package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" stdio "io" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // from var io *Iost type Iost struct { Scanner *bufio.Scanner Writer *bufio.Writer } func NewIost(fp stdio.Reader, wfp stdio.Writer) *Iost { const BufSize = 2000005 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fp) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanWords) scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, BufSize), BufSize) return &Iost{Scanner: scanner, Writer: bufio.NewWriter(wfp)} } func (io *Iost) Text() string { if !io.Scanner.Scan() { panic("scan failed") } return io.Scanner.Text() } func (io *Iost) Atoi(s string) int { x, _ := strconv.Atoi(s); return x } func (io *Iost) Atoi64(s string) int64 { x, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); return x } func (io *Iost) Atof64(s string) float64 { x, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); return x } func (io *Iost) NextInt() int { return io.Atoi(io.Text()) } func (io *Iost) NextInt64() int64 { return io.Atoi64(io.Text()) } func (io *Iost) NextFloat64() float64 { return io.Atof64(io.Text()) } func (io *Iost) Print(x ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(io.Writer, x...) } func (io *Iost) Printf(s string, x ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(io.Writer, s, x...) } func (io *Iost) Println(x ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintln(io.Writer, x...) } func main() { 最大三角形面积() } func abc244_h() { // // - 向点集中追加一个点(a,b), 表示为 a*x + b*y // - 查询 x=xi,y=yi 时的最大值 in := os.Stdin out := os.Stdout io = NewIost(in, out) defer func() { io.Writer.Flush() }() q := io.NextInt() cht := NewLineContainer2D(q) for i := 0; i < q; i++ { a, b, x, y := io.NextInt(), io.NextInt(), io.NextInt(), io.NextInt() cht.Add(a, b) io.Println(cht.QueryMax(x, y)) } } func 最大三角形面积() { // // 平面上有n个点, 问最其中两点和原点组成的三角形的最大面积的2倍 // !将(a,-b)加入点集,对每个点(x,y)查询最大的a*y-b*x in := os.Stdin out := os.Stdout io = NewIost(in, out) defer func() { io.Writer.Flush() }() n := io.NextInt() points := make([][2]int, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { points[i] = [2]int{io.NextInt(), io.NextInt()} } cht := NewLineContainer2D(n) for _, p := range points { a, b := p[0], p[1] cht.Add(a, -b) } res := 0 for _, p := range points { x, y := p[0], p[1] res = max(res, cht.QueryMax(y, x)) } io.Println(res) } const INF int = 1e18 type Line struct { k, b int p1, p2 int // p=p1/p2 } type LineContainer2D struct { minCHT, maxCHT *_LineContainer kMax, kMin int bMax, bMin int } func NewLineContainer2D(capacity int) *LineContainer2D { return &LineContainer2D{ minCHT: _NewLineContainer(true, capacity), maxCHT: _NewLineContainer(false, capacity), kMax: -INF, kMin: INF, bMax: -INF, bMin: INF, } } // 追加 a*x + b*y. func (lc *LineContainer2D) Add(a, b int) { lc.minCHT.Add(b, a) lc.maxCHT.Add(b, a) lc.kMax = max(lc.kMax, a) lc.kMin = min(lc.kMin, a) lc.bMax = max(lc.bMax, b) lc.bMin = min(lc.bMin, b) } // 查询 x=xi,y=yi 时的最大值 max_{a,b} (ax + by). func (lc *LineContainer2D) QueryMax(x, y int) int { if lc.minCHT.Size() == 0 { return -INF } if x == 0 { if y > 0 { return lc.bMax * y } return lc.bMin * y } if y == 0 { if x > 0 { return lc.kMax * x } return lc.kMin * x } // y/x if x > 0 { l :=, x) line := a := line.b b := line.k return a*x + b*y } l :=, x) line := a := -line.b b := -line.k return a*x + b*y } // 查询 x=xi,y=yi 时的最小值 min_{a,b} (ax + by). func (lc *LineContainer2D) QueryMin(x, y int) int { return -lc.QueryMax(-x, -y) } type _LineContainer struct { minimize bool sl *_SL } func _NewLineContainer(minimize bool, capacity int) *_LineContainer { return &_LineContainer{ minimize: minimize, sl: _NSL(capacity), } } func (lc *_LineContainer) Add(k, m int) { if lc.minimize { k, m = -k, -m } newLine := Line{k: k, b: m} it1 := - 1 it2 := it1 line2 := it1++ it3 := it2 for lc.insect(line2, { } if it3 != 0 { it3-- line3 := if lc.insect(line3, line2) { lc.insect(line3, } } if it3 == 0 { return } dp1, dp2 :=, for it3 != 0 { it2 := it3 if less(dp1.p1, dp1.p2, dp2.p1, dp2.p2) { break } it3-- lc.insect(dp1, dp1, dp2 =, dp1 } } // 查询 kx + m 的最小值(或最大值). func (lc *_LineContainer) Query(x int) int { if == 0 { panic("empty container") } pos :=, 1) line := v := line.k*x + line.b if lc.minimize { return -v } return v } func (lc *_LineContainer) Size() int { return } // 这个函数在向集合添加新线或删除旧线时用于计算交点。 // 计算线性函数x和y的交点,并将结果存储在x->p中。 func (lc *_LineContainer) insect(line1, line2 *Line) bool { if line2 == nil { line1.p1 = INF line1.p2 = 1 return false } if line1.k == line2.k { if line1.b > line2.b { line1.p1 = INF line1.p2 = 1 } else { line1.p1 = INF line1.p2 = -1 } } else { // lc_div line1.p1 = line2.b - line1.b line1.p2 = line1.k - line2.k } return !less(line1.p1, line1.p2, line2.p1, line2.p2) } // DIY: 传入自定义比较函数的LowerBound func (sl *_SL) LowerBoundWith(a, b int) int { return sl.BisectLeftWith(a, b) } type _Value = Line type _node struct { left, right int size int priority uint64 value _Value } type _SL struct { seed uint64 root int nodes []_node } func _NSL(initCapacity int) *_SL { sl := &_SL{ seed: uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()/2 + 1), nodes: make([]_node, 0, max(initCapacity, 16)), } dummy := &_node{size: 0, priority: sl.nextRand(), value: _Value{p2: 1}} // dummy node 0 sl.nodes = append(sl.nodes, *dummy) return sl } func (sl *_SL) pushUp(root int) { sl.nodes[root].size = sl.nodes[sl.nodes[root].left].size + sl.nodes[sl.nodes[root].right].size + 1 } func (sl *_SL) Add(value _Value) { var x, y, z int sl.splitByValue(sl.root, value.k, &x, &y, false) z = sl.newNode(value) sl.root = sl.merge(sl.merge(x, z), y) } func (sl *_SL) At(index int) *_Value { if index < 0 || index >= sl.Len() { return nil } return &sl.nodes[sl.kthNode(sl.root, index+1)].value } func (sl *_SL) Pop(index int) _Value { index += 1 // dummy offset var x, y, z int sl.splitByRank(sl.root, index, &y, &z) sl.splitByRank(y, index-1, &x, &y) res := sl.nodes[y].value sl.root = sl.merge(x, z) return res } func (sl *_SL) BisectLeft(k int) int { var x, y int sl.splitByValue(sl.root, k, &x, &y, true) res := sl.nodes[x].size sl.root = sl.merge(x, y) return res } func (sl *_SL) BisectLeftWith(a, b int) int { var x, y int sl.splitByValueWith(sl.root, a, b, &x, &y) res := sl.nodes[x].size sl.root = sl.merge(x, y) return res } func (sl *_SL) BisectRight(k int) int { var x, y int sl.splitByValue(sl.root, k, &x, &y, false) res := sl.nodes[x].size sl.root = sl.merge(x, y) return res } func (sl *_SL) String() string { sb := []string{"SortedList{"} values := []string{} for i := 0; i < sl.Len(); i++ { values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", sl.At(i))) } sb = append(sb, strings.Join(values, ","), "}") return strings.Join(sb, "") } func (sl *_SL) Len() int { return sl.nodes[sl.root].size } func (sl *_SL) kthNode(root int, k int) int { cur := root for cur != 0 { if sl.nodes[sl.nodes[cur].left].size+1 == k { break } else if sl.nodes[sl.nodes[cur].left].size >= k { cur = sl.nodes[cur].left } else { k -= sl.nodes[sl.nodes[cur].left].size + 1 cur = sl.nodes[cur].right } } return cur } func (sl *_SL) splitByValue(root int, k int, x, y *int, strictLess bool) { if root == 0 { *x, *y = 0, 0 return } if strictLess { if sl.nodes[root].value.k < k { *x = root sl.splitByValue(sl.nodes[root].right, k, &sl.nodes[root].right, y, strictLess) } else { *y = root sl.splitByValue(sl.nodes[root].left, k, x, &sl.nodes[root].left, strictLess) } } else { if sl.nodes[root].value.k <= k { *x = root sl.splitByValue(sl.nodes[root].right, k, &sl.nodes[root].right, y, strictLess) } else { *y = root sl.splitByValue(sl.nodes[root].left, k, x, &sl.nodes[root].left, strictLess) } } sl.pushUp(root) } func (sl *_SL) splitByValueWith(root int, a1, b1 int, x, y *int) { if root == 0 { *x, *y = 0, 0 return } a2, b2 := sl.nodes[root].value.p1, sl.nodes[root].value.p2 if less(a2, b2, a1, b1) { *x = root sl.splitByValueWith(sl.nodes[root].right, a1, b1, &sl.nodes[root].right, y) } else { *y = root sl.splitByValueWith(sl.nodes[root].left, a1, b1, x, &sl.nodes[root].left) } sl.pushUp(root) } // Split by rank. // Split the tree rooted at root into two trees, x and y, such that the size of x is k. // x is the left subtree, y is the right subtree. func (sl *_SL) splitByRank(root, k int, x, y *int) { if root == 0 { *x, *y = 0, 0 return } if k <= sl.nodes[sl.nodes[root].left].size { *y = root sl.splitByRank(sl.nodes[root].left, k, x, &sl.nodes[root].left) sl.pushUp(*y) } else { *x = root sl.splitByRank(sl.nodes[root].right, k-sl.nodes[sl.nodes[root].left].size-1, &sl.nodes[root].right, y) sl.pushUp(*x) } } func (sl *_SL) merge(x, y int) int { if x == 0 || y == 0 { return x + y } if sl.nodes[x].priority < sl.nodes[y].priority { sl.nodes[x].right = sl.merge(sl.nodes[x].right, y) sl.pushUp(x) return x } sl.nodes[y].left = sl.merge(x, sl.nodes[y].left) sl.pushUp(y) return y } func (sl *_SL) newNode(value _Value) int { sl.nodes = append(sl.nodes, _node{ value: value, size: 1, priority: sl.nextRand(), }) return len(sl.nodes) - 1 } // func (sl *_SL) nextRand() uint64 { sl.seed ^= sl.seed << 7 sl.seed ^= sl.seed >> 9 return sl.seed } func max(a, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b } func min(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } // 分母不为0的分数比较大小 // a1/b1 < a2/b2 func less(a1, b1, a2, b2 int) bool { if a1 == INF || a2 == INF { // 有一个是+-INF return a1/b1 < a2/b2 } diff := a1*b2 - a2*b1 mul := b1 * b2 return diff^mul < 0 }