#line 1 "Main.cpp" #include #include #include #include #include #line 5 "nachia\\fps\\fps-struct.hpp" #include #line 3 "nachia\\math-modulo\\modulo-primitive-root.hpp" #include namespace nachia{ template struct PrimitiveRoot{ using u64 = unsigned long long; static constexpr u64 powm(u64 a, u64 i) { u64 res = 1, aa = a; while(i){ if(i & 1) res = res * aa % MOD; aa = aa * aa % MOD; i /= 2; } return res; } static constexpr bool ExamineVal(unsigned int g){ unsigned int t = MOD - 1; for(u64 d=2; d*d<=t; d++) if(t % d == 0){ if(powm(g, (MOD - 1) / d) == 1) return false; while(t % d == 0) t /= d; } if(t != 1) if(powm(g, (MOD - 1) / t) == 1) return false; return true; } static constexpr unsigned int GetVal(){ for(unsigned int x=2; x class Comb{ private: std::vector F; std::vector iF; public: void extend(int newN){ int prevN = (int)F.size() - 1; if(prevN >= newN) return; F.resize(newN+1); iF.resize(newN+1); for(int i=prevN+1; i<=newN; i++) F[i] = F[i-1] * Modint::raw(i); iF[newN] = F[newN].inv(); for(int i=newN; i>prevN; i--) iF[i-1] = iF[i] * Modint::raw(i); } Comb(int n = 1){ F.assign(2, Modint(1)); iF.assign(2, Modint(1)); extend(n); } Modint factorial(int n) const { return F[n]; } Modint invFactorial(int n) const { return iF[n]; } Modint invOf(int n) const { return iF[n] * F[n-1]; } Modint comb(int n, int r) const { if(n < 0 || n < r || r < 0) return Modint(0); return F[n] * iF[r] * iF[n-r]; } Modint invComb(int n, int r) const { if(n < 0 || n < r || r < 0) return Modint(0); return iF[n] * F[r] * F[n-r]; } Modint perm(int n, int r) const { if(n < 0 || n < r || r < 0) return Modint(0); return F[n] * iF[n-r]; } Modint invPerm(int n, int r) const { if(n < 0 || n < r || r < 0) return Modint(0); return iF[n] * F[n-r]; } Modint operator()(int n, int r) const { return comb(n,r); } }; } // namespace nachia #line 4 "nachia\\misc\\bit-operations.hpp" namespace nachia{ int Popcount(unsigned long long c) noexcept { #ifdef __GNUC__ return __builtin_popcountll(c); #else c = (c & (~0ull/3)) + ((c >> 1) & (~0ull/3)); c = (c & (~0ull/5)) + ((c >> 2) & (~0ull/5)); c = (c & (~0ull/17)) + ((c >> 4) & (~0ull/17)); c = (c * (~0ull/257)) >> 56; return c; #endif } // please ensure x != 0 int MsbIndex(unsigned long long x) noexcept { #ifdef __GNUC__ return 63 - __builtin_clzll(x); #else int res = 0; for(int d=32; d>0; d>>=1) if(x >> d){ res |= d; x >>= d; } return res; #endif } // please ensure x != 0 int LsbIndex(unsigned long long x) noexcept { #ifdef __GNUC__ return __builtin_ctzll(x); #else return MsbIndex(x & -x); #endif } } #line 2 "nachia\\fps\\ntt-interface.hpp" namespace nachia { template struct NttInterface{ template void Butterfly(Iter, int) const {} template void IButterfly(Iter, int) const {} template void BitReversal(Iter a, int N) const { for(int i=0, j=0; j>1; k > (i^=k); k>>=1); } } }; } // namespace nachia #line 5 "nachia\\fps\\ntt-acl.hpp" #include #line 8 "nachia\\fps\\ntt-acl.hpp" #include namespace nachia{ constexpr int bsf_constexpr(unsigned int n) { int x = 0; while (!(n & (1 << x))) x++; return x; } template struct NttFromAcl : NttInterface { using u32 = unsigned int; using u64 = unsigned long long; static int ceil_pow2(int n) { int x = 0; while ((1U << x) < (u32)(n)) x++; return x; } struct fft_info { static constexpr u32 g = nachia::PrimitiveRoot::val; static constexpr int rank2 = bsf_constexpr(mint::mod()-1); std::array root; std::array iroot; std::array rate2; std::array irate2; std::array rate3; std::array irate3; fft_info(){ root[rank2] = mint(g).pow((mint::mod() - 1) >> rank2); iroot[rank2] = root[rank2].inv(); for(int i=rank2-1; i>=0; i--){ root[i] = root[i+1] * root[i+1]; iroot[i] = iroot[i+1] * iroot[i+1]; } mint prod = 1, iprod = 1; for(int i=0; i<=rank2-2; i++){ rate2[i] = root[i+2] * prod; irate2[i] = iroot[i+2] * iprod; prod *= iroot[i+2]; iprod *= root[i+2]; } prod = 1; iprod = 1; for(int i=0; i<=rank2-3; i++){ rate3[i] = root[i+3] * prod; irate3[i] = iroot[i+3] * iprod; prod *= iroot[i+3]; iprod *= root[i+3]; } } }; template void Butterfly(RandomAccessIterator a, int n) const { int h = ceil_pow2(n); static const fft_info info; int len = 0; while(len < h){ if(h-len == 1){ int p = 1 << (h-len-1); mint rot = 1; for(int s=0; s<(1< void IButterfly(RandomAccessIterator a, int n) const { int h = ceil_pow2(n); static const fft_info info; constexpr int MOD = mint::mod(); int len = h; while(len){ if(len == 1){ int p = 1 << (h-len); mint irot = 1; for(int s=0; s<(1<<(len-1)); s++){ int offset = s << (h-len+1); for(int i=0; i> struct FpsNtt { public: using Fps = FpsNtt; using ElemTy = Elem; static constexpr unsigned int MOD = Elem::mod(); static constexpr int CONV_THRES = 30; static const NttInst nttInst; static const unsigned int zeta = nachia::PrimitiveRoot::GetVal(); private: using u32 = unsigned int; static Elem ZeroElem() noexcept { return Elem(0); } static Elem OneElem() noexcept { return Elem(1); } static Comb comb; std::vector a; int RSZ(int& sz) const { return sz = (sz < 0 ? size() : sz); } public: int size() const noexcept { return a.size(); } Elem& operator[](int x) noexcept { return a[x]; } const Elem& operator[](int x) const noexcept { return a[x]; } Elem getCoeff(int x) const noexcept { return (0 <= x && x < size()) ? a[x] : ZeroElem(); } static Comb& GetComb() { return comb; } static int BestNttSize(int x) noexcept { assert(x); return 1 << MsbIndex(x*2-1); } Fps move(){ return std::move(*this); } Fps& set(int i, Elem c){ a[i] = c; return *this; } Fps& removeLeadingZeros(){ int newsz = size(); while(newsz && a[newsz-1].val() == 0) newsz--; a.resize(newsz); if((int)a.capacity() / 4 > newsz) a.shrink_to_fit(); return *this; } FpsNtt(){} FpsNtt(int sz) : a(sz, ZeroElem()) {} FpsNtt(std::vector&& src) : a(std::move(src)) {} FpsNtt(const std::vector& src) : a(src) {} Fps& ntt() { capSize(BestNttSize(size())); nttInst.Butterfly(a.begin(), size()); return *this; } Fps& intt() { nttInst.IButterfly(a.begin(), a.size()); return times(Elem::raw(size()).inv()); } Fps nttDouble(Fps vanilla) const { int n = size(); assert(n == (n&-n)); // n is a power of 2 Elem q = Elem::raw(zeta).pow((Elem::mod() - 1) / (n*2)); Elem qq = OneElem(); for(int i=0; i srcR = max(srcL, size()); // if resSz is unspecified -> resSz = destL + srcR - srcL Fps clip(int srcL, int srcR = -1, int destL = 0, int resSz = -1) const { srcR = RSZ(srcR); if(resSz < 0) resSz = destL + srcR - srcL; int rj = std::min(std::min(srcR, size()) - srcL, resSz - destL); Fps res(resSz); for(int j=std::max(0, -srcL); j b.size()) return convolution(b, a, sz); if(sz < 0) sz = std::max(0, a.size() + b.size() - 1); std::vector res(sz); for(int i=0; i=1; i--) a[i] = a[i-1] * comb.invOf(i); return set(0, ZeroElem()); } Fps log(int sz = -1){ RSZ(sz); assert(sz != 0); assert(a[0].val() == 1); return convolution(inv(sz), clip().difference(), sz-1).integral(); } Fps exp(int sz = -1){ RSZ(sz); Fps res = Fps(1).set(0, OneElem()); while(res.size() < sz){ auto z = res.size(); auto tmp = res.capSize(z*2).log().set(0, -OneElem()).move(); for(int i=0; i= (n-1) / k + 1) return Fps(n); Elem a0 = a[ctz]; return clip(ctz, ctz+n-ctz*k).times(a0.inv()).log().times(Elem(k)).exp().times(a0.pow(k)).clip(0, -1, ctz*k); } auto begin(){ return a.begin(); } auto end(){ return a.end(); } auto begin() const { return a.begin(); } auto end() const { return a.end(); } std::string toString(std::string beg = "[ ", std::string delim = " ", std::string en = " ]") const { std::string res = beg; bool f = false; for(auto x : a){ if(f){ res += delim; } f = true; res += std::to_string(x.val()); } res += en; return res; } std::vector getVectorMoved(){ return std::move(a); } Fps& operator+=(const Fps& r){ capSize(std::max(size(), r.size())); for(int i=0; i=0; i--) res = res * x + a[i]; return res; } }; template Comb FpsNtt::comb; template const NttInst FpsNtt::nttInst; } // namespace nachia #line 11 "nachia\\fps\\formal-power-series-struct.hpp" namespace nachia { template> struct FormalPowerSeriesNTT { public: using Fps = FormalPowerSeriesNTT; using ElemTy = Elem; static constexpr unsigned int MOD = Elem::mod(); static constexpr int CONV_THRES = 30; static const NttInst nttInst; static const unsigned int zeta = nachia::PrimitiveRoot::GetVal(); private: using u32 = unsigned int; static Elem ZeroElem() noexcept { return Elem(0); } static Elem OneElem() noexcept { return Elem(1); } static Comb comb; std::vector a; public: int size() const noexcept { return a.size(); } Elem& operator[](int x) noexcept { return a[x]; } const Elem& operator[](int x) const noexcept { return a[x]; } Elem getCoeff(int x) const noexcept { return (0 <= x && x < size()) ? a[x] : ZeroElem(); } static Comb& GetComb() { return comb; } static int BestNttSize(int x) noexcept { assert(x); return 1 << MsbIndex(x*2-1); } Fps move(){ return std::move(*this); } Fps& set(int i, Elem c){ a[i] = c; return *this; } Fps& removeLeadingZeros(){ int newsz = size(); while(newsz && a[newsz-1].val() == 0) newsz--; a.resize(newsz); if((int)a.capacity() / 4 > newsz) a.shrink_to_fit(); return *this; } FormalPowerSeriesNTT(){} FormalPowerSeriesNTT(int sz) : a(sz, ZeroElem()) {} FormalPowerSeriesNTT(std::vector&& src) : a(std::move(src)) {} FormalPowerSeriesNTT(const std::vector& src) : a(src) {} Fps& ntt() { capSize(BestNttSize(size())); nttInst.Butterfly(a.begin(), size()); return *this; } Fps& intt() { nttInst.IButterfly(a.begin(), a.size()); return times(Elem::raw(size()).inv()); } Fps nttDouble(Fps vanilla) const { int n = size(); assert(n == (n&-n)); // n is a power of 2 Elem q = Elem::raw(zeta).pow((Elem::mod() - 1) / (n*2)); Elem qq = OneElem(); for(int i=0; i srcR = max(srcL, size()); // if resSz is unspecified -> resSz = destL + srcR - srcL Fps clip(int srcL, int srcR = -1, int destL = 0, int resSz = -1) const { if(srcR < 0) srcR = std::max(srcL, size()); if(resSz < 0) resSz = destL + srcR - srcL; if(srcR > size()) srcR = size(); Fps res(resSz); for(int j=std::max(0, -srcL); j+destL < resSz && j+srcL < srcR; j++) res[j+destL] = a[j+srcL]; return res; } Fps clip() const { return *this; } Fps& capSize(int l, int r) { if(r <= (int)size()) a.resize(r); if(size() <= l) a.resize(l, ZeroElem()); return *this; } Fps& capSize(int z){ a.resize(z, ZeroElem()); return *this; } Fps& times(Elem x){ for(int i=0; i b.size()) return convolution(b, a, sz); if(sz < 0) sz = std::max(0, a.size() + b.size() - 1); Fps res(sz); for(int i=0; i=1; i--) a[i] = a[i-1] * comb.invOf(i); return set(0, ZeroElem()); } Fps log(int sz = -1){ if(sz < 0) sz = size(); assert(sz != 0); assert(a[0].val() == 1); return convolution(inv(sz), clip().difference(), sz-1).integral(); } Fps exp(int sz = -1){ if(sz < 0) sz = size(); Fps res = Fps(1).set(0, OneElem()); while(res.size() < sz){ auto z = res.size(); auto tmp = res.capSize(z*2).log().set(0, -OneElem()).move(); for(int i=0; i= (n-1) / k + 1) return Fps(n); Elem a0 = a[ctz]; return clip(ctz, ctz+n-ctz*k).times(a0.inv()).log().times(Elem(k)).exp().times(a0.pow(k)).clip(0, -1, ctz*k); } auto begin(){ return a.begin(); } auto end(){ return a.end(); } auto begin() const { return a.begin(); } auto end() const { return a.end(); } std::string toString(std::string beg = "[ ", std::string delim = " ", std::string en = " ]") const { std::string res = beg; bool f = false; for(auto x : a){ if(f){ res += delim; } f = true; res += std::to_string(x.val()); } res += en; return res; } std::vector getVectorMoved(){ return std::move(a); } Fps& operator+=(const Fps& r){ capSize(std::max(size(), r.size())); for(int i=0; i=0; i--) res = res * x + a[i]; return res; } }; template Comb FormalPowerSeriesNTT::comb; template const NttInst FormalPowerSeriesNTT::nttInst; } // namespace nachia #line 2 "nachia\\fps\\ntt-setup-manager.hpp" namespace nachia{ template class FpsNttSetupManager { using ElemTy = typename Fps::ElemTy; using MyType = FpsNttSetupManager; Fps raw; mutable Fps ntt; static const int THRESH = 30; FpsNttSetupManager(Fps _raw) : raw(_raw.move()) , ntt() {} public: FpsNttSetupManager() : FpsNttSetupManager(Fps()) {} FpsNttSetupManager(Fps _raw, Fps _ntt) : raw(_raw.move()) , ntt(_ntt.move()) {} const Fps& getRaw() const { return raw; } int size() const { return raw.size(); } int Least(){ return Fps::BestNttSize(raw.size()); } static MyType FromRaw(Fps _raw){ return FpsNttSetupManager(_raw.move()); } static MyType FromNtt(Fps _ntt){ Fps x = _ntt.clip(); return MyType(x.intt().removeLeadingZeros().move(), _ntt.move()); } void doubling() const { if(ntt.size() == 0) ntt = raw.clip(0, Fps::BestNttSize(raw.size())).ntt().move(); else ntt = ntt.nttDouble(raw.clip(0, ntt.size())); } Fps& ensureNtt(int sz) const { if(sz / 8 >= ntt.size()) ntt = raw.clip(0, sz).ntt().move(); while(ntt.size() < sz) doubling(); return ntt; } Fps nttClip(int sz) const { return ensureNtt(sz).clip(0,sz); } std::pair destruct(){ return std::make_pair(raw.move(), ntt.move()); } MyType operator+(const MyType& r) const { Fps nntt; int z1 = std::min(ntt.size(), r.ntt.size()); if(z1 >= std::max(size(), r.size())){ nntt.capSize(std::min(ntt.size(), r.ntt.size())); for(int i=0; i Fps ProductOfManyPolynomials(std::vector poly){ using Modint = typename Fps::ElemTy; using Fps2 = FpsNttSetupManager; if(poly.empty()) return std::vector{Modint(1)}; for(auto& p : poly) p.removeLeadingZeros(); for(auto& p : poly) if(p.size() == 0) return Fps(); std::vector poly2; for(auto& p : poly) poly2.push_back(Fps2::FromRaw(p.move())); int OFF_K = 16; for(int K=OFF_K; poly2.size() != 1; K*=2){ size_t pos = poly2.size(); for(size_t i=0; i K){ pos = i; continue; } poly2[pos] = poly2[pos] * poly2[i]; std::swap(poly2[i--], poly2.back()); poly2.pop_back(); } } return poly2[0].destruct().first.move(); } } // namespace nachia #line 3 "nachia\\fps\\polinomial-division.hpp" namespace nachia{ // return polynomials have no leading zeros template std::pair PolynomialDivision( Fps A, Fps D, bool do_get_remainder = true ){ D.removeLeadingZeros(); auto dsize = D.size(); assert(dsize != 0); if(A.size() == 0){ return std::make_pair(Fps(), Fps()); } if(A.size() < dsize){ return std::make_pair(Fps(), A.move()); } int n = A.size(); int divSize = n - dsize + 1; D.reverse(); A.reverse(); auto invD = D.inv(divSize); auto tmp = A.clip(0, divSize).convolve(invD, divSize); if(!do_get_remainder || dsize == 1) return std::make_pair(tmp.reverse().move(), Fps()); Fps tmp2 = tmp.convolve(D); Fps ans2(dsize - 1); for(int i=0; i std::vector MultipointEvaluation( Fps A, std::vector x ){ using Elem = typename Fps::ElemTy; std::vector Id; for(int idi=0; idi<(int)x.size(); ) Id.push_back((Id.size() & 31) ? idi++ : -1); size_t segtree_n = 1; while(segtree_n < Id.size()) segtree_n *= 2; std::vector divtree(segtree_n * 2); for(size_t i=Id.size(); i{ 1 }; for(size_t i=0; i= 0 ? std::vector{ -x[Id[i]], 1 } : std::vector{ 1 }); for(int i=segtree_n-1; i>=1; i--) divtree[i] = divtree[i*2] * divtree[i*2+1]; std::vector remtree(segtree_n * 2); std::vector resolved(segtree_n * 2); remtree[1] = PolynomialDivision(A, divtree[1]).second; std::vector res(x.size()); for(size_t i=1; i 1){ if(resolved[i/2]){ resolved[i] = true; continue; } if(i != 1) remtree[i] = PolynomialDivision(remtree[i/2], divtree[i]).second; if(remtree[i].size() <= 32){ size_t l = i, r = i+1; while(l < segtree_n){ l *= 2; r *= 2; } l -= segtree_n; r -= segtree_n; r = std::min(r, Id.size()); auto& F = remtree[i]; for(size_t j=l; j= 0){ int qi = Id[j]; Elem c = 0; for(int k=F.size()-1; k>=0; k--) c = c * x[qi] + F[k]; res[qi] = c; } resolved[i] = true; } } return res; } } // namespace nachia #line 9 "Main.cpp" using namespace std; using i32 = int; using u32 = unsigned int; using i64 = long long; using u64 = unsigned long long; #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0; i<(int)(n); i++) const i64 INF = 1001001001001001001; using Modint = atcoder::static_modint<998244353>; std::vector SumOfPower(std::vector F, int maxIdx){ using Fps = nachia::FpsNtt; std::vector polys(F.size()); for(std::size_t i=0; i(polys).log(maxIdx+1); for(int i=0; i<=maxIdx; i++) a[i] *= -Modint::raw(i); a[0] = F.size(); return a.getVectorMoved(); } int main(){ using Fps = nachia::FpsNtt; int N, M, K, P, Q; cin >> N >> M >> K >> P >> Q; vector A(N); rep(i,N) cin >> A[i]; vector B(M); rep(i,M){ int a; cin >> a; B[i] = a; } vector C(K); rep(i,K){ int a; cin >> a; C[i] = a; } vector U(Q); rep(i,Q) cin >> U[i]; B = SumOfPower(std::move(B), P); C = SumOfPower(std::move(C), P); auto comb = Fps::GetComb(); comb.extend(P); vector X(P+1); rep(t,P+1) X[t] = comb(P,t) * B[t] * C[P-t]; int maxU = *max_element(U.begin(), U.end()); vector W(maxU+1); for(int a : A) W[min(maxU,a)] += Modint::raw(1); for(int i=maxU-1; i>=0; i--) W[i] += W[i+1]; rep(y,maxU+1) W[y] *= Modint::raw(y).pow(P); vector mepos(maxU+1); rep(i,maxU+1) mepos[i] = Modint::raw(i); auto sumPsX = nachia::MultipointEvaluation(Fps(X), mepos); vector res(maxU+1); for(int y=1; y<=maxU; y++) for(int d=1; d*y<=maxU; d++){ int p = d*y; res[p] += sumPsX[d] * W[y]; } rep(i,maxU) res[i+1] += res[i]; for(int a : U) cout << res[a].val() << '\n'; return 0; } struct ios_do_not_sync{ ios_do_not_sync(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); } } ios_do_not_sync_instance;