def compare(a,b): # 比較関数 (a<=b) # 偏角ソート ax, ay = a bx, by = b if ay < 0: return by >= 0 or ax * by - ay * bx > 0 if ay == 0: return ax >= 0 and (by > 0 or (by == 0 and bx < 0)) return by >= 0 and (ax * by - ay * bx) > 0 def merge(l, r): new = [] ln = 0 rn = 0 while ln < len(l) and rn < len(r): if compare(l[ln],r[rn]): new.append(l[ln]) ln += 1 else: new.append(r[rn]) rn += 1 for i in range(ln, len(l)): new.append(l[i]) for i in range(rn, len(r)): new.append(r[i]) return new def MergeSort(l): if len(l) == 0: return [] if len(l) == 1: return l else: a = l[:len(l)//2] b = l[len(l)//2:] return merge(MergeSort(a), MergeSort(b)) n=int(input()) xy=[] for i in range(n): x,y=map(int,input().split()) if x==y==0: pass xy.append((x,y)) xy=MergeSort(xy) m=len(xy) xy2=[] from math import atan2,degrees for x,y in xy: xy2.append((x,y,degrees(atan2(y,x)))) for x,y in xy: xy2.append((x,y,degrees(atan2(y,x))+360)) for x,y in xy: xy2.append((x,y,degrees(atan2(y,x))+720)) xy=xy2 XY=[] tmpx,tmpy=0,0 R=-1 for L in range(m): Lx,Ly,Lrad=xy[L] while True: XY.append((tmpx,tmpy)) Rx,Ry,Rrad=xy[R+1] if Ry*Lx-Ly*Rx>=0 and Rrad-Lrad<181: tmpx+=Rx tmpy+=Ry R+=1 else: break tmpx-=Lx tmpy-=Ly def cross3(a, b, c): return (b[0]-a[0])*(c[1]-a[1]) - (b[1]-a[1])*(c[0]-a[0]) # ps = [(x, y), ...]: ソートされた座標list def convex_hull(ps): qs = [] N = len(ps) for p in ps: # 一直線上で高々2点にする場合は ">=" にする while len(qs) > 1 and cross3(qs[-1], qs[-2], p) >= 0: qs.pop() qs.append(p) t = len(qs) for i in range(N-2, -1, -1): p = ps[i] while len(qs) > t and cross3(qs[-1], qs[-2], p) > 0: qs.pop() qs.append(p) return qs from math import gcd XY.sort() ch=convex_hull(XY) m=len(ch)-1 area=0 point_cnt=0 use_cnt=0 for i in range(m): x1,y1=ch[i] x2,y2=ch[i+1] area+=x1*y2-x2*y1 point_cnt+=gcd(x1-x2,y1-y2) point_cnt2=(area-point_cnt)//2+1 ans=point_cnt+point_cnt2 print(ans%(10**9+7))