import sys input = sys.stdin.readline class Monoid: def __init__(self, ope, e): self.ope = ope self.e = e class Mapping: def __init__(self, ope, composition, id): self.ope = ope self.composition = composition = id class LazySegTree: def __init__(self, monoid, mapping, n=0, array=None): assert (n>0 and array is None) or (n==0 and array), 'Only either n(int) or array(list) can be passed' self.X_ope = monoid.ope self.X_e = monoid.e self.A_ope = mapping.ope self.A_comp = mapping.composition self.A_id = self.n = n if n else len(array) self.X = [self.X_e] * (2*self.n) self.A = [self.A_id] * (2*self.n) if array: self.X[self.n:2*self.n] = array for i in range(1, self.n)[::-1]: self.X[i] = self.X_ope(self.X[i<<1|0], self.X[i<<1|1]) def _first_odd(self, i): return i // (i & -i) def _eval(self, i): return self.A_ope(self.X[i], self.A[i]) def _propagate(self,i): self.X[i] = self._eval(i) self.A[i<<1|0] = self.A_comp(self.A[i<<1|0], self.A[i]) self.A[i<<1|1] = self.A_comp(self.A[i<<1|1], self.A[i]) self.A[i] = self.A_id def _propagate_above(self, i): H = i.bit_length() - 1 for h in range(1, H+1)[::-1]: self._propagate(i >> h) def _recalc_above(self, i): while i>1: i >>= 1 self.X[i] = self.X_ope(self._eval(i<<1|0), self._eval(i<<1|1)) def set(self, i, x): i += self.n self._propagate_above(i) self.X[i] = x self.A[i] = self.A_id self._recalc_above(i) def get(self, l, r): l += self.n; r += self.n self._propagate_above(self._first_odd(l)) self._propagate_above(self._first_odd(r)-1) value_l = self.X_e value_r = self.X_e while l>= 1; r >>= 1 return self.X_ope(value_l, value_r) def operate_range(self, l, r, a): l += self.n; r += self.n l0 = self._first_odd(l) r0 = self._first_odd(r)-1 self._propagate_above(l0) self._propagate_above(r0) while l < r: if l & 1: self.A[l] = self.A_comp(self.A[l], a) l += 1 if r & 1: r -= 1 self.A[r] = self.A_comp(self.A[r], a) l >>= 1; r >>= 1 self._recalc_above(l0) self._recalc_above(r0) def color_sum(x1, x2): a1, a2, a3 = x1 b1, b2, b3 = x2 return (a1+b1, a2+b2, a3+b3) def paint_comp(a1, a2): return a2 if a2 else a1 def paint(x, a): if not a: return x elif a == 1: return (0, sum(x), 0) elif a == 2: return (0, 0, sum(x)) monoid = Monoid(color_sum, (0,0,0)) mapping = Mapping(paint, paint_comp, 0) n = int(input()) q = int(input()) score_A = 0 score_B = 0 seg = LazySegTree(monoid, mapping, array=[(1, 0, 0)]*n) for qi in range(q): x, l, r = map(int, input().split()) if x == 0: _, a, b = seg.get(l, r+1) if a > b: score_A += a elif b > a: score_B += b else: pass else: seg.operate_range(l, r+1, x) _, a, b = seg.get(0, n) print(score_A+a, score_B+b)