#line 1 "other_algorithms/test/binary_lifting.yuki1013.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/1013" #line 2 "other_algorithms/binary_lifting.hpp" #include #include // Binary lifting (Doubling) template class binary_lifting { int n = 0; std::vector> _nexts; std::vector> _prods; void build_next() { std::vector _next(n); std::vector _prod(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (int j = _nexts.back().at(i); isin(j)) { _next.at(i) = _nexts.back().at(j); _prod.at(i) = op(_prods.back().at(i), _prods.back().at(j)); } else { _next.at(i) = j; _prod.at(i) = _prods.back().at(i); } } _nexts.push_back(std::move(_next)); _prods.push_back(std::move(_prod)); } inline bool isin(int i) const noexcept { return 0 <= i and i < n; } public: // (up to) 2^d steps from `s` // Complexity: O(d) (Already precalculated) / O(nd) (First time) int pow_next(int s, int d) { assert(isin(s)); while (int(_nexts.size()) <= d) build_next(); return _nexts.at(d).at(s); } // Product of (up to) 2^d elements from `s` const S &pow_prod(int s, int d) { assert(isin(s)); while (int(_nexts.size()) <= d) build_next(); return _prods.at(d).at(s); } binary_lifting() = default; binary_lifting(const std::vector &g, const std::vector &w) : n(g.size()), _nexts(1, g), _prods(1, w) { assert(g.size() == w.size()); } // (up to) k steps from `s` template int kth_next(int s, Int k) { for (int d = 0; k > 0 and isin(s); ++d, k >>= 1) { if (k & 1) s = pow_next(s, d); } return s; } // Product of (up to) `len` elements from `s` template S prod(int s, Int len) { assert(isin(s)); assert(len > 0); int d = 0; while (!(len & 1)) ++d, len /= 2; S ret = pow_prod(s, d); s = pow_next(s, d); for (++d, len /= 2; len and isin(s); ++d, len /= 2) { if (len & 1) { ret = op(ret, pow_prod(s, d)); s = pow_next(s, d); } } return ret; } // `start` から出発して「`left_goal` 以下または `right_goal` 以上」に到達するまでのステップ数 // 単調性が必要 int distance_monotone(int start, int left_goal, int right_goal) { assert(isin(start)); if (start <= left_goal or right_goal <= start) return 0; int d = 0; while (left_goal < pow_next(start, d) and pow_next(start, d) < right_goal) { if ((1 << d) >= n) return -1; ++d; } int ret = 0, cur = start; for (--d; d >= 0; --d) { if (int nxt = pow_next(cur, d); left_goal < nxt and nxt < right_goal) { ret += 1 << d, cur = nxt; } } return ret + 1; } template long long max_length(const int s, F f, const int maxd = 60) { assert(isin(s)); int d = 0; while (d <= maxd and f(pow_prod(s, d))) { if (!isin(pow_next(s, d))) return 1LL << maxd; ++d; } if (d > maxd) return 1LL << maxd; --d; int cur = pow_next(s, d); long long len = 1LL << d; S p = pow_prod(s, d); for (int e = d - 1; e >= 0; --e) { if (S nextp = op(p, pow_prod(cur, e)); f(nextp)) { std::swap(p, nextp); cur = pow_next(cur, e); len += 1LL << e; } } return len; } }; #line 4 "other_algorithms/test/binary_lifting.yuki1013.test.cpp" #include #include #line 7 "other_algorithms/test/binary_lifting.yuki1013.test.cpp" using namespace std; using S = long long; S op(S l, S r) { return l + r; } int main() { cin.tie(nullptr), ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int N, K; cin >> N >> K; vector g(N); vector w(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { cin >> w.at(i); g.at(i) = (i + w.at(i)) % N; } binary_lifting bl(g, w); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cout << i + 1 + bl.prod(i, K) << '\n'; }