import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import* import scala.util.chaining.* import scala.math.* import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag} import scala.util.* import scala.annotation.tailrec object ModInt: opaque type ModInt = Long inline def zero: ModInt = 0 inline def one: ModInt = 1 extension (value: Long) inline def asModInt(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = value % mod extension (value: Int) inline def asModInt(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = value % mod trait Converter[T]: inline def convert(value: T)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt inline given Converter[Int] with override inline def convert(value: Int)(using inline mod: Int) = value.asModInt inline given Converter[Long] with override inline def convert(value: Long)(using inline mod: Int) = value.asModInt inline given Converter[ModInt] with override inline def convert(value: ModInt)(using inline mod: Int) = value extension (modInt: ModInt) inline def asLong(using inline mod: Int): Long = (modInt + mod) % mod inline def inverse(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = var x = modInt var y = mod.toLong var a = 1L var b = 0L var c = 0L var d = 1L while y != 0 do val q = x / y val e = a - c * q val f = b - d * q a = c b = d c = e d = f x = y y = c * modInt + d * mod require(x.abs == 1L) if x == 1 then a % mod else -a % mod inline def powMod(exp: Long)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = var result = 1L var base = modInt var e = exp while e > 0 do if (e & 1) == 1 then result = result * base % mod base = base * base % mod e >>= 1 result inline def powMod(exp: Int)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = powMod(exp.toLong) extension [L: Converter, R: Converter] (left: L) inline def +(right: R)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = (summon[Converter[L]].convert(left) + summon[Converter[R]].convert(right)).asModInt inline def -(right: R)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = (summon[Converter[L]].convert(left) - summon[Converter[R]].convert(right)).asModInt inline def *(right: R)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = (summon[Converter[L]].convert(left) * summon[Converter[R]].convert(right)).asModInt inline def /(right: R)(using inline mod: Int): ModInt = (summon[Converter[L]].convert(left) * summon[Converter[R]].convert(right).inverse).asModInt @main def main = import ModInt.* inline given MOD: Int = 998244353 val Array(height, width, valueMax) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt) var result = for min <- 1 to valueMax do result += ((valueMax - min + 1).asModInt.powMod(height) - (valueMax - min).asModInt.powMod(height)) * ((valueMax - min + 1).asModInt.powMod(width) - (valueMax - min).asModInt.powMod(width)) println(result.asLong)