from decimal import * def sgn(x): if x==0: return 0 if x>0: return 1 return -1 def check(a,b,c): #if a==b or b==c: # return sgn(b[0]-a[0])*sgn(c[1]-b[1])>=sgn(c[0]-b[0])*sgn(b[1]-a[1]) return (b[0]-a[0])*(c[1]-b[1])>=(c[0]-b[0])*(b[1]-a[1]) def get_y(a,x): return a[0]*x+a[1] from collections import deque class CHT: __slots__=['H','F'] def __init__(self,f): self.H=deque() self.F=f def add(self,x): h=self.H if self.F: x=(-x[0],-x[1]) if len(h)==0: h.append(x) return 0 if h[0][0]<=x[0]: if h[0][0]==x[0]: if h[0][1]<=x[1]: return 0 h.popleft() while(len(h)>=2 and check(x,h[0],h[1])): h.popleft() h.appendleft(x) else: if(h[-1][0]==x[0]): if(h[-1][1]<=x[1]): return 0 h.pop() while(len(h)>=2 and check(h[-2],h[-1],x)): h.pop() h.append(x) def query_i(self,x): h=self.H a=h[0] if len(h)>=2: b=h[1] while(len(h)>=2 and a[0]*x+a[1]>=b[0]*x+b[1]): h.popleft() a=b if len(h)<2: break b=h[1] if self.F: return -a[0]*x-a[1] else: return a[0]*x+a[1] getcontext().prec=30 N=int(input()) eps=Decimal('1e-18') X=[tuple(map(lambda x:Decimal(int(x)+eps),input().split())) for i in range(N)] X.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]/x[1]) A=CHT(True) B=CHT(False) ANS=0 for i in range(N): a,b=X[i][0],X[i][1] if i: ANS=max(ANS,B.query_i(a/b)*b) B.add((-a,b)) for i in range(N): a,b=X[i][0],X[i][1] if i: ANS=max(ANS,-A.query_i(a/b)*b) A.add((a,-b)) print(round(ANS))