import sys, math input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] def MI(): return map(int, input().split()) inf = 10**18 sys.setrecursionlimit(10**5) # Codeforcesでは350000程度に # 素因数分解√n def prime_fac(n): res = [] x = n y = 2 while y*y <= x: ex = 0 while x % y == 0: ex += 1 x //= y if ex > 0: res.append((y, ex)) y += 1 if x > 1: res.append((x, 1)) return res n, = MI() x = list(MI()) # メモ化再帰 from functools import lru_cache @lru_cache(maxsize=None) # 再帰関数の直前に置く def get_Grundy(i): res = i % 3 if i-1>=0 and get_Grundy(i-1)==i: res = i+1 if i-2>=0 and get_Grundy(i-2)==i: res = i+1 return res % 3 ans = 0 for i in x: i_fac = prime_fac(i) for _, c in i_fac: ans ^= get_Grundy(c) print("Alice" if ans!=0 else "Bob")