macro make_array(value, *dims) {% for dim in dims %}{{dim}}) { {% end %} {{ value }} {% for dim in dims %} } {% end %} end # require "crystal/weighted_flow_graph/min_cost_flow" # require "crystal/weighted_flow_graph/graph" module WeightedFlowGraph class Edge getter to : Int32 property rev : Int32 property cap : Int64 property cost : Int64 def initialize(@to, @rev, @cap, @cost) end def inspect(io) io << "{to: #{@to}, rev: #{@rev}, cap: #{@cap}, cost: #{@cost}}" end end class Graph getter n : Int32 getter g : Array(Array(Edge)) getter pos : Array(Tuple(Int32, Int32)) delegate "[]", to: g def initialize(n) @n = n.to_i @pos = [] of Tuple(Int32, Int32) @g = Array(Array(Edge)).new(@n) { [] of Edge } end def add(v, nv, cap, cost, origin = 0) : Int32 v = v.to_i - origin nv = nv.to_i - origin cap = cap.to_i64 cost = cost.to_i64 edge_number = pos.size pos << {v, g[v].size} rev_v = g[v].size rev_nv = g[nv].size rev_nv += 1 if v == nv g[v] <<, rev_nv, cap, cost) g[nv] <<, rev_v, 0i64, -cost) edge_number end def get_edge(i) _e = g[pos[i][0]][pos[i][1]] _re = g[][_e.rev] {pos[i][0],, _e.cap + _re.cap, _re.cap, _e.cost} end def edges do |(from, id)| _e = g[from][id] _re = g[][_e.rev] {from,, _e.cap + _re.cap, _re.cap, _e.cost} end end def debug(origin = 0)"", "w") do |fh| fh.puts "digraph tree {" edges.each do |v, nv, cap, flow, cost| v += origin nv += origin fh.puts "#{v} -> #{nv} [label=\"#{cap}[#{flow}],#{cost}\"]" end fh.puts "}" end puts `cat | graph-easy --from=dot --as_ascii` end end end # require "crystal/priority_queue" # プライオリティキュー class PriorityQueue(T) getter f : T, T -> Bool getter a : Array(T) delegate size, to: a delegate empty?, to: a delegate "[]", to: a # forward_missing_to a def self.lesser new { |a,b| a > b } end def self.greater new { |a,b| a < b } end def initialize(&block : T, T -> Bool) @f = block @a = Array(T).new end def initialize @f = ->(a : T, b : T) { a < b } @a = Array(T).new end def <<(v : T) @a << v fixup(a.size - 1) end def pop : T ret = a[0] last = a.pop if a.size > 0 a[0] = last fixdown end ret end def fixup(i : Int32) j = up(i) while i > 0 && comp j, i a.swap i, j i, j = j, up(j) end end def fixdown i = 0 while lo(i) < a.size if hi(i) < a.size && comp lo(i), hi(i) j = hi(i) else j = lo(i) end break if comp j, i a.swap i, j i = j end end @[AlwaysInline] def comp(i, j) a[i], a[j] end @[AlwaysInline] def lo(i) i * 2 + 1 end @[AlwaysInline] def hi(i) i * 2 + 2 end @[AlwaysInline] def up(i) (i - 1) >> 1 end end alias PQ = PriorityQueue module WeightedFlowGraph class MinCostFlow getter g : Graph getter pv : Array(Int32) getter pe : Array(Int32) getter dual : Array(Int64) delegate :pos, :n, to: g def initialize(@g) @pv = Array(Int32).new(n, 0) @pe = Array(Int32).new(n, 0) @dual = Array(Int64).new(n, 0) end def solve(s, t, flow_limit = Int64::MAX) slope(s, t, flow_limit).last end def dual_ref(s, t) dist =, Int64::MAX) pv.fill(-1) pe.fill(-1) seen = Array(Bool).new(n, false) que = PriorityQueue(Tuple(Int64, Int32)).lesser dist[s] = 0_i64 que << {0_i64, s} while que.size > 0 d, v = que.pop next if seen[v] seen[v] = true break if v == t g[v].each_with_index do |e, i| nv, cap, cost =, e.cap, e.cost next if seen[nv] || cap == 0 n_cost = cost - dual[nv] + dual[v] next unless dist[nv] - dist[v] > n_cost dist[nv] = dist[v] + n_cost pv[nv] = v pe[nv] = i que << {dist[nv], nv} end end return false unless seen[t] n.times do |i| next unless seen[i] dual[i] -= dist[t] - dist[i] end true end def slope(s = 0, t = n - 1, flow_limit = Int64::MAX) s = s.to_i t = t.to_i flow = 0_i64 cost = 0_i64 prev_cost = -1 result = [{flow, cost}] while flow < flow_limit break unless dual_ref(s, t) c = flow_limit - flow v = t while v != s c = g[pv[v]][pe[v]].cap if c > g[pv[v]][pe[v]].cap v = pv[v] end v = t while v != s e = g[pv[v]][pe[v]] e.cap -= c g[v][e.rev].cap += c v = pv[v] end d = -dual[s] flow += c cost += c * d result.pop if prev_cost == d result << {flow, cost} prev_cost = d end result end end end include WeightedFlowGraph enum C Y U K I end n = gets.to_s.to_i s = do |c| case c when 'y' then C::Y when 'u' then C::U when 'k' then C::K when 'i' then C::I else raise "bad" end end v = g = + 2) root = n goal = n + 1 INF = 1e5.to_i64 MAX = 1e9.to_i64 # 先頭のyにrootから辺を貼る n.times do |i| if s[i].y? g.add root, i, INF, 0 break end end # 次の出現位置を事前計算 nex = make_array(-1, n, 4) nex[-1][s[-1].value] = n - 1 (0...n - 1).reverse_each do |i| 4.times { |j| nex[i][j] = nex[i + 1][j] } nex[i][s[i].value] = i end # 隣接する同じ文字に辺を貼る (0...n-1).each do |i| j = nex[i+1][s[i].value] next if j == -1 g.add i, j, INF, 0 end # y,u,kからu,k,iへ辺を貼る (0...n-1).each do |i| j = s[i].value + 1 next if j == 4 if nex[i+1][j] != -1 g.add i, nex[i+1][j], 1, MAX - v[i] end end # iからgoalへ辺を貼る n.times do |i| next unless s[i].i? g.add i, goal, 1, MAX - v[i] end # g.debug flow, cost =, goal, n) ans = flow * MAX * 4 - cost pp ans