import os import sys from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec, SourceFileLoader class BundleImporter(SourceFileLoader): """Importer that supports importing from strings in code. This class is automatically generated by expander. """ module_ispkg = dict() module_code = dict() @classmethod def add_module(cls, fullname, is_package, code): cls.module_ispkg[fullname] = is_package cls.module_code[cls.get_filename(fullname)] = bytes(code, encoding="utf-8") @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname, path=None, target=None): if fullname in cls.module_ispkg: return ModuleSpec( fullname, cls(fullname, ""), is_package=cls.module_ispkg[fullname], ) else: return None @classmethod def get_filename(cls, fullname): return fullname.replace(".", "_") + ".py" def get_data(self, path): try: return super().get_data(path) except OSError: try: return self.module_code[path] except KeyError: raise OSError def path_stats(self, path): return {"mtime": os.stat(__file__).st_mtime, "size": None} BundleImporter.add_module( fullname="byslib", is_package=True, code="""\ \""" procon library by bayashi-cl github repository: This library can be expanded with expander. - \""" __version__ = "0.1.0" """, ) BundleImporter.add_module( fullname="byslib.core", is_package=True, code="""\ # @title Core Featule """, ) BundleImporter.add_module( fullname="byslib.core.config", is_package=False, code="""\ # @title setup import sys from typing import Callable from .fastio import readable def procon_setup(main: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]: \"""setup Notes ----- * Set recursionlimit to 1e7 * Repeat main function for testcases * If exception raised, indicate in which test case it was raised. \""" def wrapper(case: int = 1) -> None: sys.setrecursionlimit(10**7) for i in range(case): try: main(case=i + 1) except Exception as e: print( f"❌ {type(e).__name__} raised in tastcase {i + 1}.", file=sys.stderr, ) raise if readable(): print("🔺 Unused inputs.", file=sys.stderr) return wrapper """, ) BundleImporter.add_module( fullname="byslib.core.fastio", is_package=False, code="""\ # @title Fast I/O import io import os import sys from typing import Union if "USER" in os.environ: import inspect stdin = sys.stdin.buffer def debug(*args, sep: str = " ") -> None: line = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1].lineno header = f"📌 line{line:>4}: " space = "\\n" + " " * (len(header) + 1) out = header + sep.join(map(str, args)).replace("\\n", space) print(out, file=sys.stderr) else: stdin = io.BytesIO(, os.fstat(0).st_size)) def debug(*args, sep: str = " ") -> None: pass readline = stdin.readline def readable() -> bool: return len( != 0 def sinput() -> str: return readline().decode().rstrip() def int1(s: Union[str, bytes]) -> int: return int(s) - 1 """, ) BundleImporter.add_module( fullname="byslib.core.const", is_package=False, code="""\ # @title Const import sys MOD: int = 998244353 MOD7: int = 1000000007 INF: float = float("Inf") IINF: int = sys.maxsize // 2 """, ) sys.meta_path.append(BundleImporter) from collections import Counter from byslib.core.config import procon_setup from byslib.core.const import IINF, MOD from byslib.core.fastio import debug, int1, readline, sinput @procon_setup def main(**kwargs) -> None: n = int(readline()) d = dict() for _ in range(n): s, c = sinput().split() d[s] = int(c) cnt = Counter(d.values()) for i in range(8): print(cnt[i]) if __name__ == "__main__": t = 1 # * int(readline()) main(t) # package infomations # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # byslib-python # Version : 0.1.0 # Author : bayashi-cl # Home-page: # License : CC0 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------