod89 = 998244353; constexpr long double pi = 3.14159265359; std::unordered_set allowed_mod; std::unordered_set unallowed_mod; constexpr int DX4[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}; constexpr int DY4[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; constexpr int DX8[8] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1}; constexpr int DY8[8] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; //Calculate n! in mod (fmod) ll factorial(ll a, ll b = -1, const ll fmod = -1){ ll ans = 1; if (fmod > 1) { if (b == -1) for (ll i = a; i > 1; i--) ans = ((ans%fmod)*(i%fmod))%fmod; else for (ll i = a; i >= b; i--) ans = ((ans%fmod)*(i%fmod))%fmod; } else{ if (b == -1) for (ll i = a; i > 1; i--) ans = ans*i; else for(ll i = a; i >= b; i--) ans = ans*i; } return ans; } //Calculate m^p ll fastpow(ll m, ll p){ if (p == 0) return 1; if (p%2 == 0){ ll t = fastpow(m, p/2); return t*t; } return m*fastpow(m, p-1); } //Calculate m^p in mod (fmod) ll modpow(ll m, ll p, const ll fmod){ if (p == 0) return 1; if (p%2 == 0){ ll t = modpow(m, p/2, fmod); return (t*t)%fmod; } return (m*modpow(m, p-1, fmod))%fmod; } //Angle convert long double dtor(const long double deg){return deg*(pi/(ld)180);} long double rtod(const long double rad){return rad*(ld)180/pi;} //Angle convert //modint a(integer < 10**18, mod, (bool)Is number for mod prime?) template class modint{ private: T num; long long mod; bool set_prime_flag; public: explicit modint(T n, long long m = cpmath::mod99, bool pflag = true){ num = static_cast(n); set_prime_flag = pflag; if (pflag == true){ if (mod_is_prime(m)) mod = m; else throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid value for mod: Check mod is prime number or set plag to false"); } else mod = m; } //modint constructer //+ operator constexpr modint operator+(modint &t){return modint((this->raw()+t.raw())%this->mod, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag);} constexpr modint operator+(long long t){return modint((this->raw()+t)%this->mod, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag);} constexpr modint operator+=(modint &t){ this->num = (this->raw()+t.raw())%mod; return modint(this->num, mod, set_prime_flag); } constexpr modint operator+=(long long t){ this->num = (this->raw()+t)%mod; return modint(this->num, mod, set_prime_flag); } //+ operator //- operator constexpr modint operator-(modint &t){return modint(((this->raw()-t.raw())%this->mod+this->mod)%this->mod, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag);} constexpr modint operator-(long long t){return modint(((this->raw()-t)%this->mod+this->mod)%this->mod, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag);} constexpr modint operator-=(modint &t){ this->num = ((this->raw()-t.raw())%this->mod+this->mod)%this->mod; return modint(this->num, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag); } constexpr modint operator-=(long long t){ this->num = ((this->raw()+t)%this->mod+this->mod)%this->mod; return modint(this->num, mod, this->set_prime_flag); } //- operator //* operator constexpr modint operator*(modint &t){return modint((this->raw()*t.raw())%this->mod, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag);} constexpr modint operator*(long long t){return modint((this->raw()*(t%mod))%this->mod, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag);} constexpr modint operator*= (modint &t){ this->num = (this->raw()*t.raw())%this->mod; return modint(this->num, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag); } constexpr modint operator*=(long long t){ this->num = (this->raw()*(t%mod))%mod; return modint(this->num, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag); } //* operator //= operator constexpr modint operator=(long long t){ this->num = t%mod; return modint(this->num, this->mod, this->set_prime_flag); } //= operator void plus(T n){num = (num+(n%mod))%mod;} void minus(T n){num = ((num-(n%mod))%mod+mod)%mod;} void multi(T n){num = ((num%mod)*(n%mod))%mod;} void div(T n){ if (set_prime_flag == false) throw std::logic_error("Not Divisible in case you don't set pflag true"); else num = (num*inversed(n))%mod; } T raw(){return num;} private: long long inversed(ll n){ return cpmath::modpow(n, mod-2, mod); } bool mod_is_prime(int n){ if (n == cpmath::mod97 || n == cpmath::mod99 || n == cpmath::mod89 || cpmath::allowed_mod.count(n) > 0){ return true; } else if (cpmath::unallowed_mod.count(n) > 0){ return false; } else{ for (ll i = 2; i*i <= n; i++){ if (n%i == 0) { cpmath::unallowed_mod.insert(n); return false; } } cpmath::allowed_mod.insert(n); return true; } } //mod_is_prime }; //modint } cpio::scanner in; //Declaration of inputclass using cpio::yes; using cpio::no; using cpio::dout; using cpio::input; using cpmath::mod89; using cpmath::mod97; using cpmath::mod99; using cpmath::modint; //For Grid serching //using cpmath::DX4; //using cpmath::DY4; //using cpmath::DX8; //using cpmath::DY8; //For Grid serching int main(){ int n = in(); ld p = in(); if (n >= 200) cout << 1 << endl; else{ ld ans = p; for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++){ ans += (1.00-ans)*p; } cout << fixed << setprecision(15) << ans << endl; } }