import sys input = sys.stdin.buffer.readline sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 7) class FenwickTree(object): def __init__(self, n): self.n = n self.log = n.bit_length() = [0] * n def __sum(self, r): s = 0 while r > 0: s +=[r - 1] r -= r & -r return s def add(self, p, x): """ a[p] += xを行う""" p += 1 while p <= self.n:[p - 1] += x p += p & -p def sum(self, l, r): """a[l] + a[l+1] + .. + a[r-1]を返す""" return self.__sum(r) - self.__sum(l) def lower_bound(self, x): """a[0] + a[1] + .. a[i] >= x となる最小のiを返す""" if x <= 0: return -1 i = 0 k = 1 << self.log while k: if i + k <= self.n and[i + k - 1] < x: x -=[i + k - 1] i += k k >>= 1 return i def __repr__(self): res = [self.sum(i, i+1) for i in range(self.n)] return " ".join(map(str, res)) N, K, Q = map(int, input().split()) C = [0] * K H = [0] * K add = [] sub = [] query = [] for i in range(K): l, r, C[i], H[i] = map(int, input().split()) add.append((l-1, i)) sub.append((r-1, i)) for i in range(Q): idx, x = map(int, input().split()) query.append((idx-1, x, i)) add.sort(reverse=True) sub.sort(reverse=True) query.sort(reverse=True) bit = FenwickTree(K) ans = [-1] * Q for i in range(N): while add and add[-1][0] == i: _, j = add.pop() bit.add(j, H[j]) while query and query[-1][0] == i: _, x, idx = query.pop() j = bit.lower_bound(x) if j < K: ans[idx] = C[j] # print(i, ":", bit) # for i in range(10): # print(i, bit.lower_bound(i)) while sub and sub[-1][0] == i: _, j = sub.pop() bit.add(j, -H[j]) print(*ans, sep="\n")