class Modulo(): __slots__=("a","n") def __init__(self, a, n, mode=True): if mode: a%=n self.a=a self.n=n def __str__(self): return "{} (mod {})".format(self.a, self.n) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() #+,- def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): if self.a: return Modulo(self.n-self.a, self.n,False) else: return Modulo(0, self.n, False) #等号,不等号 def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Modulo): return (self.a==other.a) and (self.n==other.n) elif isinstance(other,int): return (self.a-other)%self.n==0 def __neq__(self,other): return not(self==other) def __le__(self,other): a,p=self.a,self.n b,q=other.a,other.n return (a-b)%q==0 and p%q==0 def __ge__(self,other): return other<=self def __lt__(self,other): return (self<=other) and (self!=other) def __gt__(self,other): return (self>=other) and (self!=other) def __contains__(self,val): return val%self.n==self.a #加法 def __add__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Modulo): assert self.n==other.n, "異なる法同士の演算です." y=other.a elif isinstance(other,int): y=other%self.n b=self.a+y if self.n<=b: b-=self.n return Modulo(b,self.n, False) def __radd__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): b=self.a+(other%self.n) if b>=self.n: b-=self.n return Modulo(b,self.n, False) def __iadd__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Modulo): assert self.n==other.n, "異なる法同士の演算です." y=other.a elif isinstance(other,int): y=other%self.n self.a+=y if self.a>=self.n: self.a-=self.n return self #減法 def __sub__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Modulo): assert self.n==other.n, "異なる法同士の演算です." y=other.a elif isinstance(other,int): y=other%self.n b=self.a-y if b<0: b+=self.n return Modulo(b,self.n, False) def __rsub__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): b=other%self.n-self.a if b<0: b+=self.n return Modulo(b,self.n, False) def __isub__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Modulo): assert self.n==other.n, "異なる法同士の演算です." y=other.a elif isinstance(other,int): y=other%self.n self.a-=y if self.a<0: self.a+=self.n return self #乗法 def __mul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Modulo): assert self.n==other.n, "異なる法同士の演算です." y=other.a elif isinstance(other,int): y=other%self.n return Modulo((self.a*y)%self.n, self.n, False) def __rmul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): return Modulo((self.a*other)%self.n, self.n, False) def __imul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,Modulo): assert self.n==other.n, "異なる法同士の演算です." y=other.a elif isinstance(other,int): y=other%self.n self.a*=y self.a%=self.n return self #Modulo逆数 def inverse(self): return self.modulo_inverse() def modulo_inverse(self): s,t=1,0 a,b=self.a,self.n while b: q,a,b=a//b,b,a%b s,t=t,s-q*t assert a==1,"{}の逆数が存在しません".format(self) s%=self.n return Modulo(s,self.n, False) #除法 def __truediv__(self,other): return self*(other.modulo_inverse()) def __rtruediv__(self,other): return other*(self.modulo_inverse()) #累乗 def __pow__(self,other): if isinstance(other,int): u=abs(other) r=Modulo(pow(self.a,u,self.n),self.n, False) if other>=0: return r else: return r.modulo_inverse() else: b,n=other.a,other.n assert pow(self.a,n,self.n)==1, "矛盾なく定義できません." return self**b #ルジャンドル記号 def Legendre(X): """ルジャンドル記号 (a/p) を返す. ※法が素数のときのみ成立する. """ if X==0: return 0 elif pow(X,(X.n-1)//2)==1: return 1 else: return -1 #根号 def Sqrt(X, All=False): """ X=a (mod p) のとき, r*r=a (mod p) を満たす r を (存在すれば) 返す. [Input] All: False ならば一方のみ, True ならば両方 ※ 法 p が素数のときのみ有効 ※ 存在しないときは None が返り値 """ if Legendre(X)==-1: return None a,p=X.a,X.n if X==0: return X elif p==2: return X elif p%8==3 or p%8==7: r=pow(X,(p+1)//4) if All: return (r,-r) else: return r elif p%8==5: if pow(X,(p-1)//4)==1: r=pow(X,(p+3)//8) else: r=pow(2,(p-1)//4,p)*pow(X,(p+3)//8) if All: return (r,-r) else: return r from random import randint as ri u=2 s=1 while (p-1)%(2*u)==0: u*=2 s+=1 q=(p-1)//u z=Modulo(0,p) while pow(z,(p-1)//2)!=-1: z=Modulo(ri(1,p-1),p) m,c,t,r=s,z**q,X**q,pow(X,(q+1)//2) while m>1: if pow(t,2**(m-2))==1: c=c*c m=m-1 else: c,t,r,m=c*c,c*c*t,c*r,m-1 if All: return (r,-r) else: return r #================================================== def solve(): P=int(input()) K=(P-1)//2 a=Modulo(1,P) b=Modulo(3,P) c=Modulo(K*K+4*K+2, P) D=b*b-4*a*c return Sqrt(D) is not None #================================================== print("YES" if solve() else "NO")