/* #include using namespace std; int main(){ */ // __builtin_popcountll() ; // multiset ; // unordered_set ; // unordered_map ; // reverse ; /* #include using namespace atcoder ; // using mint = modint; // using mint = modint998244353 ; // using mint = modint1000000007 ; */ #include using namespace std; /* #include using namespace boost::multiprecision; typedef cpp_int cp ; */ //-------型------- typedef long long ll; typedef string st ; typedef long double ld ; typedef unsigned long long ull ; using P = pair ; using run = pair ; using Edge = tuple ; using AAA = tuple ; //-------型------- //-------定数------- const ll mod0 = 1000000007; const ll mod1 = 998244353 ; const ll LINF = 1000000000000000000+2 ; //(10^18) const ld pai = acos(-1) ; const ld EPS = 1e-10 ; //-------定数------- //-------マクロ------- #define pb push_back #define ppb pop_back #define pf push_front #define ppf pop_front #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define rep(i,a,n) for (ll i = a; i <= (n); ++i) #define rrep(i,a,b,c) for (ll i = a ; i <= (b) ; i += c) #define ketu(i,a,n) for (ll i = a; i >= (n); --i) #define re return 0; #define fore(i,a) for(auto &i:a) #define V vector #define fi first #define se second #define C cout #define E "\n"; #define EE endl; //-------マクロ------- //-------テンプレ文字列------- st zz = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; st ZZ = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ; st tintin = "%" ; st Y = "Yes" ; st YY = "No" ; st KU = " " ; //-------テンプレ文字列------- void chmin(ll& x ,ll y){x = min(x,y) ;} void chmax(ll& x ,ll y){x = max(x,y) ;} ll max_element(V &A){ ll res = *max_element(all(A)) ; return res ; } ll max_element_index(V &A){ ll res = max_element(all(A)) - A.begin() ; return res ; } ll min_element(V &A){ ll res = *min_element(all(A)) ; return res ; } ll min_element_index(V &A){ ll res = min_element(all(A)) - A.begin() ; return res ; } vector Y4 = {0,1,0,-1} ; vector X4 = {1,0,-1,0} ; vector Y8 = {0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1} ; vector X8 = {1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1} ; template T pow_mod(T A, T N, T M) { T res = 1 % M; A %= M; while (N) { if (N & 1) res = (res * A) % M; A = (A * A) % M; N >>= 1; } return res; } // Miller-Rabin 素数判定 bool nis(ll N) { if (N <= 1) return false; if (N == 2) return true; if (N == 3) return true ; if (N == 5) return true ; if (N == 7) return true ; if (N == 11) return true ; if (N % 2 == 0 || N % 3 == 0 || N % 5 == 0 || N % 7 == 0 || N % 11 == 0 ) return false ; vector A = {2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775,9780504, 1795265022}; ll s = 0, d = N - 1; while (d % 2 == 0) { ++s; d >>= 1; } fore(a,A) { if (a % N == 0) return true; ll t, x = pow_mod<__int128_t>(a, d, N); if (x != 1) { for (t = 0; t < s; ++t) { if (x == N - 1) break; x = __int128_t(x) * x % N; } if (t == s) return false; } } return true; } // UF.initはいっかいだけならいいけど、二回目以降はrepで初期化 vector par; class UnionFind { public: // サイズをGET! void init(ll sz) { par.resize(sz,-1); } // 各連結成分の一番上を返す ll root(ll x) { if (par[x] < 0) return x; return par[x] = root(par[x]); } // 結合作業 bool unite(ll x, ll y) { x = root(x); y = root(y); if (x == y) return false; if (par[x] > par[y]) swap(x,y); par[x] += par[y]; par[y] = x; return true; } // 同じグループか判定 bool same(ll x, ll y) { return root(x) == root(y);} // グループのサイズをGET! ll size(ll x) { return -par[root(x)];} }; UnionFind UF ; vector enumdiv(ll n) { vector S; for (ll i = 1; i*i <= n; i++) if (n%i == 0) { S.pb(i); if (i*i != n) S.pb(n / i); } sort(S.begin(), S.end()); return S; } template using min_priority_queue = priority_queue, greater>; template using max_priority_queue = priority_queue, less> ; // 使用例 min_priority_queue Q ; vector> prime_factorize(long long N){ vector> res; for(long long a = 2; a * a <= N; ++a){ if(N % a != 0) continue; long long ex = 0; while(N % a == 0) ++ex, N /= a; res.push_back({a,ex}); } if(N != 1) res.push_back({N,1}); return res; } ll binpower(ll a, ll b,ll c) { if(!b) return 1 ; a %= c ; ll d = binpower(a,b/2,c) ; (d *= d) %= c ; if(b%2) (d *= a) %= c ; return d ; } template V sr(V A){ sort(all(A)) ; reverse(all(A)) ; return A ; } map Compression(V A){ sort(all(A)) ; A.erase(unique(all(A)),A.end()) ; map res ; ll index = 0 ; fore(u,A){ res[u] = index ; index ++ ; } return res ; } V sort_erase_unique(V &A){ sort(all(A)) ; A.erase(unique(all(A)),A.end()) ; return A ; } struct sqrt_machine{ V A ; const ll M = 1000000 ; void init(){ A.pb(-1) ; rep(i,1,M){ A.pb(i*i) ; } A.pb(LINF) ; } bool scan(ll a){ ll pos = lower_bound(all(A),a) - A.begin() ; if(A[pos] == -1 || A[pos] == LINF || A[pos] != a)return false ; return true ; } }; sqrt_machine SM ; ll a_b(V A,ll a,ll b){ ll res = 0 ; res += upper_bound(all(A),b) - lower_bound(all(A),a) ; return res ; } struct era{ ll check[10000010] ; void init(){ rep(i,2,10000000){ if(check[i] == 0){ for(ll j = i + i ;j <= 10000000 ; j += i){ check[j] ++ ; } } } } bool look(ll x){ if(x == 1)return false ; if(check[x] == 0)return true ; else return false ; } ll enu_count(ll x){ if(x == 1)return 1 ; if(check[x] == 0)return 1 ; return check[x] ; } }; era era ; st _10_to_2(ll x){ st abc = "" ; if(x == 0){ return "0" ; } while(x > 0){ abc = char(x%2 + '0') + abc ; x /= 2 ; } return abc ; } ll _2_to_10(st op){ ll abc = 0 ; ll K = op.size() ; for(ll i = 0 ;i < K ;i++){ abc = abc * 2 + ll(op[i] - '0') ; } return abc ; } ll powpow(ll A , ll B){ ll res = 1 ; rep(i,1,B){ res *= A ; } return res ; } V Run_Length_Encoding(st S){ ll N = S.size() ; V> A ; ll count = 0 ; char cc ; bool RLEflag = false ; if(N == 1){ A.pb({S[0],1}) ; RLEflag = true ; } rep(i,0,N-1){ if(RLEflag == true)break ; if(i == 0){ cc = S[i] ; count = 1 ; continue ; } if(i == N-1){ if(S[i] == cc){ A.pb({cc,count + 1}) ; }else{ A.pb({cc,count}) ; A.pb({S[i],1}) ; } break ; } if(S[i] == cc){ count ++ ; }else{ A.pb({cc,count}) ; cc = S[i] ; count = 1 ; } } return A ; } ll kiriage(ll a , ll b){ return (a + b - 1) / b ; } ll a_up(V &A , ll x){ if(A[A.size()-1] < x)return -1 ; ll res = lower_bound(all(A),x) - A.begin() ; return A[res] ; } ll b_down(V &B , ll x){ if(B[0] > x)return -1 ; ll res = upper_bound(all(B),x) - B.begin() ; return B[res-1] ; } ll Permutation(ll N){ ll res = 1 ; rep(i,1,N)res *= i ; return res ; } V> Next_permutation(ll N){ ll Size = Permutation(N) ; V> res(Size) ; V per(N) ; rep(i,0,N-1)per[i] = i ; ll count = 0 ; do{ fore(u,per){ res[count].pb(u) ; } count ++ ; }while(next_permutation(per.begin(),per.end())); return res ; } /* st Regex(st S, st A ,st B){ return regex_replace(S,regex(A),B) ; } st erase_string(st S , st T){ st ans = S.erase(S.find(T),T.length()) ; return ans ; } */ ll pow_daisyou(ll a , ll b , ll c){ ll d = c%2==1 ? 1 : 2 ; ll ans = -1 ; if(powpow(a,d) == powpow(b,d))ans = 0 ; if(powpow(a,d) > powpow(b,d))ans = 1 ; else if(powpow(a,d) < powpow(b,d))ans = 2 ; return ans ; } template void debag_1V_kaigyou(V A){ ll N = A.size() ; rep(i,0,N-1){ C << A[i] << E } } template void debag_1V_space(V A){ ll N = A.size() ; rep(i,0,N-1){ C << A[i] << KU ; } C << E } template void debag_2V(V> A){ ll N = A.size() ; ll M = A[0].size() ; rep(i,0,N-1){ rep(j,0,M-1){ if(A[i][j] == LINF || A[i][j] == LINF)C << "L" << KU ; else C << A[i][j] << KU ; } C << E } } void debag_pair(V

A){ ll N = A.size() ; rep(i,0,N-1){ auto [a,b] = A[i] ; C << a << KU << b << E } } void debag_Edge(V A){ ll N = A.size() ; rep(i,0,N-1){ auto [a,b,c] = A[i] ; C << a << KU << b << KU << c << E } } V

sort_Args(int len, ...) { V arr; va_list args; va_start(args, len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ll arg = va_arg(args, ll); arr.push_back(arg); } va_end(args); sort(arr.begin(), arr.end()); V

pos ; pos.pb({0,-LINF}) ; ll index = 1 ; rep(i,0,len-1){ pos.pb({index,arr[i]}) ; index ++ ; } return pos ; } ll c_c(char s){ ll x = s - 'a' ; return x ; } ll C_C(char S){ ll X = S - 'A' ; return X ; } // FPS (けんちょんさん) /* 解説 https://drken1215.hatenablog.com/archive/category/%E5%A4%9A%E9%A0%85%E5%BC%8F%E3%83%BB%E5%BD%A2%E5%BC%8F%E7%9A%84%E5%86%AA%E7%B4%9A%E6%95%B0 f *= g 問題 https://atcoder.jp/contests/tdpc/tasks/tdpc_contest 提出 https://atcoder.jp/contests/tdpc/submissions/42229178 f /= g 係数そのままだしたかったら、 mod998なら1000000 >= なら -= MODする 問題 https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc245/tasks/abc245_d 提出 https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc245/submissions/42229617 こっちはACL特に必要ない 初期化 FPS f(N) ; 掛け算 f * g FPS g(MAX) ; g[0] = 1 ; g[a] = 1 ; f *= g ;   pow f = (x+1) で (x+1)^2がほしいなら FPS ff = pow(f,2,N) ; // Nは項数 か FPS ff = pow(f,2) ; log , exp , inv も同じ感じ inv = 1/f inv やるときは余分にサイズとっておかないとREでる FPS f(N+10) ; みたいにしないとだめ BiCoefできること 初期化 Bicoef bc(N) ; bc.fact(i) ===> i! bc.finv(i) ===> (1/i!) bc.com(n,k) ===> nCk bc.inv(i) ===> 1/i Bostan-Mori [x^N]P(x) / Q(x) を P(x)のサイズKとしたら、O(KlogKlogN)でだすアルゴリズム P(x) はK次以下の多項式 , Q(x)は BostanMori() */ // --------------------------code---------------------------- // modint template struct Fp { long long val; constexpr Fp(long long v = 0) noexcept : val(v % MOD) { if (val < 0) val += MOD; } constexpr int getmod() const { return MOD; } constexpr Fp operator - () const noexcept { return val ? MOD - val : 0; } constexpr Fp operator + (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) += r; } constexpr Fp operator - (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) -= r; } constexpr Fp operator * (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) *= r; } constexpr Fp operator / (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) /= r; } constexpr Fp& operator += (const Fp& r) noexcept { val += r.val; if (val >= MOD) val -= MOD; return *this; } constexpr Fp& operator -= (const Fp& r) noexcept { val -= r.val; if (val < 0) val += MOD; return *this; } constexpr Fp& operator *= (const Fp& r) noexcept { val = val * r.val % MOD; return *this; } constexpr Fp& operator /= (const Fp& r) noexcept { long long a = r.val, b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0; while (b) { long long t = a / b; a -= t * b, swap(a, b); u -= t * v, swap(u, v); } val = val * u % MOD; if (val < 0) val += MOD; return *this; } constexpr bool operator == (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return this->val == r.val; } constexpr bool operator != (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return this->val != r.val; } friend constexpr istream& operator >> (istream& is, Fp& x) noexcept { is >> x.val; x.val %= MOD; if (x.val < 0) x.val += MOD; return is; } friend constexpr ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Fp& x) noexcept { return os << x.val; } friend constexpr Fp modpow(const Fp& r, long long n) noexcept { if (n == 0) return 1; if (n < 0) return modpow(modinv(r), -n); auto t = modpow(r, n / 2); t = t * t; if (n & 1) t = t * r; return t; } friend constexpr Fp modinv(const Fp& r) noexcept { long long a = r.val, b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0; while (b) { long long t = a / b; a -= t * b, swap(a, b); u -= t * v, swap(u, v); } return Fp(u); } }; namespace NTT { long long modpow(long long a, long long n, int mod) { long long res = 1; while (n > 0) { if (n & 1) res = res * a % mod; a = a * a % mod; n >>= 1; } return res; } long long modinv(long long a, int mod) { long long b = mod, u = 1, v = 0; while (b) { long long t = a / b; a -= t * b, swap(a, b); u -= t * v, swap(u, v); } u %= mod; if (u < 0) u += mod; return u; } int calc_primitive_root(int mod) { if (mod == 2) return 1; if (mod == 167772161) return 3; if (mod == 469762049) return 3; if (mod == 754974721) return 11; if (mod == 998244353) return 3; int divs[20] = {}; divs[0] = 2; int cnt = 1; long long x = (mod - 1) / 2; while (x % 2 == 0) x /= 2; for (long long i = 3; i * i <= x; i += 2) { if (x % i == 0) { divs[cnt++] = i; while (x % i == 0) x /= i; } } if (x > 1) divs[cnt++] = x; for (int g = 2;; g++) { bool ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (modpow(g, (mod - 1) / divs[i], mod) == 1) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) return g; } } int get_fft_size(int N, int M) { int size_a = 1, size_b = 1; while (size_a < N) size_a <<= 1; while (size_b < M) size_b <<= 1; return max(size_a, size_b) << 1; } // number-theoretic transform template void trans(vector& v, bool inv = false) { if (v.empty()) return; int N = (int)v.size(); int MOD = v[0].getmod(); int PR = calc_primitive_root(MOD); static bool first = true; static vector vbw(30), vibw(30); if (first) { first = false; for (int k = 0; k < 30; ++k) { vbw[k] = modpow(PR, (MOD - 1) >> (k + 1), MOD); vibw[k] = modinv(vbw[k], MOD); } } for (int i = 0, j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) { for (int k = N >> 1; k > (i ^= k); k >>= 1); if (i > j) swap(v[i], v[j]); } for (int k = 0, t = 2; t <= N; ++k, t <<= 1) { long long bw = vbw[k]; if (inv) bw = vibw[k]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i += t) { mint w = 1; for (int j = 0; j < t/2; ++j) { int j1 = i + j, j2 = i + j + t/2; mint c1 = v[j1], c2 = v[j2] * w; v[j1] = c1 + c2; v[j2] = c1 - c2; w *= bw; } } } if (inv) { long long invN = modinv(N, MOD); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) v[i] = v[i] * invN; } } // for garner static constexpr int MOD0 = 754974721; static constexpr int MOD1 = 167772161; static constexpr int MOD2 = 469762049; using mint0 = Fp; using mint1 = Fp; using mint2 = Fp; static const mint1 imod0 = 95869806; // modinv(MOD0, MOD1); static const mint2 imod1 = 104391568; // modinv(MOD1, MOD2); static const mint2 imod01 = 187290749; // imod1 / MOD0; // small case (T = mint, long long) template vector naive_mul (const vector& A, const vector& B) { if (A.empty() || B.empty()) return {}; int N = (int)A.size(), M = (int)B.size(); vector res(N + M - 1); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) res[i + j] += A[i] * B[j]; return res; } // mint template vector mul (const vector& A, const vector& B) { if (A.empty() || B.empty()) return {}; int N = (int)A.size(), M = (int)B.size(); if (min(N, M) < 30) return naive_mul(A, B); int MOD = A[0].getmod(); int size_fft = get_fft_size(N, M); if (MOD == 998244353) { vector a(size_fft), b(size_fft), c(size_fft); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) a[i] = A[i]; for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) b[i] = B[i]; trans(a), trans(b); vector res(size_fft); for (int i = 0; i < size_fft; ++i) res[i] = a[i] * b[i]; trans(res, true); res.resize(N + M - 1); return res; } vector a0(size_fft, 0), b0(size_fft, 0), c0(size_fft, 0); vector a1(size_fft, 0), b1(size_fft, 0), c1(size_fft, 0); vector a2(size_fft, 0), b2(size_fft, 0), c2(size_fft, 0); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) a0[i] = A[i].val, a1[i] = A[i].val, a2[i] = A[i].val; for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) b0[i] = B[i].val, b1[i] = B[i].val, b2[i] = B[i].val; trans(a0), trans(a1), trans(a2), trans(b0), trans(b1), trans(b2); for (int i = 0; i < size_fft; ++i) { c0[i] = a0[i] * b0[i]; c1[i] = a1[i] * b1[i]; c2[i] = a2[i] * b2[i]; } trans(c0, true), trans(c1, true), trans(c2, true); static const mint mod0 = MOD0, mod01 = mod0 * MOD1; vector res(N + M - 1); for (int i = 0; i < N + M - 1; ++i) { int y0 = c0[i].val; int y1 = (imod0 * (c1[i] - y0)).val; int y2 = (imod01 * (c2[i] - y0) - imod1 * y1).val; res[i] = mod01 * y2 + mod0 * y1 + y0; } return res; } // long long vector mul_ll (const vector& A, const vector& B) { if (A.empty() || B.empty()) return {}; int N = (int)A.size(), M = (int)B.size(); if (min(N, M) < 30) return naive_mul(A, B); int size_fft = get_fft_size(N, M); vector a0(size_fft, 0), b0(size_fft, 0), c0(size_fft, 0); vector a1(size_fft, 0), b1(size_fft, 0), c1(size_fft, 0); vector a2(size_fft, 0), b2(size_fft, 0), c2(size_fft, 0); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) a0[i] = A[i], a1[i] = A[i], a2[i] = A[i]; for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) b0[i] = B[i], b1[i] = B[i], b2[i] = B[i]; trans(a0), trans(a1), trans(a2), trans(b0), trans(b1), trans(b2); for (int i = 0; i < size_fft; ++i) { c0[i] = a0[i] * b0[i]; c1[i] = a1[i] * b1[i]; c2[i] = a2[i] * b2[i]; } trans(c0, true), trans(c1, true), trans(c2, true); static const long long mod0 = MOD0, mod01 = mod0 * MOD1; vector res(N + M - 1); for (int i = 0; i < N + M - 1; ++i) { int y0 = c0[i].val; int y1 = (imod0 * (c1[i] - y0)).val; int y2 = (imod01 * (c2[i] - y0) - imod1 * y1).val; res[i] = mod01 * y2 + mod0 * y1 + y0; } return res; } }; // Binomial coefficient template struct BiCoef { vector fact_, inv_, finv_; constexpr BiCoef() {} constexpr BiCoef(int n) noexcept : fact_(n, 1), inv_(n, 1), finv_(n, 1) { init(n); } constexpr void init(int n) noexcept { fact_.assign(n, 1), inv_.assign(n, 1), finv_.assign(n, 1); int MOD = fact_[0].getmod(); for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){ fact_[i] = fact_[i-1] * i; inv_[i] = -inv_[MOD%i] * (MOD/i); finv_[i] = finv_[i-1] * inv_[i]; } } constexpr T com(int n, int k) const noexcept { if (n < k || n < 0 || k < 0) return 0; return fact_[n] * finv_[k] * finv_[n-k]; } constexpr T fact(int n) const noexcept { if (n < 0) return 0; return fact_[n]; } constexpr T inv(int n) const noexcept { if (n < 0) return 0; return inv_[n]; } constexpr T finv(int n) const noexcept { if (n < 0) return 0; return finv_[n]; } }; // Formal Power Series template struct FPS : vector { using vector::vector; // constructor FPS(const vector& r) : vector(r) {} // core operator inline FPS pre(int siz) const { return FPS(begin(*this), begin(*this) + min((int)this->size(), siz)); } inline FPS rev() const { FPS res = *this; reverse(begin(res), end(res)); return res; } inline FPS& normalize() { while (!this->empty() && this->back() == 0) this->pop_back(); return *this; } // basic operator inline FPS operator - () const noexcept { FPS res = (*this); for (int i = 0; i < (int)res.size(); ++i) res[i] = -res[i]; return res; } inline FPS operator + (const mint& v) const { return FPS(*this) += v; } inline FPS operator + (const FPS& r) const { return FPS(*this) += r; } inline FPS operator - (const mint& v) const { return FPS(*this) -= v; } inline FPS operator - (const FPS& r) const { return FPS(*this) -= r; } inline FPS operator * (const mint& v) const { return FPS(*this) *= v; } inline FPS operator * (const FPS& r) const { return FPS(*this) *= r; } inline FPS operator / (const mint& v) const { return FPS(*this) /= v; } inline FPS operator << (int x) const { return FPS(*this) <<= x; } inline FPS operator >> (int x) const { return FPS(*this) >>= x; } inline FPS& operator += (const mint& v) { if (this->empty()) this->resize(1); (*this)[0] += v; return *this; } inline FPS& operator += (const FPS& r) { if (r.size() > this->size()) this->resize(r.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)r.size(); ++i) (*this)[i] += r[i]; return this->normalize(); } inline FPS& operator -= (const mint& v) { if (this->empty()) this->resize(1); (*this)[0] -= v; return *this; } inline FPS& operator -= (const FPS& r) { if (r.size() > this->size()) this->resize(r.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)r.size(); ++i) (*this)[i] -= r[i]; return this->normalize(); } inline FPS& operator *= (const mint& v) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->size(); ++i) (*this)[i] *= v; return *this; } inline FPS& operator *= (const FPS& r) { return *this = NTT::mul((*this), r); } inline FPS& operator /= (const mint& v) { assert(v != 0); mint iv = modinv(v); for (int i = 0; i < (int)this->size(); ++i) (*this)[i] *= iv; return *this; } inline FPS& operator <<= (int x) { FPS res(x, 0); res.insert(res.end(), begin(*this), end(*this)); return *this = res; } inline FPS& operator >>= (int x) { FPS res; res.insert(res.end(), begin(*this) + x, end(*this)); return *this = res; } inline mint eval(const mint& v){ mint res = 0; for (int i = (int)this->size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { res *= v; res += (*this)[i]; } return res; } inline friend FPS gcd(const FPS& f, const FPS& g) { if (g.empty()) return f; return gcd(g, f % g); } // advanced operation // df/dx inline friend FPS diff(const FPS& f) { int n = (int)f.size(); FPS res(n-1); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) res[i-1] = f[i] * i; return res; } // \int f dx inline friend FPS integral(const FPS& f) { int n = (int)f.size(); FPS res(n+1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) res[i+1] = f[i] / (i+1); return res; } // inv(f), f[0] must not be 0 inline friend FPS inv(const FPS& f, int deg) { assert(f[0] != 0); if (deg < 0) deg = (int)f.size(); FPS res({mint(1) / f[0]}); for (int i = 1; i < deg; i <<= 1) { res = (res + res - res * res * f.pre(i << 1)).pre(i << 1); } res.resize(deg); return res; } inline friend FPS inv(const FPS& f) { return inv(f, f.size()); } // division, r must be normalized (r.back() must not be 0) inline FPS& operator /= (const FPS& r) { assert(!r.empty()); assert(r.back() != 0); this->normalize(); if (this->size() < r.size()) { this->clear(); return *this; } int need = (int)this->size() - (int)r.size() + 1; *this = ((*this).rev().pre(need) * inv(r.rev(), need)).pre(need).rev(); return *this; } inline FPS& operator %= (const FPS &r) { assert(!r.empty()); assert(r.back() != 0); this->normalize(); FPS q = (*this) / r; return *this -= q * r; } inline FPS operator / (const FPS& r) const { return FPS(*this) /= r; } inline FPS operator % (const FPS& r) const { return FPS(*this) %= r; } // log(f) = \int f'/f dx, f[0] must be 1 inline friend FPS log(const FPS& f, int deg) { assert(f[0] == 1); FPS res = integral(diff(f) * inv(f, deg)); res.resize(deg); return res; } inline friend FPS log(const FPS& f) { return log(f, f.size()); } // exp(f), f[0] must be 0 inline friend FPS exp(const FPS& f, int deg) { assert(f[0] == 0); FPS res(1, 1); for (int i = 1; i < deg; i <<= 1) { res = res * (f.pre(i<<1) - log(res, i<<1) + 1).pre(i<<1); } res.resize(deg); return res; } inline friend FPS exp(const FPS& f) { return exp(f, f.size()); } // pow(f) = exp(e * log f) inline friend FPS pow(const FPS& f, long long e, int deg) { long long i = 0; while (i < (int)f.size() && f[i] == 0) ++i; if (i == (int)f.size()) return FPS(deg, 0); if (i * e >= deg) return FPS(deg, 0); mint k = f[i]; FPS res = exp(log((f >> i) / k, deg) * e, deg) * modpow(k, e) << (e * i); res.resize(deg); return res; } inline friend FPS pow(const FPS& f, long long e) { return pow(f, e, f.size()); } // sqrt(f), f[0] must be 1 inline friend FPS sqrt_base(const FPS& f, int deg) { assert(f[0] == 1); mint inv2 = mint(1) / 2; FPS res(1, 1); for (int i = 1; i < deg; i <<= 1) { res = (res + f.pre(i << 1) * inv(res, i << 1)).pre(i << 1); for (mint& x : res) x *= inv2; } res.resize(deg); return res; } inline friend FPS sqrt_base(const FPS& f) { return sqrt_base(f, f.size()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////// // FPS algorithms //////////////////////////////////////// // Bostan-Mori // find [x^N] P(x)/Q(x), O(K log K log N) // deg(Q(x)) = K, deg(P(x)) < K template mint BostanMori(const FPS &P, const FPS &Q, long long N) { assert(!P.empty() && !Q.empty()); if (N == 0 || Q.size() == 1) return P[0] / Q[0]; int qdeg = (int)Q.size(); FPS P2{P}, minusQ{Q}; P2.resize(qdeg - 1); for (int i = 1; i < (int)Q.size(); i += 2) minusQ[i] = -minusQ[i]; P2 *= minusQ; FPS Q2 = Q * minusQ; FPS S(qdeg - 1), T(qdeg); for (int i = 0; i < (int)S.size(); ++i) { S[i] = (N % 2 == 0 ? P2[i * 2] : P2[i * 2 + 1]); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)T.size(); ++i) { T[i] = Q2[i * 2]; } return BostanMori(S, T, N >> 1); } const int MOD = mod0 ; // const int MOD = mod1 ; using mint = Fp ; // --------------------------code---------------------------- int main(void){ ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); // SM.init() ; // era.init() ; // max_element(V A) Aの最大値を返す // max_element_index(V A) Aの最大値のindex // min_element(V A) Aの最小値を返す // min_element_index(V A) Aの最小値のindex // gcd(ll a , ll b) gcd(a,b) ; // lcm(ll a ,ll b ) lcm // nis(ll a) 素数判定 素数ならtrue // UF UF.init(ll N) ; UF.root(i) ; UF.unite(a,b) ; UF.same(a,b) ; UF.size(i) ; // enumdiv(ll a )約数列挙 // prime_factorize(ll p) aのb乗のかたちででてくる 配列で受け取る // binpower(a,b,c) aのb条 をcでわったやつをO(logb) ぐらいでだしてくれるやつ // sr(V A) 配列を入れたら、sort --→ reverse して返してくれる関数 受け取りは auto とかで // sort_erase_unique(V A) sortしてeraseしてuniqueする関数 // Compression(V A) 座圧したmapを返す関数 // SM.scan(ll a) で 平方数ならtrue が返ってくる。 範囲は √10^6まで SM.init() 必ず起動する。 // a_b(A,a,b) [a,b]の個数 ---→ upper_bound(all(A),b) - lower_bound(all(A),a) ; // era.look(ll a) --→ true 素数 / era.enu_count(ll a) --→ 素因数の個数 1は1 、素数も1 その他はそのまんま 範囲は10^7まで // _10_to_2(ll x) 10進数を二進数にして返す。文字列で出力する事に注意 ll --→ st // _2_to_10(st a) 2進数を10進数にして返す。 st --→ ll // powpow(ll a,ll b) a^b を返す // Run_Length_Encoding(st S) ランレングス圧縮して配列を返す pair // Regex(st S, st A , st B) SのAをBに変えた文字列を返す 使う場合は消す // erase_string(st S , st T) Sの中のTを消す // kiriage(ll a , ll b) a 割られる数 b 割る数 // a_up(V A , ll x) sort済み配列でx以上の最小値を返す。ない場合、-1を返す. // b_down(V B , ll x)sort済み配列でx以下で最大値を返す。ない場合 -1を返す。 // Permutation(ll N) N!の値を返す。20までならオーバーフローしない。 // V> Next_permutation(ll N) next_permutationした配列の集合を返す. // pow_daisyou(ll a, ll b , ll c )a^cとb^cを比較する 0 => 同値 1 => a側 2=> b側 // debag_1V_kaigyou(V A) 一次元配列の中身を改行区切りで出力する // debag_1V_space(V A) 一次元配列Aの中身をspace区切りで出力する // debag_2V(V> A) 2次元配列Aの中身を返す関数 // debag_pair(V

A) pair型配列の中身を出力する // debag_Edge(V A) Edge型配列の中身を出力する // V

sort_Args(len,a,b,c) 個数を指定して、その個数だけ変数を渡し、昇順にして返す。1-indexになってる。 // c_c 小文字charを数字に変換 // C_C 大文字charを数字に変換 // (double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC>1.987 // multisetで1つだけ要素消したかったら、 A.erase(A.find(x)) ;とする。 // mod0 --→ 1000000007 mod1 --→ 998244353 // 座圧した後、size変わることに注意。二回やらかしてます ll K ; cin >> K ; ll N ; cin >> N ; FPS f(100010) ; rep(i,0,N-1){ ll x ; cin >> x ; f[x] = 1 ; } auto g = -f + 1 ; auto res = inv(g) ; C << res[K] << E // if(dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= W || dy >= H) continue ; // C << fixed << setprecision(10) << // 勝手に四捨五入してくれてるから安心して re }