import std; // ダイクストラ // (H-2)*(W+1)の頂点をおいて、8方向に有向辺を張る void read(T...)(string S, ref T args) { auto buf = S.split; foreach (i, ref arg; args) { arg = buf[i].to!(typeof(arg)); } } int count = 0; void main () { int H, W;, W); int[][] A = new int[][](H-2, W); foreach (i; 0..H-2) { A[i] =!(int[]); A[i] = 0 ~ A[i]; } solve(H, W, A); } struct pair { int x; int y; } bool isValid (int[][] A, int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || A.length <= y || A[0].length <= x) { return false; } if (A[y][x] == -1) { return false; } return true; } int toInt (pair X, int[][] A) { return cast(int) (X.x * A.length + X.y); } void connectPath (ref Dijkstra G, int[][] A, int x, int y) { int[] dx = [-1, 0, 1]; int[] dy = [-1, 0, 1]; foreach (i; 0..dx.length) { foreach (j; 0..dy.length) { if (i == 1 && j == 1) { continue; } if (isValid(A, x+dx[i], y+dx[j])) { // パスの数を数える count++; G.input(pair(x, y).toInt(A), pair(x+dx[i], y+dy[j]).toInt(A), A[y+dy[j]][x+dx[i]]); } } } } void solve (int H, int W, int[][] A) { auto G = Dijkstra((H-2)*(W+1)); foreach (X; 0..cast(int)A[0].length) { foreach (Y; 0..cast(int)A.length) { if (A[Y][X] == -1) { continue; } connectPath(G, A, X, Y); } } writeln("hey"); long ans = long.max; G.calc(pair(0, 0).toInt(A)); foreach (Y2; 0..H-2) { ans = min(ans, G.cost(pair(W, Y2).toInt(A))); } writeln("sum of path = ", count); if (ans == long.max) { writeln(-1); } else { writeln(ans); } } struct Dijkstra { /* data */ int[][] graph; long[int][] weight; bool is_calc = false; struct dijkstra_node { int vertex; long distance; int path; } dijkstra_node[] node; /* methods */ this (int N) { assert(0 <= N); graph = new int[][](N, 0); node = new dijkstra_node[](N); weight.length = N; foreach (i; 0..N) { node[i] = dijkstra_node(i, long.max, i); } } // u, v must be 0-indexed integer. void input (int u, int v, long w) { assert(0 <= u); assert(0 <= v); assert(0 <= w); if (graph.length <= max(u, v)) { graph.length = max(u, v) + 1; } graph[u] ~= v; weight[u][v] = w; if (node.length <= max(u, v)) { node.length = max(u, v) + 1; node[u] = dijkstra_node(u, long.max, u); node[v] = dijkstra_node(v, long.max, v); } } void calc (int start) { assert(start < graph.length); if (is_calc) { foreach (ref x; node) { x.distance = long.max; x.path = x.vertex; } } node[start].distance = 0; BinaryHeap!(dijkstra_node[], "b.distance < a.distance") PQ = []; PQ.insert(node[start]); while (!PQ.empty) { auto begin = PQ.front; PQ.removeFront; if (node[begin.vertex].distance < begin.distance) { continue; } node[begin.vertex] = begin; foreach (ref x; graph[begin.vertex]) { if (node[begin.vertex].distance + weight[begin.vertex][x] < node[x].distance) { node[x].distance = node[begin.vertex].distance + weight[begin.vertex][x]; node[x].path = begin.vertex; PQ.insert(node[x]); } } } } int[] trace (int end) { DList!int Q; int v = end; while (node[v].path != v) { Q.insertFront(v); v = node[v].path; } Q.insertFront(v); int[] res; while (!Q.empty) { res ~= Q.front; Q.removeFront; } return res; } long cost (int end) { return node[end].distance; } }