#include <vector> #include <utility> #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <string> #include <iostream> template< class TopTreeVertexData, class TopTreeClusterData, class TopTreeClusterEffect > struct TopTree{ public: struct TopTreeNode; struct UnderlyingTreeVertex; private: void soft_expose(UnderlyingTreeVertex* l, UnderlyingTreeVertex* r){ r->exposing_target(); auto n_l = l->handle; auto n_r = r->handle; if(n_l == n_r){ if(n_r->boundary_left == r || n_r->boundary_right == l){ n_r->reverse_boundary_vertices(); n_r->lazy_propagation(); } } else{ l->exposing_source(r); n_r = r->handle; if(n_r->right_child == n_l) n_r->reverse_boundary_vertices(); n_r->lazy_propagation(); n_l->lazy_propagation(); } } void undo_hard_expose(){ for(int i=hard_expose_new_rakes_length-1; i>=0; i--){ hard_expose_new_rakes[i].first->lazy_propagation(); } for(int i=hard_expose_new_rakes_length-1; i>=0; i--){ if(hard_expose_new_rakes[i].second) delete(hard_expose_new_rakes[i].first); } hard_expose_new_rakes_length = 0; for(int i=0; i<hard_expose_undo_length; i++){ hard_expose_undo_memo[i].execute(); } hard_expose_undo_length = 0; } public: struct TopTreeNode{ public: TopTreeNode* parent = nullptr; TopTreeNode* right_child = nullptr; TopTreeNode* left_child = nullptr; TopTreeNode* mid_child = nullptr; UnderlyingTreeVertex* boundary_left = nullptr; UnderlyingTreeVertex* boundary_right = nullptr; bool bouundary_vertices_are_reversed = false; enum TopTreeNodeType { NODE_TYPE_DISABLED, NODE_TYPE_EDGE, NODE_TYPE_RAKE, NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS }; TopTreeNodeType node_type = NODE_TYPE_DISABLED; TopTreeClusterData data = TopTreeClusterData::init(); TopTreeClusterEffect lazy_data = TopTreeClusterEffect::id(); void get_propagated(){ TopTreeNode* pp = parent; TopTreeNode* p = this; TopTreeNode* tmp = nullptr; p->parent = nullptr; while(pp){ tmp = pp->parent; pp->parent = p; p = pp; pp = tmp; } while(p){ p->lazy_propagation(); tmp = p->parent; p->parent = pp; pp = p; p = tmp; } } private: void disable(){ node_type = NODE_TYPE_DISABLED; parent = nullptr; left_child = nullptr; right_child = nullptr; mid_child = nullptr; boundary_left = nullptr; boundary_right = nullptr; bouundary_vertices_are_reversed = false; } TopTreeNode*& parentchild(){ TopTreeNode* p = parent; if(p->left_child == this) return p->left_child; if(p->right_child == this) return p->right_child; if(p->mid_child == this) return p->mid_child; exit(1); } public: void block(){ if(left_child) left_child->parent = nullptr; if(right_child) right_child->parent = nullptr; if(mid_child) mid_child->parent = nullptr; } void unblock(TopTreeNode* new_root){ if (left_child && !left_child->is_root()) left_child = new_root; if (right_child && !right_child->is_root()) right_child = new_root; if (mid_child && !mid_child->is_root()) mid_child = new_root; if(node_type == NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS){ bottomup_compress(left_child, mid_child, right_child); } if(node_type == NODE_TYPE_RAKE){ bottomup_rake(left_child, right_child); } } void reverse_boundary_vertices(){ bouundary_vertices_are_reversed = !bouundary_vertices_are_reversed; std::swap(boundary_left, boundary_right); data.reverse(); if(node_type == NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS){ std::swap(left_child, right_child); } } void apply_lazy_data(TopTreeClusterEffect f){ lazy_data = TopTreeClusterEffect::composition(f, lazy_data); data = TopTreeClusterEffect::mapping_cluster(f, data); } void lazy_propagation(){ if(bouundary_vertices_are_reversed){ if(node_type == NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS){ left_child->reverse_boundary_vertices(); right_child->reverse_boundary_vertices(); } } bouundary_vertices_are_reversed = false; auto f = lazy_data; if(node_type == NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS){ left_child->apply_lazy_data(f); if(mid_child){ mid_child->apply_lazy_data(f); mid_child->boundary_left->data = TopTreeClusterEffect::mapping_vertex(f, mid_child->boundary_left->data); } right_child->apply_lazy_data(f); left_child->boundary_right->data = TopTreeClusterEffect::mapping_vertex(f, left_child->boundary_right->data); } if(node_type == NODE_TYPE_RAKE){ left_child->apply_lazy_data(f); right_child->apply_lazy_data(f); right_child->boundary_left->data = TopTreeClusterEffect::mapping_vertex(f, right_child->boundary_left->data); } lazy_data = TopTreeClusterEffect::id(); } void bottomup_edge(UnderlyingTreeVertex* l, UnderlyingTreeVertex* r, TopTreeClusterData x){ node_type = NODE_TYPE_EDGE; left_child = nullptr; right_child = nullptr; mid_child = nullptr; boundary_left = l; boundary_right = r; l->handle = this; r->handle = this; data = x; lazy_data = TopTreeClusterEffect::id(); } void bottomup_rake(TopTreeNode* l, TopTreeNode* r, bool special_for_hard_expose = false){ if(l->node_type != NODE_TYPE_RAKE) l->boundary_left->handle = l; if(r->node_type != NODE_TYPE_RAKE) r->boundary_left->handle = r; if (!special_for_hard_expose) { node_type = NODE_TYPE_RAKE; boundary_left = l->boundary_left; boundary_right = l->boundary_right; left_child = l; l->parent = this; mid_child = nullptr; right_child = r; r->parent = this; data = TopTreeClusterData::rake(left_child->data, right_child->data, right_child->boundary_left->data); } else { node_type = NODE_TYPE_RAKE; boundary_left = l->boundary_left; boundary_right = l->boundary_right; left_child = l; l->parent = this; mid_child = nullptr; right_child = r; r->parent = this; auto buf = left_child->data; buf.reverse(); buf = TopTreeClusterData::rake(buf, right_child->data, right_child->boundary_left->data); buf.reverse(); data = buf; } } void bottomup_compress(TopTreeNode* l, TopTreeNode* m_rake, TopTreeNode* r){ assert(l->boundary_right == r->boundary_left); UnderlyingTreeVertex* bound = l->boundary_right; node_type = NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS; boundary_left = l->boundary_left; boundary_right = r->boundary_right; left_child = l; l->parent = this; mid_child = m_rake; if(m_rake) m_rake->parent = this; right_child = r; r->parent = this; if(mid_child && mid_child->node_type != NODE_TYPE_RAKE) mid_child->boundary_left->handle = mid_child; boundary_left->handle = this; bound->handle = this; boundary_right->handle = this; auto cent = left_child->boundary_right; auto l_data = left_child->data; if (mid_child) l_data = TopTreeClusterData::rake(l_data, mid_child->data, mid_child->boundary_left->data); data = TopTreeClusterData::compress(l_data, cent->data, right_child->data); } void rotate_rake_left(){ auto p = parent; if(!p->is_root()) p->parentchild() = this; parent = p->parent; auto c1 = left_child; p->bottomup_rake(p->left_child, c1); bottomup_rake(p, right_child); } void rotate_rake_right(){ auto p = parent; if(!p->is_root()) p->parentchild() = this; parent = p->parent; auto c1 = right_child; p->bottomup_rake(c1, p->right_child); bottomup_rake(left_child, p); } void rotate_compress_left(){ auto p = parent; if(!p->is_root()) p->parentchild() = this; parent = p->parent; auto c4 = this->left_child; p->bottomup_compress(p->left_child, p->mid_child, c4); bottomup_compress(p, mid_child, right_child); } void rotate_compress_right(){ auto p = parent; if(!p->is_root()) p->parentchild() = this; parent = p->parent; auto c3 = this->right_child; p->bottomup_compress(c3, p->mid_child, p->right_child); bottomup_compress(left_child, mid_child, p); } void splay_soft_rake(){ while(!is_rake_root()){ auto p = parent; if(p->is_rake_root()){ if(p->left_child == this){ rotate_rake_right(); } else{ rotate_rake_left(); } } else{ auto pp = p->parent; if(p->left_child == this){ if(pp->left_child == p){ p->rotate_rake_right(); rotate_rake_right(); } else { rotate_rake_right(); rotate_rake_left(); } } else{ if(pp->right_child == p){ p->rotate_rake_left(); rotate_rake_left(); } else { rotate_rake_left(); rotate_rake_right(); } } } } } void splay_rake(){ if(is_rake_root()) return; auto p1 = parent; p1->splay_soft_rake(); auto p2 = parent; if(p2 == p1) return; p2->splay_soft_rake(); } void splay_compress(){ while(!is_compress_root()){ auto p = parent; if(p->is_compress_root()){ if(p->left_child == this){ rotate_compress_right(); } else{ rotate_compress_left(); } } else{ auto pp = p->parent; if(p->left_child == this){ if(pp->left_child == p){ p->rotate_compress_right(); rotate_compress_right(); } else { rotate_compress_right(); rotate_compress_left(); } } else{ if(pp->right_child == p){ p->rotate_compress_left(); rotate_compress_left(); } else { rotate_compress_left(); rotate_compress_right(); } } } } } void splice(bool compress_on_left = true){ TopTreeNode* p = nullptr; TopTreeNode* rake_l = nullptr; TopTreeNode* rake_lp = nullptr; TopTreeNode* rake_r = nullptr; TopTreeNode* rake_rp = nullptr; p = parent; bool is_this_left_child = (p->left_child == this); while(p->node_type == NODE_TYPE_RAKE){ if(is_this_left_child){ rake_r = p->right_child; rake_rp = p; } else{ rake_l = p->left_child; rake_lp = p; } auto pp = p->parent; is_this_left_child = (pp->left_child == p); p = pp; } if(compress_on_left){ auto rake_r1 = p->left_child; if(rake_l){ rake_lp->bottomup_rake(rake_l, rake_r1); rake_r1 = rake_lp; } if(rake_r){ rake_rp->bottomup_rake(rake_r1, rake_r); rake_r1 = rake_rp; } p->bottomup_compress(this, rake_r1, p->right_child); } else{ reverse_boundary_vertices(); auto rake_r1 = p->right_child; rake_r1->reverse_boundary_vertices(); if(rake_l){ rake_lp->bottomup_rake(rake_l, rake_r1); rake_r1 = rake_lp; } if(rake_r){ rake_rp->bottomup_rake(rake_r1, rake_r); rake_r1 = rake_rp; } p->bottomup_compress(p->left_child, rake_r1, this); } } bool is_enabled() const { return node_type != NODE_TYPE_DISABLED; } bool is_rake_root() const { return !parent || parent->node_type != NODE_TYPE_RAKE; } bool is_compress_root() const { if(!parent) return true; if(parent->node_type != NODE_TYPE_COMPRESS) return true; return parent->mid_child == this; } bool is_root() const { return !parent; } }; struct UnderlyingTreeVertex{ TopTreeNode* handle; TopTreeVertexData data; UnderlyingTreeVertex(){ handle = nullptr; data = TopTreeVertexData::init(); } void exposing_target(){ TopTreeNode* n_this = handle; handle->get_propagated(); auto c = n_this; while(!c->is_root()){ if(!c->is_compress_root()){ c->splay_compress(); continue; } if(!c->is_rake_root()){ c->splay_rake(); while(!c->is_rake_root()) c = c->parent; continue; } c = c->parent; } c = n_this = handle; while(!c->is_root()){ c->splice(); c = c->parent; } handle->get_propagated(); handle->splay_compress(); } bool exposing_source(UnderlyingTreeVertex* target){ auto n_this = handle; auto n_target = target->handle; if(n_this == n_target) return true; if(n_target->node_type == TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_EDGE) return false; if(n_this->is_root()) return false; if(n_target->boundary_left == target) n_target->reverse_boundary_vertices(); if(n_target->boundary_right == target){ exposing_target(); return true; } handle->get_propagated(); // block n_target->left_child->parent = nullptr; n_target->right_child->parent = nullptr; auto c = n_this; while(!c->is_root()){ if(!c->is_compress_root()){ c->splay_compress(); continue; } if(!c->is_rake_root()){ c->splay_rake(); while(!c->is_rake_root()) c = c->parent; continue; } c = c->parent; } if (!n_target->left_child->is_root()) n_target->left_child = c; if (!n_target->right_child->is_root()) n_target->right_child = c; c = n_this = handle; while(!c->is_root()){ auto p = c; while(!p->is_rake_root()) p = p->parent; bool compress_to_left = true; if(n_target->right_child == p->parent) compress_to_left = false; c->splice(compress_to_left); c = c->parent; if(n_target == c){ n_target->left_child->parent = nullptr; n_target->right_child->parent = nullptr; } } c = handle; c->get_propagated(); c->splay_compress(); if (!n_target->left_child->is_root()) n_target->left_child = c; if (!n_target->right_child->is_root()) n_target->right_child = c; n_target->bottomup_compress(n_target->left_child, n_target->mid_child, n_target->right_child); if(c->is_root()) return false; if(n_target->right_child == c){ n_target->reverse_boundary_vertices(); n_target->lazy_propagation(); } return true; } }; TopTreeNode* expose(UnderlyingTreeVertex* l){ undo_hard_expose(); if(!l->handle) return nullptr; UnderlyingTreeVertex* r = nullptr; if(l->handle->boundary_left != l) r = l->handle->boundary_left; if(l->handle->boundary_right != l) r = l->handle->boundary_right; return expose(l, r); } TopTreeNode* expose(UnderlyingTreeVertex* l, UnderlyingTreeVertex* r, bool do_hard = true){ undo_hard_expose(); // soft expose soft_expose(l, r); auto n_l = l->handle; auto n_r = r->handle; // hard expose if(do_hard){ auto hard_expose_rake_case1 = [this](TopTreeNode* c)->void { hard_expose_undo_memo[hard_expose_undo_length++] = HardExposeUndoUnit(c); hard_expose_undo_memo[hard_expose_undo_length - 1].r_reversed = true; c->right_child->reverse_boundary_vertices(); TopTreeNode* rake_r = c->right_child; if(c->mid_child){ auto tmp = new TopTreeNode(); tmp->bottomup_rake(c->mid_child, rake_r); rake_r = tmp; hard_expose_new_rakes[hard_expose_new_rakes_length++] = std::make_pair(rake_r, true); } c->bottomup_rake(c->left_child, rake_r, false); hard_expose_new_rakes[hard_expose_new_rakes_length++] = std::make_pair(c, false); }; auto hard_expose_rake_case2 = [this](TopTreeNode* c)->void { hard_expose_undo_memo[hard_expose_undo_length++] = HardExposeUndoUnit(c); TopTreeNode* rake_r = c->left_child; if(c->mid_child){ auto tmp = new TopTreeNode(); tmp->bottomup_rake(rake_r, c->mid_child); rake_r = tmp; hard_expose_new_rakes[hard_expose_new_rakes_length++] = std::make_pair(rake_r, true); } c->bottomup_rake(c->right_child, rake_r, true); hard_expose_new_rakes[hard_expose_new_rakes_length++] = std::make_pair(c, false); }; n_r->lazy_propagation(); n_l->lazy_propagation(); if(n_r->boundary_left == l && n_r->boundary_right == r){ /* case (3) (4) do nothing */ } else if(n_r->boundary_left == l){ /* case (1) */ hard_expose_rake_case1(n_r); } else if(n_r->boundary_right == r){ /* case (2) */ hard_expose_rake_case2(n_r); } else{ /* case (5) */ hard_expose_rake_case2(n_l); hard_expose_rake_case1(n_r); } } return n_r; } bool cut(UnderlyingTreeVertex* l, UnderlyingTreeVertex* r, TopTreeClusterData* data_out){ undo_hard_expose(); auto fix_tmporary_state = [this](TopTreeNode* c)->TopTreeNode*{ if(c->mid_child){ if(c->mid_child->node_type == TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_RAKE){ // case (3) auto most_left_rake = c->mid_child; most_left_rake->lazy_propagation(); while(most_left_rake->left_child->node_type == TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_RAKE){ most_left_rake = most_left_rake->left_child; most_left_rake->lazy_propagation(); } most_left_rake->splay_soft_rake(); most_left_rake = most_left_rake->left_child; most_left_rake->reverse_boundary_vertices(); c->bottomup_compress(c->left_child, c->mid_child->right_child, most_left_rake); } else{ // case (2) c->mid_child->reverse_boundary_vertices(); c->bottomup_compress(c->left_child, nullptr, c->mid_child); } } else{ // case (1) auto cc = c->left_child; cc->parent = nullptr; delete(c); c = cc; c->boundary_left->handle = c; c->boundary_right->handle = c; } return c; }; soft_expose(l, r); auto n_l = l->handle; auto n_r = r->handle; if(n_r->node_type == TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_EDGE){ // case (4) l->handle = r->handle = nullptr; if(data_out) *data_out = n_l->data; delete(n_l); return true; } if(n_r->boundary_left == l && n_r->boundary_right == r){ // case (3) return false; } if(n_r->boundary_left == l){ // case (1) n_r->reverse_boundary_vertices(); std::swap(l, r); // reduce to case (2) } if(n_r->boundary_right == r){ // case (2) n_r->lazy_propagation(); auto lr = n_r->right_child; if(lr->node_type != TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_EDGE) return false; if(data_out) *data_out = lr->data; delete(lr); n_r->right_child = nullptr; fix_tmporary_state(n_r); r->handle = nullptr; return true; } // case (5) n_r->lazy_propagation(); n_l->lazy_propagation(); auto lr = n_l->right_child; if(lr->node_type != TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_EDGE) return false; if(data_out) *data_out = lr->data; delete(lr); n_r->left_child = nullptr; n_l->right_child = nullptr; n_l->parent = nullptr; fix_tmporary_state(n_l); n_r->left_child = n_r->right_child; n_r->left_child->reverse_boundary_vertices(); fix_tmporary_state(n_r); return true; } bool link(UnderlyingTreeVertex* l, UnderlyingTreeVertex* r, TopTreeClusterData x){ undo_hard_expose(); auto make_temporary_state = [this](UnderlyingTreeVertex* c)->TopTreeNode* { auto n_c = c->handle; if(n_c->boundary_left == c){ n_c->reverse_boundary_vertices(); } if(n_c->boundary_right == c){ // c is a leaf auto unstable_root = new TopTreeNode(); n_c->parent = unstable_root; unstable_root->left_child = n_c; return unstable_root; } // c is not a leaf n_c->lazy_propagation(); auto r_rake = n_c->right_child; n_c->right_child = nullptr; r_rake->reverse_boundary_vertices(); if(n_c->mid_child){ auto rake_root = new TopTreeNode(); rake_root->bottomup_rake(n_c->mid_child, r_rake); r_rake = rake_root; } n_c->mid_child = r_rake; r_rake->parent = n_c; n_c->node_type = TopTreeNode::NODE_TYPE_DISABLED; return n_c; }; if(!l->handle) std::swap(l, r); if(!l->handle){ // cut case (4) TopTreeNode* c = new TopTreeNode(); c->bottomup_edge(l, r, x); return true; } if(!r->handle){ // r->handle == nullptr : cut case (2) l->exposing_target(); auto n_l = make_temporary_state(l); auto lr = new TopTreeNode(); lr->bottomup_edge(l, r, x); n_l->bottomup_compress(n_l->left_child, n_l->mid_child, lr); return true; } // cut case (5) l->exposing_target(); r->exposing_target(); if(l->handle == r->handle) return false; if(!l->handle->is_root()) return false; auto n_l = make_temporary_state(l); auto n_r = make_temporary_state(r); std::swap(n_r->left_child, n_r->right_child); n_r->right_child->reverse_boundary_vertices(); auto lr = new TopTreeNode(); lr->bottomup_edge(l, r, x); n_r->bottomup_compress(lr, n_r->mid_child, n_r->right_child); n_l->bottomup_compress(n_l->left_child, n_l->mid_child, n_r); return true; } struct HardExposeUndoUnit{ TopTreeNode* to = nullptr; TopTreeNode* l = nullptr; bool l_reversed = false; TopTreeNode* m_rake = nullptr; bool m_rake_reversed = false; TopTreeNode* r = nullptr; bool r_reversed = false; HardExposeUndoUnit(){} HardExposeUndoUnit(TopTreeNode* v){ to = v; l = v->left_child; m_rake = v->mid_child; r = v->right_child; } void execute(){ if (l_reversed) l->reverse_boundary_vertices(); if (m_rake_reversed) m_rake->reverse_boundary_vertices(); if (r_reversed) r->reverse_boundary_vertices(); to->bottomup_compress(l, m_rake, r); } }; int hard_expose_undo_length = 0; HardExposeUndoUnit hard_expose_undo_memo[2]; int hard_expose_new_rakes_length = 0; std::pair<TopTreeNode*, bool> hard_expose_new_rakes[10] = {}; }; struct ios_do_not_sync{ ios_do_not_sync(){ std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr); } } ios_do_not_sync_instance; using u64 = unsigned long long; struct TopTreeVertexData{ static TopTreeVertexData init(){ return { }; } }; struct TopTreeClusterData{ int len; int ldist; int rdist; int diam; static TopTreeClusterData edge(){ TopTreeClusterData res; res.len = res.ldist = res.rdist = res.diam = 1; return res; } static TopTreeClusterData init(){ return { 0,0,0,0 }; } static TopTreeClusterData compress(TopTreeClusterData l, TopTreeVertexData mid, TopTreeClusterData r){ TopTreeClusterData res = init(); res.len = l.len + r.len; res.ldist = std::max(l.len + r.ldist, l.ldist); res.rdist = std::max(r.len + l.rdist, r.rdist); res.diam = std::max({ l.diam, r.diam, l.rdist + r.ldist }); return res; } static TopTreeClusterData rake(TopTreeClusterData l, TopTreeClusterData r, TopTreeVertexData r_end){ TopTreeClusterData res = init(); res.len = l.len; res.ldist = std::max(l.len + r.rdist, l.ldist); res.rdist = std::max(l.rdist, r.rdist); res.diam = std::max({ l.diam, r.diam, l.rdist + r.rdist }); return res; } void reverse(){ std::swap(ldist, rdist); } }; struct TopTreeClusterEffect{ static TopTreeClusterEffect id(){ return { }; } static TopTreeClusterData mapping_cluster(TopTreeClusterEffect f, TopTreeClusterData x){ return x; } static TopTreeVertexData mapping_vertex(TopTreeClusterEffect f, TopTreeVertexData x){ return x; } static TopTreeClusterEffect composition(TopTreeClusterEffect l, TopTreeClusterEffect r){ return { l }; } void reverse(){} }; int main() { int N; std::cin >> N; using TopTreeInst = TopTree<TopTreeVertexData, TopTreeClusterData, TopTreeClusterEffect>; TopTreeInst top_tree; std::vector<TopTreeInst::UnderlyingTreeVertex> A(N); std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> edges(N-1); for(int i=0; i<N-1; i++){ int u,v; std::cin >> u >> v; u--; v--; edges[i] = std::make_pair(u,v); top_tree.link(&A[u], &A[v], TopTreeClusterData::edge()); } int ans = N; for(int i=0; i<N-1; i++){ auto [u,v] = edges[i]; top_tree.cut(&A[u], &A[v], nullptr); auto nodeu = top_tree.expose(&A[u]); auto nodev = top_tree.expose(&A[v]); int diamu = nodeu ? nodeu->data.diam : 0; int diamv = nodev ? nodev->data.diam : 0; int tmpans = (diamu+1)/2 + (diamv+1)/2 + 1; tmpans = std::max({ tmpans, diamu, diamv }); ans = std::min(ans, tmpans); top_tree.link(&A[u], &A[v], TopTreeClusterData::edge()); } std::cout << ans << '\n'; return 0; }