import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import* import scala.math.* import scala.util.chaining.* object DAG: def dag(graph: Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]]): Array[Int] = val n = graph.length val indices = Array.fill(n){0} val stack = Array.fill(n){0} val size = Array.fill(n){0} var pos = 0 var outPos = n - 1 for i <- 0 until n do if indices(i) == 0 then stack(pos) = i pos += 1 while pos > 0 do pos -= 1 val top = stack(pos) val edge = graph(top) if indices(top) == edge.size then indices(top) = -1 stack(outPos) = top outPos -= 1 else var index = indices(top) while index < edge.length && indices(edge(index)) != 0 do size(edge(index)) += 1 index += 1 pos += 1 if index < edge.size then stack(pos) = edge(index) pos += 1 size(edge(index)) += 1 index += 1 indices(top) = index val reverseGraph = Array.tabulate(n){i => Array.fill(size(i)){0}} for from <- graph.indices do for to <- graph(from) do size(to) -= 1 reverseGraph(to)(size(to)) = from val newStack = size val result = indices for i <- stack do if result(i) < 0 then outPos += 1 result(i) = outPos newStack(pos) = i pos += 1 while pos > 0 do pos -= 1 val from = newStack(pos) for to <- reverseGraph(from) do if result(to) < 0 then result(to) = outPos size(pos) = to pos += 1 result @main def main = val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt) val edges = Array.fill(m){ val Array(a, b) = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt - 1) a -> b } val graph = Array.fill(n){ArrayBuffer[Int]()} for (a, b) <- edges do graph(a).append(b) val dag = DAG.dag(graph) val inDegree = Array.fill(dag.max + 1){0} val outDegree = Array.fill(inDegree.length){0} for (i, j) <- edges do val a = dag(i) val b = dag(j) if a != b then outDegree(a) += 1 inDegree(b) += 1 val greatest = inDegree.count(_ == 0) val smallest = outDegree.count(_ == 0) if inDegree.length == 1 then println(0) else println(max(greatest, smallest))