import strutils, sequtils var n_sum = 0 proc solve() = let n = stdin.readLine.parseInt let a = parseBiggestInt n_sum += n assert 1 <= n and n <= 200000 assert a.mapIt(1 <= it and it <= 1000000000).foldl(a and b) let a_sum = a.foldl(a + b) if a.contains(1): if (a_sum - n) mod 2 == 0: echo "Second" else: echo "First" else: if (a_sum - (n + 1)) mod 2 == 0: echo "First" else: if n mod 2 == 1: echo "Second" else: let a_min = a.min if a_min mod 2 == 0: echo "First" else: echo "Second" proc last_check() = try: let x = stdin.readLine assert x == "" except EOFError: return let t = stdin.readLine.parseInt assert 1 <= t and t <= 200000 for _ in 0..