def int(b = 0) read_line.to_i64 + b end def ints(b = 0) { |x| x.to_i64 + b } end def str read_line.chomp end macro chmax(a, b) ({{a}} < {{b}} && ({{a}} = {{b}})) end macro chmin(a, b) ({{a}} > {{b}} && ({{a}} = {{b}})) end macro make_array(s, x){{ s[0] }}) { {% if s[1..s.size].empty? %}; {{ x }} {% else %}; make_array({{ s[1..s.size] }}, {{ x }}) {% end %} } end OO = (1_i64 << 62) - (1_i64 << 31) module NgLib # 不変な数列 $A$ に対して、$\sum_{i=l}^{r-1} A_i$ を前計算 $O(N)$ クエリ $O(1)$ で求めます。 class StaticRangeSum(T) getter size : Int64 getter csum : Array(T) # 配列 `array` に対して累積和を構築します。 # # ``` # array = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13] # csum = StaticRangeSum(Int32).new(array) # ``` def initialize(array : Array(T)) @size = array.size.to_i64 @csum = + 1, @size.times { |i| @csum[i + 1] = @csum[i] + array[i] } end # $[l, r)$ 番目までの要素の総和 $\sum_{i=l}^{r-1} a_i$ を $O(1)$ で返します。 # # ``` # array = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13] # csum = StaticRangeSum(Int32).new(array) # csum.get(0...5) # => 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12 # ``` def get(l, r) : T raise"`l` must be less than or equal to `r` (#{l}, #{r})") unless l <= r @csum[r] - @csum[l] end # :ditto: def get(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) : T l = (range.begin || 0) r = if range.end.nil? @size else range.end.not_nil! + (range.exclusive? ? 0 : 1) end get(l, r) end # $[l, r)$ 番目までの要素の総和 $\sum_{i=l}^{r-1} a_i$ を $O(1)$ で返します。 # # $l \leq r$ を満たさないとき、`nil` を返します。 # # ``` # array = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13] # csum = StaticRangeSum(Int32).new(array) # csum.get?(0...5) # => 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12 # csum.get?(7...5) # => nil # ``` def get?(l, r) : T? return nil unless l <= r get(l, r) end # :ditto: def get?(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) : T? l = (range.begin || 0) r = if range.end.nil? @size else range.end.not_nil! + (range.exclusive? ? 0 : 1) end get?(l, r) end # $\sum_{i=1}^{r - 1} a_i - \sum_{i=1}^{l} a_i$ を $O(1)$ で返します。 def get!(l, r) : T @csum[r] - @csum[l] end # :ditto: def get!(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) : T l = (range.begin || 0) r = if range.end.nil? @size else range.end.not_nil! + (range.exclusive? ? 0 : 1) end get!(l, r) end # `get(l : Int, r : Int)` へのエイリアスです。 def [](l, r) : T get(l, r) end # `get(range : Range(Int?, Int?))` へのエイリアスです。 def [](range : Range(Int?, Int?)) : T get(range) end # `get(l : Int, r : Int)` へのエイリアスです。 def []?(l, r) : T? get?(l, r) end # `get?(range : Range(Int?, Int?))` へのエイリアスです。 def []?(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) : T? get?(range) end end end module NgLib # 不変な数列 $A$ について、以下の条件を満たす演算を、区間クエリとして処理します。 # - 結合則 : $(x \oplus y) \oplus z = x \oplus (y \oplus z)$ # - 冪等性 : $x \oplus x = x$ # # 前計算は $O(N \log{N})$ かかりますが、区間クエリには $O(1)$ で答えられます。 class SparseTable(T) getter size : Int32 @data : Array(T) @table : Array(Array(T)) @lookup : Array(Int32) @op : (T, T) -> T # $\oplus = \max$ としてデータ構造を構築します。 def self.max(elems : Enumerable(T)) new elems, ->(x : T, y : T) { x > y ? x : y } end # $\oplus = \min$ としてデータ構造を構築します。 def self.min(elems : Enumerable(T)) new elems, ->(x : T, y : T) { x < y ? x : y } end # $\oplus = \mathrm{bitwise-or}$ としてデータ構造を構築します。 def self.bitwise_or(elems : Enumerable(T)) new elems, ->(x : T, y : T) { x | y } end # $\oplus = \mathrm{bitwise-and}$ としてデータ構造を構築します。 def self.bitwise_and(elems : Enumerable(T)) new elems, ->(x : T, y : T) { x & y } end # $\oplus = \mathrm{gcd}$ としてデータ構造を構築します。 def self.gcd(elems : Enumerable(T)) new elems, ->(x : T, y : T) { x.gcd(y) } end # $\oplus = op$ としてデータ構造を構築します。 def initialize(elems : Enumerable(T), @op : (T, T) -> T) @size = elems.size @data = Array(T).new log = (0..).index! { |k| (1 << k) > @size } @table = { Array(T).new(1 << log, } elems.each_with_index { |e, i| @table[0][i] = e; @data << e } (1...log).each do |i| j = 0 while j + (1 << i) <= (1 << log) @table[i][j] =[i - 1][j], @table[i - 1][j + (1 << (i - 1))]) j += 1 end end @lookup = [0] * (@size + 1) (2..@size).each do |i| @lookup[i] = @lookup[i >> 1] + 1 end end # `range` の表す範囲の要素の総積 $\bigoplus_{i \in range} a_i$ を返します。 # # ``` # rmq = SparseTable(Int32).min([2, 7, 1, 8, 1]) # # => 1 # ``` def prod(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) l = (range.begin || 0) r = if range.end.nil? @size else range.end.not_nil! + (range.exclusive? ? 0 : 1) end b = @lookup[r - l][b][l], @table[b][r - (1 << b)]) end # `range` の表す範囲の要素の総積 $\bigoplus_{i \in range} a_i$ を返します。 # # $0 \leq l \leq r \leq n$ を満たさないとき、`nil` を返します。 # # ``` # rmq = SparseTable(Int32).min([2, 7, 1, 8, 1]) # # => 1 # ``` def prod?(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) l = (range.begin || 0) r = if range.end.nil? @size else range.end.not_nil! + (range.exclusive? ? 0 : 1) end return nil unless 0 <= l && l <= r && r <= @size prod(range) end # $a_i$ を返します。 def [](i) @data[i] end # $a_i$ を返します。 # # 添字が範囲外のとき、`nil` を返します。 def []?(i) @data[i]? end # `prod` へのエイリアスです。 def [](range : Range(Int?, Int?)) prod(range) end # `prod?` へのエイリアスです。 def []?(range : Range(Int?, Int?)) prod?(range) end end end class StronglyConnectedComponents alias Graph = Array(Array(Int64)) getter leader : Array(Int64) getter graph : Graph getter groups : Array(Array(Int64)) @n : Int64 @order : Array(Int64) @fwd : Graph @bwd : Graph @closed : Array(Bool) def initialize(@fwd : Graph) @n = @fwd.size.to_i64 @order = Array(Int64).new(@n) @leader =, -1_i64) @bwd ={ Array(Int64).new } @n.times do |i| @fwd[i].each do |j| @bwd[j] << i end end @closed = Array(Bool).new(@n, false) @n.times{ |i| dfs(i) } @order = @order.reverse ptr = rdfs @graph ={ Array(Int64).new } @groups ={ Array(Int64).new } @n.times do |i| @groups[@leader[i]] << i @fwd[i].each do |j| x, y = @leader[i], @leader[j] next if x == y @graph[x] << y end end end def same(u : Int, v : Int) leader[u] == leader[v] end def size @groups.size end def size(v : Int) @groups[leader[v]].size end private def dfs(i : Int) return if @closed[i] @closed[i] = true @fwd[i].each{ |j| dfs(j) } @order << i end private def rdfs ptr = 0_i64 closed =, false) @order.each do |s| next if closed[s] que = Deque(Int64).new que << s closed[s] = true @leader[s] = ptr until que.empty? now = que.shift @bwd[now].each do |nxt| next if closed[nxt] closed[nxt] = true @leader[nxt] = ptr que << nxt end end ptr += 1 end ptr end end struct Int64 def self.inf OO end end module NgLib struct Edge @data : {Int64, Int64} def initialize(t : Int64, w : Int64) @data = {t, w} end def @data[0] end def self.weight @data[1] end def [](i : Int) @data[i] end end end # by hakatashi # # Copyright 2023 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module AtCoder # Implements standard priority queue like [std::priority_queue]( # # ``` # q = AtCoder::PriorityQueue(Int64).new # q << 1_i64 # q << 3_i64 # q << 2_i64 # q.pop # => 3 # q.pop # => 2 # q.pop # => 1 # ``` class PriorityQueue(T) include Enumerable(T) getter heap : Array(T) # Create a new queue in ascending order of priority. def self.max { |a, b| a <= b } end # Create a new queue in ascending order of priority with the elements in *enumerable*. def self.max(enumerable : Enumerable(T)) { |a, b| a <= b } end # Create a new queue in descending order of priority. def self.min { |a, b| a >= b } end # Create a new queue in descending order of priority with the elements in *enumerable*. def self.min(enumerable : Enumerable(T)) { |a, b| a >= b } end def initialize initialize { |a, b| a <= b } end # Initializes queue with the elements in *enumerable*. def : Enumerable(T)) { |a, b| a <= b } end # Initializes queue with the custom comperator. # # If the second argument `b` should be popped earlier than # the first argument `a`, return `true`. Else, return `false`. # # ``` # q = AtCoder::PriorityQueue(Int64).new { |a, b| a >= b } # q << 1_i64 # q << 3_i64 # q << 2_i64 # q.pop # => 1 # q.pop # => 2 # q.pop # => 3 # ``` def initialize(&block : T, T -> Bool) @heap = Array(T).new @compare_proc = block end # Initializes queue with the elements in *enumerable* and the custom comperator. # # If the second argument `b` should be popped earlier than # the first argument `a`, return `true`. Else, return `false`. # # ``` # q =[1, 3, 2]) { |a, b| a >= b } # q.pop # => 1 # q.pop # => 2 # q.pop # => 3 # ``` def initialize(enumerable : Enumerable(T), &block : T, T -> Bool) @heap = enumerable.to_a @compare_proc = block len = @heap.size (len // 2 - 1).downto(0) do |parent| v = @heap[parent] child = parent * 2 + 1 while child < len if child + 1 < len &&[child], @heap[child + 1]) child += 1 end unless, @heap[child]) break end @heap[parent] = @heap[child] parent = child child = parent * 2 + 1 end @heap[parent] = v end end # Pushes value into the queue. def push(v : T) @heap << v index = @heap.size - 1 while index != 0 parent = (index - 1) // 2 if[index], @heap[parent]) break end @heap[parent], @heap[index] = @heap[index], @heap[parent] index = parent end end # Alias of `push` def <<(v : T) push(v) end # Pops value from the queue. def pop if @heap.size == 0 return nil end if @heap.size == 1 return @heap.pop end ret = @heap.first @heap[0] = @heap.pop index = 0 while index * 2 + 1 < @heap.size child = if index * 2 + 2 < @heap.size && ![index * 2 + 2], @heap[index * 2 + 1]) index * 2 + 2 else index * 2 + 1 end if[child], @heap[index]) break end @heap[child], @heap[index] = @heap[index], @heap[child] index = child end ret end # Yields each item in the queue in comparator's order. def each(&) @heap.sort { |a, b|, b) ? 1 : -1 }.each do |e| yield e end end # Returns, but does not remove, the head of the queue. def first(&) @heap.first { yield } end # Returns `true` if the queue is empty. delegate :empty?, to: @heap # Returns size of the queue. delegate :size, to: @heap end end module NgLib abstract struct Weight include Comparable(Weight) def : self end def self.inf : self end def +(other : self) end def <=>(other : self) end end class DijkstraGraph(Weight) record Edge(W), target : Int32, weight : W getter size : Int32 @graph : Array(Array(Edge(Weight))) # $n$ 頂点 $0$ 辺からなるグラフを作成します。 # # ``` # graph = # ``` def initialize(n : Int) @size = n.to_i32 @graph = { Array(Edge(Weight)).new } end # 非負整数の重み $w$ の辺 $(u, v)$ を追加します。 # # `directed` が `true` の場合、 # 有向辺とみなして、$u$ から $v$ への辺のみ生やします。 # # ``` # graph = # graph.add_edge(u, v, w) # => (u) <---w---> (v) # graph.add_edge(u, v, w, directed: true) # => (u) ----w---> (v) # ``` def add_edge(u : Int, v : Int, w : Weight, directed : Bool = false) @graph[u.to_i32] <<, w) @graph[v.to_i32] <<, w) unless directed end # 全点対間の最短経路長を返します。 # # ``` # dists = graph.shortest_path # dists # => [[0, 1, 3], [1, 0, 2], [1, 1, 0]] # ``` def shortest_path : Array(Array(Weight)) (0...@size).map { |s| shortest_path(s) } end # 始点 `start` から各頂点への最短経路長を返します。 # # ``` # dist = graph.shortest_path(2) # dist # => [3, 8, 0, 7, 1] # ``` def shortest_path(start : Int) : Array(Weight) dist = [Weight.inf] * @size dist[start] = next_node = AtCoder::PriorityQueue({Weight, Int32}).min next_node << {, start.to_i32} until next_node.empty? d, source = next_node.pop.not_nil! next if dist[source] < d @graph[source].each do |e| next_cost = dist[source] + e.weight if next_cost < dist[] dist[] = next_cost next_node << {next_cost,} end end end dist end # 始点 `start` から終点 `dest` への最短経路長を返します。 # # ``` # dist = graph.shortest_path(start: 2, dest: 0) # dist # => 12 # ``` def shortest_path(start : Int, dest : Int) : Weight shortest_path(start)[dest] end # 始点 `start` から終点 `dest` への最短経路の一例を返します。 # # ``` # route = graph.shortest_path_route(start: 2, dest: 0) # route # => [2, 7, 1, 0] # ``` def shortest_path_route(start, dest) prev = impl_memo_route(start) res = Array(Int32).new now : Int32? = dest.to_i32 until now.nil? res << now.not_nil! now = prev[now] end res.reverse end # 始点 `start` から最短路木を構築します。 # # 最短路木は `start` からの最短経路のみを残した全域木です。 # # ``` # route = graph.shortest_path_route(start: 2, dest: 0) # route # => [2, 7, 1, 0] # ``` def shortest_path_tree(start, directed : Bool = false) : Array(Array(Int32)) dist = [Weight.inf] * @size dist[start] = next_node = AtCoder::PriorityQueue({Weight, Int32}).min next_node << {, start.to_i32} birth = [-1] * @size until next_node.empty? d, source = next_node.pop.not_nil! next if dist[source] < d @graph[source].each do |e| next_cost = dist[source] + e.weight if next_cost < dist[] dist[] = next_cost next_node << {next_cost,} birth[] = source end end end tree = { [] of Int32 } @size.times do |target| source = birth[target] next if source == -1 tree[source] << target tree[target] << source unless directed end tree end # 経路復元のための「どこから移動してきたか」を # メモした配列を返します。 private def impl_memo_route(start) dist = [Weight.inf] * @size dist[start] = prev = Array(Int32?).new(@size) { nil } next_node = AtCoder::PriorityQueue({Weight, Int32}).min next_node << {, start.to_i32} until next_node.empty? d, source = next_node.pop.not_nil! next if dist[source] < d @graph[source].each do |e| next_cost = dist[source] + e.weight if next_cost < dist[] dist[] = next_cost prev[] = source next_node << {next_cost,} end end end prev end end end class Array(T) def compress b = clone.sort.uniq map{ |s| b.bsearch_index{ |x| x >= s } || b.size } end def mapping b = clone.sort.uniq f, g = Hash(Int64, Int64).new, Hash(Int64, Int64).new each do |s| index = b.bsearch_index{ |x| x >= s } || b.size f[s] = index g[index] = s end {f, g} end end # .O, # :o. # 'd' :c;. c # lc dKl ;d,.,cl:. oOx. # .x. .,. 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