#include using namespace atcoder; #include using namespace std; #define rep(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); i++) #define rep2(i,a,b) for (int i = (int)(a); i <= (int)(b); i++) #define all(v) v.begin(),v.end() #define inc(x,l,r) ((l)<=(x)&&(x)<(r)) #define Unique(x) sort(all(x)), x.erase(unique(all(x)), x.end()) typedef long long ll; #define int ll using ld = long double; using vi = vector; using vs = vector; using P = pair; using vp = vector

; template using priority_queue_greater = priority_queue, greater>; template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,const vector &v){rep(i,v.size())os< istream &operator>>(istream& is,vector &v){for(T &in:v)is>>in;return is;} template void IN(T&... a){(cin>> ... >> a);} template void OUT(T& a){cout < void OUT(const T&a, const Ts&... b){cout<< a;(cout<<...<<(cout<<' ',b));cout<<'\n';} #define INT(...) int __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__) #define STR(...) string __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__) #define pcnt __builtin_popcount int ceil(int x,int y){return x/y+!!(x%y);} bool ins(string s,string t){return s.find(t)!=string::npos;} P operator+ (const P &p, const P &q){ return P{p.first+q.first,p.second+q.second};} P operator- (const P &p, const P &q){ return P{p.first-q.first,p.second-q.second};} ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const P &p){os << p.first <<" "< bool chmax(T &a, const T b) {if (a < b) {a = b; return true;} else return false; } template bool chmin(T &a, const T b) {if (a > b) {a = b; return true;} else return false; } void yesno(bool ok,string y="Yes",string n="No"){ cout<<(ok?y:n)< dxdy{{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0},{0,-1}}; int di[]={-1,0,1,0}; int dj[]={0,1,0,-1}; const int INF = 1e18; //using mint = modint1000000007; //using mint = modint998244353; //https://mugen1337.github.io/procon/DataStructure/RangeSet.cpp // 閉区間の範囲を管理 // [l,r] なので [l,r)で使いたかったら[l,r-1]とする template struct RangeSet{ set> st; T TINF; RangeSet(){ TINF=numeric_limits::max()/2; st.emplace(TINF,TINF); st.emplace(-TINF,-TINF); } // [l,r] covered? bool covered(T l,T r){ assert(l<=r); auto ite=prev(st.lower_bound({l+1,l+1})); return ite->first<=l and r<=ite->second; } bool covered(T x){ return covered(x,x); } // [l, r]がカバーされているなら,その区間を返す. されていないなら[-TINF,-TINF]を返す pair covered_by(T l,T r){ assert(l<=r); auto ite=prev(st.lower_bound({l+1,l+1})); if(ite->first<=l and r<=ite->second) return *ite; return make_pair(-TINF,-TINF); } pair covered_by(T x){ return covered_by(x,x); } // insert[l,r], 増加量を返す T insert(T l,T r){ assert(l<=r); auto ite=prev(st.lower_bound({l+1,l+1})); if(ite->first<=l and r<=ite->second) return T(0); T sum_erased=T(0); if(ite->first<=l and l<=ite->second+1){ l=ite->first; sum_erased+=ite->second-ite->first+1; ite=st.erase(ite); }else ite=next(ite); while(r>ite->second){ sum_erased+=ite->second-ite->first+1; ite=st.erase(ite); } if(ite->first-1<=r and r<=ite->second){ sum_erased+=ite->second-ite->first+1; r=ite->second; st.erase(ite); } st.emplace(l,r); return r-l+1-sum_erased; } T insert(T x){ return insert(x,x); } // erase [l,r], 減少量を返す T erase(T l,T r){ assert(l<=r); auto ite=prev(st.lower_bound({l+1,l+1})); if(ite->first<=l and r<=ite->second){ // 完全に1つの区間に包含されている if(ite->firstfirst,l-1); if(rsecond) st.emplace(r+1,ite->second); st.erase(ite); return r-l+1; } T ret=T(0); if(ite->first<=l and l<=ite->second){ ret+=ite->second-l+1;// 消えた if(ite->firstfirst,l-1); ite=st.erase(ite);// 次へ }else ite=next(ite); while(ite->second<=r){ ret+=ite->second-ite->first+1; ite=st.erase(ite); } // 右端が区間の間にあるか if(ite->first<=r and r<=ite->second){ ret+=r-ite->first+1; if(rsecond) st.emplace(r+1,ite->second); st.erase(ite); } return ret; } T erase(T x){ return erase(x,x); } // number of range int size(){ return (int)st.size()-2; } // mex [x,~) T mex(T x=0){ auto ite=prev(st.lower_bound({x+1,x+1})); if(ite->first<=x and x<=ite->second) return ite->second+1; else return x; } void out_err(bool close = 1){ cerr<<"RangeSet : "; for(auto &p:st){ if(p.first==-TINF or p.second==TINF) continue; cerr<<"["< st; INT(d,q); int ans = 0; while(q--){ INT(a,b); st.insert(a,b); auto [l,r] = st.covered_by(a); chmax(ans,r-l+1); cout << ans << endl; } return 0; }