from heapq import heappop, heappush N, K = map(int, input().split()) A = list(map(int, input().split())) h = [] over = set(A) for i in range(K): heappush(h,-A[i]) cnt,bf = 0, 1<<60 while h: v = -heappop(h) if v+1==bf:cnt+=1 else:cnt=1 bf = v if cnt>=4:exit(print('No')) # 1,6 if v+5 in over and v-1 not in over and v-1>0: over.add(v-1) heappush(h,-(v-1)) # 2,5 if v+3 in over and v-2 not in over and v-2>0: over.add(v-2) heappush(h,-(v-2)) # 3,4 if v+1 in over and v-3 not in over and v-3>0: over.add(v-3) heappush(h,-(v-3)) print('No' if 1 in over else 'Yes')