N=int(input()) A=[] for _ in range(N): x,y=map(int, input().split()) A.append((x,y)) import math ans=0 for i in range(N): ax,ay=A[i] D=[] for j in range(N): if i==j: continue bx,by=A[j] x,y=bx-ax,by-ay if x==0 and y>0: D.append((0,1)) elif x==0 and y<0: D.append((0,-1)) elif x>0 and y==0: D.append((1,0)) elif x<0 and y==0: D.append((-1,0)) else: d=math.gcd(abs(x),abs(y)) x//=d;y//=d D.append((x,y)) if len(D)!=len(set(D)): ans+=1 print(ans)