import math from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right from typing import Generic, Iterable, Iterator, TypeVar, Union, List T = TypeVar('T') # class SortedSet(Generic[T]): BUCKET_RATIO = 50 REBUILD_RATIO = 170 def _build(self, a=None) -> None: "Evenly divide `a` into buckets." if a is None: a = list(self) size = self.size = len(a) bucket_size = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(size/self.BUCKET_RATIO))) self.a = [a[size*i//bucket_size: size*(i+1)//bucket_size] for i in range(bucket_size)] def __init__(self, a: Iterable[T] = []) -> None: "Make a new SortedSet from iterable. / O(N) if sorted and unique / O(N log N)" a = list(a) if not all(a[i] < a[i+1] for i in range(len(a)-1)): a = sorted(set(a)) self._build(a) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]: for i in self.a: for j in i: yield j def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[T]: for i in reversed(self.a): for j in reversed(i): yield j def __len__(self) -> int: return self.size def __repr__(self) -> str: return "SortedSet"+str(self.a) def __str__(self) -> str: s = str(list(self)) return "{"+s[1: len(s)-1]+"}" def _find_bucket(self, x: T) -> List[T]: "Find the bucket which should contain x. self must not be empty." for a in self.a: if x <= a[-1]: return a return a def __contains__(self, x: T) -> bool: if self.size == 0: return False a = self._find_bucket(x) i = bisect_left(a, x) return i != len(a) and a[i] == x def add(self, x: T) -> bool: "Add an element and return True if added. / O(√N)" if self.size == 0: self.a = [[x]] self.size = 1 return True a = self._find_bucket(x) i = bisect_left(a, x) if i != len(a) and a[i] == x: return False a.insert(i, x) self.size += 1 if len(a) > len(self.a)*self.REBUILD_RATIO: self._build() return True def discard(self, x: T) -> bool: "Remove an element and return True if removed. / O(√N)" if self.size == 0: return False a = self._find_bucket(x) i = bisect_left(a, x) if i == len(a) or a[i] != x: return False a.pop(i) self.size -= 1 if len(a) == 0: self._build() return True def lt(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]: "Find the largest element < x, or None if it doesn't exist." for a in reversed(self.a): if a[0] < x: return a[bisect_left(a, x)-1] def le(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]: "Find the largest element <= x, or None if it doesn't exist." for a in reversed(self.a): if a[0] <= x: return a[bisect_right(a, x)-1] def gt(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]: "Find the smallest element > x, or None if it doesn't exist." for a in self.a: if a[-1] > x: return a[bisect_right(a, x)] def ge(self, x: T) -> Union[T, None]: "Find the smallest element >= x, or None if it doesn't exist." for a in self.a: if a[-1] >= x: return a[bisect_left(a, x)] def __getitem__(self, x: int) -> T: "Return the x-th element, or IndexError if it doesn't exist." if x < 0: x += self.size if x < 0: raise IndexError for a in self.a: if x < len(a): return a[x] x -= len(a) raise IndexError def index(self, x: T) -> int: "Count the number of elements < x." ans = 0 for a in self.a: if a[-1] >= x: return ans+bisect_left(a, x) ans += len(a) return ans def index_right(self, x: T) -> int: "Count the number of elements <= x." ans = 0 for a in self.a: if a[-1] > x: return ans+bisect_right(a, x) ans += len(a) return ans class UnionFind: def __init__(self, n): self.n = n self.parents = [-1] * n def find(self, x): if self.parents[x] < 0: return x else: self.parents[x] = self.find(self.parents[x]) return self.parents[x] def union(self, x, y): x = self.find(x) y = self.find(y) if x == y: return if self.parents[x] > self.parents[y]: x, y = y, x self.parents[x] += self.parents[y] self.parents[y] = x mod = 998244353 h,w = map(int,input().split()) a = [list(map(int,input().split())) for i in range(h)] v = [] for i in range(h): for j in range(w): v.append((a[i][j] << 30) + (i << 15) + j) v.sort() mask = (1 << 15) - 1 x = [0] * h uf = UnionFind(w) cnt = w cnth = h hr = [SortedSet() for i in range(h)] ans = 0 v2 = [1] * (h + w + 5) for i in range(h + w + 4): v2[i+1] = v2[i] * 2 % mod for ty in v[::-1]: j = ty & mask i = (ty >> 15) & mask val = ty >> 30 tv = cnt + cnth - 2 mode = 1 g = hr[i].gt(j) if g != None and uf.find(g) == uf.find(j): mode = 0 g = hr[i].lt(j) if g != None and uf.find(g) == uf.find(j): mode = 0 if mode: ans += pow(2, tv, mod) * val ans %= mod if x[i] == 0: x[i] = 1 cnth -= 1 g = hr[i].gt(j) if g != None and uf.find(g) != uf.find(j): cnt -= 1 uf.union(g, j) g = hr[i].lt(j) if g != None and uf.find(g) != uf.find(j): cnt -= 1 uf.union(g, j) hr[i].add(j) print(ans)