#include // #include "atcoder/all" // #define FROMFILE // #define NOSUBMIT #pragma GCC target("avx2") #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") // #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") using namespace std; using i64 = long long; const i64 MOD = 1e9 + 7; const i64 INF = i64(1e18); template bool chmin(T& x, T y){ if(x > y){ x = y; return true; } return false; } template bool chmax(T& x, T y){ if(x < y){ x = y; return true; } return false; } namespace params{ void load_params(){ ifstream ifs("../params.txt"); assert(ifs.is_open()); // TODO: load params } } void read_file(istream& ifs){ // TODO: read from file } constexpr int WIDTH = 40; constexpr int DEPTH = 40; constexpr int SWITCH = 650; double power_weight = 2.983106703736028e-08; double hp_weight = 7.33071295894495e-08; double score_weight = 2.658190256186799e-07; // [I 2023-07-16 18:50:00,676] Trial 21 finished with value: -45703.14 and parameters: {'p': 0.00020375070758042073, 'h': 4.0991579792965355e-05, 's': 1.291271324148235e-08, 't': 376}. Best is trial 21 with value: -45703.14. constexpr int turn_max = 1000; constexpr int n_col = 25; constexpr int height = 60; int turn = 0; int now_x = 12; struct State{ bool exists = false; int max_hp = -1; int now_hp = -1; int power = -1; }; vector> state; vector> hp_inp, power_inp, col_inp; vector col_cnt; int power = 0; int score = 0; bool input(){ int n; cin >> n; if(n == -1){ return false; } hp_inp.emplace_back(n); power_inp.emplace_back(n); col_inp.emplace_back(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ cin >> hp_inp.back()[i] >> power_inp.back()[i] >> col_inp.back()[i]; // spawn at (*, 59) state[turn + height][col_inp.back()[i]] = { true, hp_inp.back()[i], hp_inp.back()[i], power_inp.back()[i] }; ++col_cnt[col_inp.back()[i]]; } return true; } State& get_state(int col_, int height_){ return state[turn + height_ + 1][col_]; }; int solve(){ // col: [0, 25) // height: [0, 60) vector> target_idxes(n_col); for(int i = 0; i < height; ++i){ for(int j = 0; j < n_col; ++j){ auto& st = get_state(j, i); if(st.exists){ target_idxes[j].emplace_back(i); } } } struct BeamState{ vector> killed; int x; int target_y = 0; int target_enemy_hp = 0; int got_score = 0, got_power = 0; int mov = 0; int dep = 0; double score() const{ double w = double(turn + dep) / turn_max; return (1 - w) * (power_weight * got_power - hp_weight * target_enemy_hp) + w * score_weight * got_score; } int level() const{ return 1 + got_power / 100; } bool operator==(const BeamState& a) const{ return killed == a.killed && target_enemy_hp == a.target_enemy_hp && x == a.x && got_power == a.got_power && got_score == a.got_score; } }; auto target = [&](BeamState& bs, int depth){ // O(n^2) but fast for(auto y : target_idxes[bs.x]){ if(depth <= y && find(bs.killed.begin(), bs.killed.end(), make_pair(bs.x, y)) == bs.killed.end()){ return y; } } return -1; }; auto cmp_fn = [](auto x, auto y){ return x.score() > y.score(); }; constexpr bool tayousei = false; if(!tayousei){ vector b_states; b_states.emplace_back(); b_states.back().x = now_x; b_states.back().got_score = score; b_states.back().got_power = power; int first_tar = target(b_states.back(), 0); assert(first_tar != 0); b_states.back().target_y = first_tar; b_states.back().target_enemy_hp = get_state(now_x, first_tar).now_hp; for(int dep = 0; dep < DEPTH && dep + turn <= turn_max; ++dep){ vector b_nex; for(auto &b_state: b_states){ for(auto d: {0, 1, 24}){ auto nex = b_state; nex.dep = dep; nex.x = (nex.x + d) % n_col; int tar = target(nex, dep); if(dep == 0){ nex.mov = d == 24 ? -1 : d; } if(dep == tar){ continue; } if(tar != -1){ if(d == 0 && nex.target_y == tar){ nex.target_enemy_hp -= nex.level(); }else{ nex.target_enemy_hp = get_state(nex.x, tar).now_hp - nex.level(); } if(nex.target_enemy_hp <= 0){ nex.got_power += get_state(nex.x, tar).power; nex.got_score += get_state(nex.x, tar).max_hp; nex.killed.emplace_back(nex.x, tar); }else if(dep + 1 == tar){ continue; } } nex.target_y = tar; b_nex.emplace_back(nex); } } sort(b_nex.begin(), b_nex.end(), cmp_fn); b_nex.erase(unique(b_nex.begin(), b_nex.end()), b_nex.end()); if(WIDTH < b_nex.size()){ b_nex.resize(WIDTH); } swap(b_nex, b_states); } return b_states.front().mov; } } int distLeft(int a, int b) { return a < b ? 25 + a - b : a - b; } int distRight(int a, int b) { return a < b ? b - a : 25 + b - a; } bool sw = false; int solve2(int t) { int lv = 1 + power / 100; double str = ((7.5+0.15*t)+(1.5+0.03*t)) / lv; if (str < 2) { sw = true; } vector miny(25, 60); vector> rem; for (int x = 0; x < 25; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 60; y++) { auto& st = get_state(x, y); if (st.exists) { rem.emplace_back(x, y); miny[x] = y; break; } } } pair tai = make_pair(-1, -1); double md = 0x1000000; bool canMoveLeft = miny[(now_x+24)%25]>=2; bool canMoveRight = miny[(now_x+1)%25]>=2; for (auto [mx, my] : rem) { auto& st = get_state(mx, my); int dist = now_x == mx ? 0 : 0x1000000; if (canMoveLeft) { dist = min(dist, distLeft(now_x, mx)); } if (canMoveRight) { dist = min(dist, distRight(now_x, mx)); } int turn = dist + (st.now_hp + lv - 1) / lv; if (my - turn <= 0) { continue; } double val; if (sw) { val = turn; } else { val = -((double)st.power / turn); } if (tai.first == -1 || md > val) { tai = make_pair(mx, my); md = val; } } if (tai.first != -1) { if (miny[now_x] >= 2 && tai.first == now_x) { return 0; } else if (canMoveLeft && (!canMoveRight || distLeft(now_x, tai.first) < distRight(now_x, tai.first))) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } else { if (miny[now_x] >= 2) { return 0; } else if (canMoveLeft && !canMoveRight) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } } void act(int x_diff){ assert(!get_state(now_x, 0).exists); if(x_diff == -1){ cout << 'L' << endl; now_x = (now_x + 24) % n_col; } if(x_diff == 0){ cout << 'S' << endl; } if(x_diff == 1){ cout << 'R' << endl; now_x = (now_x + 1) % n_col; } assert(!get_state(now_x, 0).exists); for(int i = 0; i < height; ++i){ auto& st = get_state(now_x, i); if(st.exists){ assert(i != 0); int level = 1 + power / 100; st.now_hp -= level; if(st.now_hp <= 0){ st.exists = false; power += st.power; score += st.max_hp; } assert(!(st.now_hp > 0 && i == 1)); break; } } } signed main(){ clock_t st = clock(); #ifdef OPTIMIZE params::load_params(); #endif #ifdef NOSUBMIT vector p(25); for(auto& x : p){ cin >> x; } #endif col_cnt.resize(n_col, 0); state.resize(turn_max + 100, vector(n_col)); for(turn = 0; turn < turn_max; ++turn){ bool res = input(); assert(res); // act(solve()); // act(solve2(turn)); if(turn < SWITCH){ act(solve2(turn)); } else{ act(solve()); } } cerr << "Score = " << score << endl; /* #ifndef FROMFILE // TODO: input read_file(cin); #else ifstream ifs("../tools/in/0003.txt"); assert(ifs.is_open()); read_file(ifs); #endif */ }