using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using static System.Math; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Library; namespace Program { public static class ProblemA { static bool SAIKI = false; static public int numberOfRandomCases = 0; static public void MakeTestCase(List _input, List _output, ref Func _outputChecker) { } static int A = 5; static int N = 5; static int M = 5; static public long Func1((int x, int y)[] ab, List<(int from, int to, int keiyu)> pathList) { var startTime = DateTime.Now; Func calcDist = (f, t) => { var fromX = 0; var fromY = 0; var toX = 0; var toY = 0; var fromCoef = 1L; var toCoef = 1L; fromX = ab[f - 1].x; fromY = ab[f - 1].y; if (f <= N) { fromCoef = A; } toX = ab[t - 1].x; toY = ab[t - 1].y; if (t <= N) { toCoef = A; } return fromCoef * toCoef * ((fromX - toX) * (fromX - toX) + (fromY - toY) * (fromY - toY)); }; var score = 0L; { var done = new bool[N + 1]; var from = 1; done[from] = true; for (var i = 1; i < N; ++i) { var minDist = long.MaxValue; var minNum = 0; for (var j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { if (done[j]) continue; if (minDist.Chmin(calcDist(from, j))) { minNum = j; } } score += minDist; pathList.Add((from, minNum, -1)); from = minNum; done[from] = true; } score += calcDist(from, 1); pathList.Add((from, 1, -1)); } var hasEdge = ab.Select(_ => { var ret = new int[2]; ret[0] = ret[1] = -1; return ret; }).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { if (hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][0] == -1) hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][0] = i; else hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][1] = i; if (hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][0] == -1) hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][0] = i; else hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][1] = i; } while ((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds < 150) { var p1 = (int)(xorshift % pathList.Count); var p2 = (int)(xorshift % (pathList.Count - 1)); if (p2 >= p1) ++p2; if (pathList[p1].from == pathList[p2].from || pathList[p1].from == pathList[p2].to || pathList[p1].to == pathList[p2].from || pathList[p1].to == pathList[p2].to) { continue; } var goal = 0; { var from = pathList[p1].from; goal = pathList[p1].to; while (true) { if (goal == pathList[p2].from || goal == pathList[p2].to) break; var to = 0; var pos1 = pathList[hasEdge[goal - 1][0]]; var pos2 = pathList[hasEdge[goal - 1][1]]; if (pos1.from == from || == from) { if (pos2.from == goal) to =; else to = pos2.from; } else { if (pos1.from == goal) to =; else to = pos1.from; } from = goal; goal = to; } } var newScore = score; newScore -= calcDist(pathList[p1].from, pathList[p1].to); newScore -= calcDist(pathList[p2].from, pathList[p2].to); if (goal == pathList[p2].from) { newScore += calcDist(pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].from); newScore += calcDist(pathList[p2].to, pathList[p1].to); if (newScore < score) { score = newScore; if (hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] == p1) { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] = p2; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][1] = p2; } if (hasEdge[pathList[p2].from - 1][0] == p2) { hasEdge[pathList[p2].from - 1][0] = p1; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p2].from - 1][1] = p1; } var newp1 = (pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].from, -1); var newp2 = (pathList[p2].to, pathList[p1].to, -1); pathList[p1] = newp1; pathList[p2] = newp2; } } else { newScore += calcDist(pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].to); newScore += calcDist(pathList[p2].from, pathList[p1].to); if (newScore < score) { score = newScore; if (hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] == p1) { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] = p2; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][1] = p2; } if (hasEdge[pathList[p2].to - 1][0] == p2) { hasEdge[pathList[p2].to - 1][0] = p1; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p2].to - 1][1] = p1; } var newp1 = (pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].to, -1); var newp2 = (pathList[p2].from, pathList[p1].to, -1); pathList[p1] = newp1; pathList[p2] = newp2; } } } var addedNum = 0; { var maxDist = 0L; var maxNum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { if (maxDist.Chmax(calcDist(pathList[i].from, pathList[i].to))) { maxNum = i; } } ab[N] = ab[pathList[maxNum].from - 1]; ab[N + 1] = ab[pathList[maxNum].to - 1]; score -= maxDist; score += calcDist(N + 1, N + 2); var newForFrom = pathList.Count; pathList.Add((pathList[maxNum].from, N + 1, -1)); var newForTo = pathList.Count; pathList.Add((pathList[maxNum].to, N + 2, -1)); if (hasEdge[pathList[maxNum].from - 1][0] == maxNum) hasEdge[pathList[maxNum].from - 1][0] = newForFrom; else hasEdge[pathList[maxNum].from - 1][1] = newForFrom; if (hasEdge[pathList[maxNum].to - 1][0] == maxNum) hasEdge[pathList[maxNum].to - 1][0] = newForTo; else hasEdge[pathList[maxNum].to - 1][1] = newForTo; hasEdge[N + 0][0] = newForFrom; hasEdge[N + 1][0] = newForTo; hasEdge[N + 0][1] = maxNum; hasEdge[N + 1][1] = maxNum; pathList[maxNum] = (N + 1, N + 2, -1); addedNum += 2; } { var kouho = new List<(long kaizen, int x, int y)>(); for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; i += 20) { for (var j = 0; j <= 1000; j += 20) { ab[N + addedNum] = (i, j); var sum = 0L; foreach (var item in pathList) { var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, N + addedNum + 1) + calcDist(N + addedNum + 1,; sum += Max(0, kijunDist - newDist); } if (sum > 0) kouho.Add((sum, i, j)); } } { var sum = 0L; foreach (var item in pathList) { var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, N + 1) + calcDist(N + 1,; sum += Max(0, kijunDist - newDist); } if (sum > 0) kouho.Add((sum, -1, -1)); } { var sum = 0L; foreach (var item in pathList) { var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, N + 2) + calcDist(N + 2,; sum += Max(0, kijunDist - newDist); } if (sum > 0) kouho.Add((sum, -2, -2)); } kouho = kouho.OrderByDescending(e => e.kaizen).ToList(); foreach (var item2 in kouho) { var staNum = addedNum + N + 1; if (item2.x < 0) { staNum = -item2.x + N; } else { staNum = addedNum + N + 1; ab[staNum - 1] = (item2.x, item2.y); } var sum = 0L; foreach (var item in pathList) { if (item.keiyu != -1) continue; var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, staNum) + calcDist(staNum,; sum += Max(0, kijunDist - newDist); } if (sum >= item2.kaizen * 9 / 10 && sum > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { var item = pathList[i]; if (item.keiyu != -1) continue; var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, staNum) + calcDist(staNum,; var thisKaizen = kijunDist - newDist; if (thisKaizen > 0) { score -= thisKaizen; pathList[i] = (item.from,, staNum); } } if (item2.x >= 0) ++addedNum; } if (addedNum == M) break; } } return score; } static public long Func2((int x, int y)[] ab, List<(int from, int to, int keiyu)> pathList) { var startTime = DateTime.Now; Func calcDist = (f, t) => { var fromX = 0; var fromY = 0; var toX = 0; var toY = 0; var fromCoef = 1L; var toCoef = 1L; fromX = ab[f - 1].x; fromY = ab[f - 1].y; if (f <= N) { fromCoef = A; } toX = ab[t - 1].x; toY = ab[t - 1].y; if (t <= N) { toCoef = A; } return fromCoef * toCoef * ((fromX - toX) * (fromX - toX) + (fromY - toY) * (fromY - toY)); }; var score = 0L; { var done = new bool[N + 1]; var from = 1; done[from] = true; for (var i = 1; i < N; ++i) { var minDist = long.MaxValue; var minNum = 0; for (var j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { if (done[j]) continue; if (minDist.Chmin(calcDist(from, j))) { minNum = j; } } score += minDist; pathList.Add((from, minNum, -1)); from = minNum; done[from] = true; } score += calcDist(from, 1); pathList.Add((from, 1, -1)); } var hasEdge = ab.Select(_ => { var ret = new int[2]; ret[0] = ret[1] = -1; return ret; }).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { if (hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][0] == -1) hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][0] = i; else hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][1] = i; if (hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][0] == -1) hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][0] = i; else hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][1] = i; } while ((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds < 250) { var p1 = (int)(xorshift % pathList.Count); var p2 = (int)(xorshift % (pathList.Count - 1)); if (p2 >= p1) ++p2; if (pathList[p1].from == pathList[p2].from || pathList[p1].from == pathList[p2].to || pathList[p1].to == pathList[p2].from || pathList[p1].to == pathList[p2].to) { continue; } var goal = 0; { var from = pathList[p1].from; goal = pathList[p1].to; while (true) { if (goal == pathList[p2].from || goal == pathList[p2].to) break; var to = 0; var pos1 = pathList[hasEdge[goal - 1][0]]; var pos2 = pathList[hasEdge[goal - 1][1]]; if (pos1.from == from || == from) { if (pos2.from == goal) to =; else to = pos2.from; } else { if (pos1.from == goal) to =; else to = pos1.from; } from = goal; goal = to; } } var newScore = score; newScore -= calcDist(pathList[p1].from, pathList[p1].to); newScore -= calcDist(pathList[p2].from, pathList[p2].to); if (goal == pathList[p2].from) { newScore += calcDist(pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].from); newScore += calcDist(pathList[p2].to, pathList[p1].to); if (newScore < score) { score = newScore; if (hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] == p1) { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] = p2; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][1] = p2; } if (hasEdge[pathList[p2].from - 1][0] == p2) { hasEdge[pathList[p2].from - 1][0] = p1; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p2].from - 1][1] = p1; } var newp1 = (pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].from, -1); var newp2 = (pathList[p2].to, pathList[p1].to, -1); pathList[p1] = newp1; pathList[p2] = newp2; } } else { newScore += calcDist(pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].to); newScore += calcDist(pathList[p2].from, pathList[p1].to); if (newScore < score) { score = newScore; if (hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] == p1) { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][0] = p2; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p1].to - 1][1] = p2; } if (hasEdge[pathList[p2].to - 1][0] == p2) { hasEdge[pathList[p2].to - 1][0] = p1; } else { hasEdge[pathList[p2].to - 1][1] = p1; } var newp1 = (pathList[p1].from, pathList[p2].to, -1); var newp2 = (pathList[p2].from, pathList[p1].to, -1); pathList[p1] = newp1; pathList[p2] = newp2; } } } var addedNum = 0; { var kouho = new List<(long kaizen, int x, int y)>(); for (var i = 0; i <= 1000; i += 20) { for (var j = 0; j <= 1000; j += 20) { ab[N + addedNum] = (i, j); var sum = 0L; foreach (var item in pathList) { var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, N + addedNum + 1) + calcDist(N + addedNum + 1,; sum += Max(0, kijunDist - newDist); } if (sum > 0) kouho.Add((sum, i, j)); } } kouho = kouho.OrderByDescending(e => e.kaizen).ToList(); foreach (var item2 in kouho) { var staNum = addedNum + N + 1; ab[staNum - 1] = (item2.x, item2.y); var sum = 0L; foreach (var item in pathList) { if (item.keiyu != -1) continue; var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, staNum) + calcDist(staNum,; sum += Max(0, kijunDist - newDist); } if (sum >= item2.kaizen * 9 / 10 && sum > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { var item = pathList[i]; if (item.keiyu != -1) continue; var kijunDist = calcDist(item.from,; var newDist = calcDist(item.from, staNum) + calcDist(staNum,; var thisKaizen = kijunDist - newDist; if (thisKaizen > 0) { score -= thisKaizen; pathList[i] = (item.from,, staNum); } } ++addedNum; } if (addedNum == M) break; } } return score; } static public void Solve() { N = (int)NN; M = (int)NN; (int x, int y)[] ab = Repeat(0, N).Select(_ => ((int)NN, (int)NN)).Concat(Repeat(0, M).Select(_ => (0, 0))).ToArray(); var pathList = new List<(int from, int to, int keiyu)>(); var ab1 = ab.ToArray(); var pathList1 = new List<(int from, int to, int keiyu)>(); var ab2 = ab.ToArray(); var pathList2 = new List<(int from, int to, int keiyu)>(); var ab3 = ab.ToArray(); var pathList3 = new List<(int from, int to, int keiyu)>(); var score1 = Func1(ab1, pathList1); var score2 = Func2(ab2, pathList2); var score3 = Func1(ab3, pathList3); var max = Min(score1, Min(score2, score3)); if (max == score1) { ab = ab1; pathList = pathList1; } else if (max == score2) { ab = ab2; pathList = pathList2; } else { ab = ab3; pathList = pathList3; } { var hasEdge = ab.Select(_ => { var ret = new int[2]; ret[0] = ret[1] = -1; return ret; }).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { if (hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][0] == -1) hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][0] = i; else hasEdge[pathList[i].from - 1][1] = i; if (hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][0] == -1) hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][0] = i; else hasEdge[pathList[i].to - 1][1] = i; } for (var i = 0; i < M; ++i) { Console.WriteLine($"{ab[i + N].x} {ab[i + N].y}"); } var ansList = new List(); var from = -1; var now = 1; ansList.Add($"1 1"); for (var i = 0; i < pathList.Count; ++i) { var to = 0; var p1 = pathList[hasEdge[now - 1][0]]; var p2 = pathList[hasEdge[now - 1][1]]; var keiyu = -1; if (p1.from == from || == from) { if (p2.from == now) to =; else to = p2.from; keiyu = p2.keiyu; } else { if (p1.from == now) to =; else to = p1.from; keiyu = p1.keiyu; } from = now; now = to; if (keiyu != -1) ansList.Add($"2 {keiyu - N}"); if (now > N) ansList.Add($"2 {now - N}"); else ansList.Add($"1 {now}"); } Console.WriteLine(ansList.Count); foreach (var item in ansList) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } } class Printer : StreamWriter { public override IFormatProvider FormatProvider { get { return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; } } public Printer(Stream stream) : base(stream, new UTF8Encoding(false, true)) { base.AutoFlush = false; } public Printer(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) : base(stream, encoding) { base.AutoFlush = false; } } static LIB_FastIO fastio = new LIB_FastIODebug(); static public void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { fastio = new LIB_FastIO(); Console.SetOut(new Printer(Console.OpenStandardOutput())); } if (SAIKI) { var t = new Thread(Solve, 134217728); t.Start(); t.Join(); } else Solve(); Console.Out.Flush(); } static long NN => fastio.Long(); static double ND => fastio.Double(); static string NS => fastio.Scan(); static long[] NNList(long N) => Repeat(0, N).Select(_ => NN).ToArray(); static double[] NDList(long N) => Repeat(0, N).Select(_ => ND).ToArray(); static string[] NSList(long N) => Repeat(0, N).Select(_ => NS).ToArray(); static long Count(this IEnumerable x, Func pred) => Enumerable.Count(x, pred); static IEnumerable Repeat(T v, long n) => Enumerable.Repeat(v, (int)n); static IEnumerable Range(long s, long c) => Enumerable.Range((int)s, (int)c); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderByRand(this IEnumerable x) => Enumerable.OrderBy(x, _ => xorshift); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderBy(this IEnumerable x) => Enumerable.OrderBy(x.OrderByRand(), e => e); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderBy(this IEnumerable x, Func selector) => Enumerable.OrderBy(x.OrderByRand(), selector); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderByDescending(this IEnumerable x) => Enumerable.OrderByDescending(x.OrderByRand(), e => e); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderByDescending(this IEnumerable x, Func selector) => Enumerable.OrderByDescending(x.OrderByRand(), selector); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderBy(this IEnumerable x) => x.OrderByRand().OrderBy(e => e, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderBy(this IEnumerable x, Func selector) => x.OrderByRand().OrderBy(selector, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderByDescending(this IEnumerable x) => x.OrderByRand().OrderByDescending(e => e, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); static IOrderedEnumerable OrderByDescending(this IEnumerable x, Func selector) => x.OrderByRand().OrderByDescending(selector, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); static string Join(this IEnumerable x, string separator = "") => string.Join(separator, x); static uint xorshift { get { _xsi.MoveNext(); return _xsi.Current; } } static IEnumerator _xsi = _xsc(); static IEnumerator _xsc() { uint x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629, w = (uint)(DateTime.Now.Ticks & 0xffffffff); while (true) { var t = x ^ (x << 11); x = y; y = z; z = w; w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)); yield return w; } } static bool Chmax(this ref T lhs, T rhs) where T : struct, IComparable { if (lhs.CompareTo(rhs) < 0) { lhs = rhs; return true; } return false; } static bool Chmin(this ref T lhs, T rhs) where T : struct, IComparable { if (lhs.CompareTo(rhs) > 0) { lhs = rhs; return true; } return false; } static void Fill(this T[] array, T value) => array.AsSpan().Fill(value); static void Fill(this T[,] array, T value) => MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref array[0, 0], array.Length).Fill(value); static void Fill(this T[,,] array, T value) => MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref array[0, 0, 0], array.Length).Fill(value); static void Fill(this T[,,,] array, T value) => MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref array[0, 0, 0, 0], array.Length).Fill(value); } } namespace Library { class LIB_FastIO { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public LIB_FastIO() { str = Console.OpenStandardInput(); } readonly Stream str; readonly byte[] buf = new byte[2048]; int len, ptr; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] byte read() { if (ptr >= len) { ptr = 0; if ((len = str.Read(buf, 0, 2048)) <= 0) { return 0; } } return buf[ptr++]; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] char Char() { byte b = 0; do b = read(); while (b < 33 || 126 < b); return (char)b; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] virtual public string Scan() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (var b = Char(); b >= 33 && b <= 126; b = (char)read()) sb.Append(b); return sb.ToString(); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] virtual public long Long() { long ret = 0; byte b = 0; var ng = false; do b = read(); while (b != '-' && (b < '0' || '9' < b)); if (b == '-') { ng = true; b = read(); } for (; true; b = read()) { if (b < '0' || '9' < b) return ng ? -ret : ret; else ret = (ret << 3) + (ret << 1) + b - '0'; } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] virtual public double Double() { return double.Parse(Scan(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } class LIB_FastIODebug : LIB_FastIO { Queue param = new Queue(); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] string NextString() { if (param.Count == 0) foreach (var item in Console.ReadLine().Split(' ')) param.Enqueue(item); return param.Dequeue(); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public LIB_FastIODebug() { } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public override string Scan() => NextString(); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public override long Long() => long.Parse(NextString()); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public override double Double() => double.Parse(NextString()); } }