local mfl, mce = math.floor, math.ceil local mmi, mma = math.min, math.max local pow2 = {1} for i = 2, 28 do pow2[i] = pow2[i - 1] * 2 end local SegTree = {} SegTree.updateAll = function(self) for i = self.stagenum - 1, 1, -1 do local cnt = pow2[i] for j = 0, cnt - 1 do self.stage[cnt + j] = self.func(self.stage[(cnt + j) * 2], self.stage[(cnt + j) * 2 + 1]) end end end SegTree.create = function(self, n, func, emptyvalue) self.func, self.emptyvalue = func, emptyvalue local stagenum, mul = 1, 1 self.stage = {} -- use 1D Tree (stage[], not stage[][]) while mul < n do mul, stagenum = mul * 2, stagenum + 1 end self.stagenum = stagenum for i = 1, mul * 2 - 1 do self.stage[i] = emptyvalue end for i = 1, n do self.stage[mul + i - 1] = i end self:updateAll() end SegTree.update = function(self, idx, force) idx = idx + pow2[self.stagenum] - 1 for i = self.stagenum - 1, 1, -1 do local dst = mfl(idx / 2) local rem = dst * 4 + 1 - idx self.stage[dst] = self.func(self.stage[idx], self.stage[rem]) if not force and self.stage[dst] ~= self.stage[idx] then break end idx = dst end end SegTree.new = function(n, func, emptyvalue) local obj = {} setmetatable(obj, {__index = SegTree}) obj:create(n, func, emptyvalue) return obj end local n = io.read("*n") local x = {} for i = 1, n do x[i] = io.read("*n") end local a = {} for i = 1, n do a[i] = io.read("*n") end local tmap = {} for i = 1, n do tmap[x[i]] = true tmap[x[i] + a[i]] = true if 0 <= x[i] - a[i] then tmap[x[i] - a[i]] = true end end local tuniq = {} for k, v in pairs(tmap) do table.insert(tuniq, k) end table.sort(tuniq) local tn = #tuniq for i = 1, tn do tmap[tuniq[i]] = i end local edge = {} for i = 1, tn do edge[i] = {} end for i = 1, n do local xi, ai = x[i], a[i] local z = tmap[xi] local d = tmap[xi + ai] table.insert(edge[z], d) table.insert(edge[d], z) if 0 <= xi - ai then local d = tmap[xi - ai] table.insert(edge[z], d) table.insert(edge[d], z) end end local inf = 1000000007 * 2 local len = {} local asked = {} for i = 1, tn do len[i] = inf asked[i] = false end for i = 1, tn do len[i] = inf - tuniq[i] end asked[tn + 1] = true local function mergefunc(x, y) if asked[x] then return y elseif asked[y] then return x else return len[x] < len[y] and x or y end end local st = SegTree.new(tn, mergefunc, tn + 1) for i = 1, tn do local src = st.stage[1] -- print(tuniq[src], src, inf - len[src]) if asked[src] then break end if inf <= len[src] then break end asked[src] = true st:update(src, true) for i = 1, #edge[src] do local dst = edge[src][i] if len[src] < len[dst] then len[dst] = len[src] st:update(dst) end end end for i = 1, n do local xi = tmap[x[i]] print(inf - len[xi] - x[i]) end