const INF = 2e15 /** * !`包含原点的`矩形合并/矩形面积并. */ class UnionRectangleRange { private readonly _ur = new UnionRectangle() private readonly _ul = new UnionRectangle() private readonly _dr = new UnionRectangle() private readonly _dl = new UnionRectangle() /** * Add [x1, x2] * [y1, y2]. * x1 <= 0 <= x2. * y1 <= 0 <= y2. */ add(x1: number, x2: number, y1: number, y2: number): void { this._ur.add(x2, y2) this._ul.add(-x1, y2) this._dr.add(x2, -y1) this._dl.add(-x1, -y1) } query(): number { return this._ur.sum + this._ul.sum + this._dr.sum + this._dl.sum } } class UnionRectangle { sum = 0 private readonly _sl = new SortedListFast( [ [0, INF], [INF, 0] ], (a, b) => a[0] - b[0] ) /** * Add [0, x] * [0, y]. * x >= 0. * y >= 0. */ add(x: number, y: number): void { let pos = this._sl.bisectLeft([x, -INF]) const item =! if (item[1] >= y) return const nextY = item[1] pos-- let pre =! while (pre[1] <= y) { const x1 = pre[0] const y1 = pre[1] this._sl.pop(pos) pos-- pre =! this.sum -= (x1 - pre[0]) * (y1 - nextY) } this.sum += (x -![0]) * (y - nextY) pos = this._sl.bisectLeft([x, -INF]) if (![0] === x) this._sl.pop(pos) this._sl.add([x, y]) } query(): number { return this.sum } } // API. interface ISortedList { add(value: V): void has(value: V, equals?: (a: V, b: V) => boolean): boolean discard(value: V, equals?: (a: V, b: V) => boolean): boolean pop(index?: number): V | undefined at(index: number): V | undefined erase(start?: number, end?: number): void lower(value: V): V | undefined higher(value: V): V | undefined floor(value: V): V | undefined ceiling(value: V): V | undefined bisectLeft(value: V): number bisectRight(value: V): number count(value: V): number slice(start?: number, end?: number): V[] clear(): void update(...values: V[]): void merge(other: ISortedList): void toString(): string forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, index: number) => void | boolean, reverse?: boolean): void enumerate(start: number, end: number, f: (value: V) => void, erase?: boolean): void iSlice(start: number, end: number, reverse?: boolean): IterableIterator iRange(min: V, max: V, reverse?: boolean): IterableIterator entries(): IterableIterator<[number, V]> [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator iteratorAt(index: number): ISortedListIterator lowerBound(value: V): ISortedListIterator upperBound(value: V): ISortedListIterator readonly length: number readonly min: V | undefined readonly max: V | undefined } interface ISortedListIterator { hasNext(): boolean next(): V | undefined hasPrev(): boolean prev(): V | undefined remove(): void readonly value: V | undefined } /** * 使用分块+树状数组维护的有序序列. * !如果数组较短(<2000),直接使用`bisectInsort`维护即可. */ class SortedListFast { static setLoadFactor(load = 500): void { this._LOAD = load } /** * 负载因子,用于控制每个块的长度. * 长度为`1e5`的数组, 负载因子取`500`左右性能较好. */ protected static _LOAD = 500 private static _isPrimitive( o: unknown ): o is number | string | boolean | symbol | bigint | null | undefined { return o === null || (typeof o !== 'object' && typeof o !== 'function') } protected _compareFn!: (a: V, b: V) => number protected _len!: number /** * 各个块. */ protected _blocks!: V[][] /** * 各个块的最小值. */ protected _mins!: V[] /** * 树状数组维护各个块长度的前缀和,便于根据索引定位到对应的元素. */ protected _tree!: number[] protected _shouldRebuildTree!: boolean constructor() constructor(iterable: Iterable) constructor(compareFn: (a: V, b: V) => number) constructor(iterable: Iterable, compareFn: (a: V, b: V) => number) constructor(compareFn: (a: V, b: V) => number, iterable: Iterable) constructor( arg1?: Iterable | ((a: V, b: V) => number), arg2?: Iterable | ((a: V, b: V) => number) ) { let defaultCompareFn = (a: V, b: V) => (a as unknown as number) - (b as unknown as number) let defaultData: V[] = [] if (arg1 !== void 0) { if (typeof arg1 === 'function') { defaultCompareFn = arg1 } else { defaultData = [...arg1] } } if (arg2 !== void 0) { if (typeof arg2 === 'function') { defaultCompareFn = arg2 } else { defaultData = [...arg2] } } this._build(defaultData, defaultCompareFn) } add(value: V): this { const { _blocks, _mins } = this this._len++ if (!_blocks.length) { _blocks.push([value]) _mins.push(value) this._shouldRebuildTree = true return this } const load = SortedListFast._LOAD const pair = this._locRight(value) const pos = pair[0] const index = pair[1] this._updateTree(pos, 1) const block = _blocks[pos] block.splice(index, 0, value) _mins[pos] = block[0] // !-> [x]*load + [x]*(block.length - load) if (load + load < block.length) { _blocks.splice(pos + 1, 0, block.slice(load)) _mins.splice(pos + 1, 0, block[load]) block.splice(load) this._shouldRebuildTree = true } return this } update(...values: V[]): this { const n = values.length if (n < this._len << 2) { for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) this.add(values[i]) return this } const data = Array(this._len + n) let ptr = 0 this.forEach(v => { data[ptr++] = v }) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) data[ptr++] = values[i] this._build(data, this._compareFn) return this } merge(other: SortedListFast): this { const n = other.length if (n < this._len << 2) { other.forEach(v => { this.add(v) }) return this } const data = Array(this._len + n) let ptr = 0 this.forEach(v => { data[ptr++] = v }) other.forEach(v => { data[ptr++] = v }) this._build(data, this._compareFn) return this } has(value: V, equals?: (a: V, b: V) => boolean): boolean { if (!equals && !SortedListFast._isPrimitive(value)) { throw new Error('equals must be provided when value is a non-primitive value') } const block = this._blocks if (!block.length) return false equals = equals || ((a: V, b: V) => a === b) const pair = this._locLeft(value) const pos = pair[0] const index = pair[1] return index < block[pos].length && equals(block[pos][index], value) } discard(value: V, equals?: (a: V, b: V) => boolean): boolean { if (!equals && !SortedListFast._isPrimitive(value)) { throw new Error('equals must be provided when value is a non-primitive value') } const block = this._blocks if (!block.length) return false equals = equals || ((a: V, b: V) => a === b) const pair = this._locRight(value) const pos = pair[0] const index = pair[1] if (index && equals(block[pos][index - 1], value)) { this._delete(pos, index - 1) return true } return false } pop(index = -1): V | undefined { if (index < 0) index += this._len if (index < 0 || index >= this._len) return void 0 const pair = this._findKth(index) const pos = pair[0] const index_ = pair[1] const value = this._blocks[pos][index_] this._delete(pos, index_) return value } at(index: number): V | undefined { if (index < 0) index += this._len if (index < 0 || index >= this._len) return void 0 const pair = this._findKth(index) const pos = pair[0] const index_ = pair[1] return this._blocks[pos][index_] } /** * 删除区间 `[start, end)` 内的元素. */ erase(start = 0, end = this.length): void { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function this.enumerate(start, end, () => {}, true) } lower(value: V): V | undefined { const pos = this.bisectLeft(value) return pos ? - 1) : void 0 } higher(value: V): V | undefined { const pos = this.bisectRight(value) return pos < this._len ? : void 0 } floor(value: V): V | undefined { const pos = this.bisectRight(value) return pos ? - 1) : void 0 } ceiling(value: V): V | undefined { const pos = this.bisectLeft(value) return pos < this._len ? : void 0 } /** * 返回第一个大于等于 `value` 的元素的索引/严格小于 `value` 的元素的个数. */ bisectLeft(value: V): number { const pair = this._locLeft(value) const pos = pair[0] const index = pair[1] return this._queryTree(pos) + index } /** * 返回第一个严格大于 `value` 的元素的索引/小于等于 `value` 的元素的个数. */ bisectRight(value: V): number { const pair = this._locRight(value) const pos = pair[0] const index = pair[1] return this._queryTree(pos) + index } count(value: V): number { return this.bisectRight(value) - this.bisectLeft(value) } slice(start = 0, end = this.length): V[] { if (start < 0) start += this._len if (start < 0) start = 0 if (end < 0) end += this._len if (end > this._len) end = this._len if (start >= end) return [] const res = Array(end - start) let count = 0 this.enumerate( start, end, value => { res[count++] = value }, false ) return res } clear(): void { this._len = 0 this._blocks = [] this._mins = [] this._tree = [] this._shouldRebuildTree = true } toString(): string { const res = Array(this._len) this.forEach((value, index) => { res[index] = value }) return `SortedList{${res.join(',')}}` } /** * @param callbackfn 回调函数, 返回 `true` 时终止遍历. * @param reverse 是否逆序遍历. */ forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, index: number) => void | boolean, reverse = false): void { if (!reverse) { let count = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this._blocks.length; i++) { const block = this._blocks[i] for (let j = 0; j < block.length; j++) { if (callbackfn(block[j], count++)) return } } return } let count = 0 for (let i = this._blocks.length - 1; ~i; i--) { const block = this._blocks[i] for (let j = block.length - 1; ~j; j--) { if (callbackfn(block[j], count++)) return } } } enumerate(start: number, end: number, f: (value: V) => void, erase = false): void { if (start < 0) start = 0 if (end > this._len) end = this._len if (start >= end) return const pair = this._findKth(start) let pos = pair[0] let startIndex = pair[1] let count = end - start for (; count && pos < this._blocks.length; pos++) { const block = this._blocks[pos] const endIndex = Math.min(block.length, startIndex + count) for (let j = startIndex; j < endIndex; j++) f(block[j]) const deleted = endIndex - startIndex if (erase) { if (deleted === block.length) { // !delete block this._blocks.splice(pos, 1) this._mins.splice(pos, 1) this._shouldRebuildTree = true pos-- } else { // !delete [index, end) for (let i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) this._updateTree(pos, -1) block.splice(startIndex, deleted) this._mins[pos] = block[0] } this._len -= deleted } count -= deleted startIndex = 0 } } /** * 返回一个迭代器,用于遍历区间 `[start, end)` 内的元素. */ *iSlice(start = 0, end = this.length, reverse = false): IterableIterator { if (start < 0) start += this._len if (start < 0) start = 0 if (end < 0) end += this._len if (end > this._len) end = this._len if (start >= end) return let count = end - start if (reverse) { let [pos, index] = this._findKth(end) for (; count && ~pos; pos--, ~pos && (index = this._blocks[pos].length)) { const block = this._blocks[pos] const startPos = Math.max(0, index - count) const curCount = index - startPos for (let j = index - 1; j >= startPos; j--) yield block[j] count -= curCount } } else { let [pos, index] = this._findKth(start) for (; count && pos < this._blocks.length; pos++) { const block = this._blocks[pos] const endPos = Math.min(block.length, index + count) const curCount = endPos - index for (let j = index; j < endPos; j++) yield block[j] count -= curCount index = 0 } } } /** * 返回一个迭代器,用于遍历范围在 `[min, max] 闭区间`内的元素. */ *iRange(min: V, max: V, reverse = false): IterableIterator { if (this._compareFn(min, max) > 0) return if (reverse) { let pos = this._locBlock(max) for (let i = pos; ~i; i--) { const block = this._blocks[i] for (let j = block.length - 1; ~j; j--) { const x = block[j] if (this._compareFn(x, min) < 0) return if (this._compareFn(x, max) <= 0) yield x } } } else { const pos = this._locBlock(min) for (let i = pos; i < this._blocks.length; i++) { const block = this._blocks[i] for (let j = 0; j < block.length; j++) { const x = block[j] if (this._compareFn(x, max) > 0) return if (this._compareFn(x, min) >= 0) yield x } } } } *entries(): IterableIterator<[number, V]> { let count = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this._blocks.length; i++) { const block = this._blocks[i] for (let j = 0; j < block.length; j++) { yield [count++, block[j]] } } } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator { for (let i = 0; i < this._blocks.length; i++) { const block = this._blocks[i] for (let j = 0; j < block.length; j++) { yield block[j] } } } iteratorAt(index: number): ISortedListIterator { if (index < 0) index += this._len if (index < 0 || index >= this._len) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') const pair = this._findKth(index) return this._iteratorAt(pair[0], pair[1]) } lowerBound(value: V): ISortedListIterator { const [pos, index] = this._locLeft(value) return this._iteratorAt(pos, index) } upperBound(value: V): ISortedListIterator { const [pos, index] = this._locRight(value) return this._iteratorAt(pos, index) } get length(): number { return this._len } get min(): V | undefined { if (!this._len) return void 0 return this._mins[0] } get max(): V | undefined { if (!this._len) return void 0 const { _blocks } = this const lastBlock = _blocks[_blocks.length - 1] return lastBlock[lastBlock.length - 1] } protected _build(data: V[], compareFn: (a: V, b: V) => number): void { data.sort(compareFn) const n = data.length const blocks = [] for (let i = 0; i < n; i += SortedListFast._LOAD) { blocks.push(data.slice(i, i + SortedListFast._LOAD)) } const mins = Array(blocks.length) for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { const cur = blocks[i] mins[i] = cur[0] } this._compareFn = compareFn this._len = n this._blocks = blocks this._mins = mins this._tree = [] this._shouldRebuildTree = true } protected _delete(pos: number, index: number): void { const { _blocks, _mins } = this // !delete element this._len-- this._updateTree(pos, -1) const block = _blocks[pos] block.splice(index, 1) if (block.length) { _mins[pos] = block[0] return } // !delete block _blocks.splice(pos, 1) _mins.splice(pos, 1) this._shouldRebuildTree = true } protected _locLeft(value: V): [pos: number, index: number] { if (!this._len) return [0, 0] const { _blocks, _mins } = this // find pos let left = -1 let right = _blocks.length - 1 while (left + 1 < right) { const mid = (left + right) >>> 1 if (this._compareFn(value, _mins[mid]) <= 0) { right = mid } else { left = mid } } if (right) { const block = _blocks[right - 1] if (this._compareFn(value, block[block.length - 1]) <= 0) { right-- } } const pos = right // find index const cur = _blocks[pos] left = -1 right = cur.length while (left + 1 < right) { const mid = (left + right) >>> 1 if (this._compareFn(value, cur[mid]) <= 0) { right = mid } else { left = mid } } return [pos, right] } protected _locRight(value: V): [pos: number, index: number] { if (!this._len) return [0, 0] const { _blocks, _mins } = this // find pos let left = 0 let right = _blocks.length while (left + 1 < right) { const mid = (left + right) >>> 1 if (this._compareFn(value, _mins[mid]) < 0) { right = mid } else { left = mid } } const pos = left // find index const cur = _blocks[pos] left = -1 right = cur.length while (left + 1 < right) { const mid = (left + right) >>> 1 if (this._compareFn(value, cur[mid]) < 0) { right = mid } else { left = mid } } return [pos, right] } protected _locBlock(value: V): number { let left = -1 let right = this._blocks.length - 1 while (left + 1 < right) { const mid = (left + right) >>> 1 if (this._compareFn(value, this._mins[mid]) <= 0) { right = mid } else { left = mid } } if (right) { const block = this._blocks[right - 1] if (this._compareFn(value, block[block.length - 1]) <= 0) { right-- } } return right } private _buildTree(): void { this._tree = Array(this._blocks.length) for (let i = 0; i < this._blocks.length; i++) { this._tree[i] = this._blocks[i].length } const tree = this._tree for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { const j = i | (i + 1) if (j < tree.length) { tree[j] += tree[i] } } this._shouldRebuildTree = false } protected _updateTree(index: number, delta: number): void { if (!this._shouldRebuildTree) { const tree = this._tree while (index < tree.length) { tree[index] += delta index |= index + 1 } } } private _queryTree(end: number): number { if (this._shouldRebuildTree) this._buildTree() const tree = this._tree let x = 0 while (end) { x += tree[end - 1] end &= end - 1 } return x } /** * 树状数组树上二分, 找到索引为 `k` 的元素的`(所在块的索引pos, 块内的索引index)`. * 内部对头部块和尾部块做了特殊处理. */ protected _findKth(k: number): [pos: number, index: number] { if (k < this._blocks[0].length) return [0, k] const last = this._blocks.length - 1 const lastLen = this._blocks[last].length if (k >= this._len - lastLen) return [last, k + lastLen - this._len] if (this._shouldRebuildTree) this._buildTree() const tree = this._tree let pos = -1 const bitLength = 32 - Math.clz32(tree.length) for (let d = bitLength - 1; ~d; d--) { const next = pos + (1 << d) if (next < tree.length && k >= tree[next]) { pos = next k -= tree[pos] } } return [pos + 1, k] } private _iteratorAt(pos: number, index: number): ISortedListIterator { const hasNext = (): boolean => { return pos < this._blocks.length - 1 || index < this._blocks[pos].length - 1 } const next = (): V | undefined => { if (!hasNext()) return void 0 index++ if (index === this._blocks[pos].length) { pos++ index = 0 } return this._blocks[pos][index] } const hasPrev = (): boolean => { return pos > 0 || index > 0 } const prev = (): V | undefined => { if (!hasPrev()) return void 0 index-- if (index === -1) { pos-- index = this._blocks[pos].length - 1 } return this._blocks[pos][index] } const remove = (): void => { this._delete(pos, index) } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const sl = this return { hasNext, next, hasPrev, prev, remove, get value(): V | undefined { if (pos < 0 || pos >= sl.length) return void 0 const block = sl._blocks[pos] if (index < 0 || index >= block.length) return void 0 return block[index] } } } } import * as fs from 'fs' import { resolve } from 'path' function useInput(path?: string) { let data: string if (path) { data = fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, path), 'utf8') } else { data = fs.readFileSync(process.stdin.fd, 'utf8') } const lines = data.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/) let lineId = 0 const input = (): string => lines[lineId++] return { input } } const { input } = useInput() const n = Number(input()) const R = new UnionRectangleRange() let pre = 0 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { const [x1,y1, x2, y2] = input().split(' ').map(Number) R.add(x1, x2, y1, y2) const cur = R.query() console.log(cur - pre) pre = cur }