use std::io::Read; fn get_word() -> String { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut stdin=stdin.lock(); let mut u8b: [u8; 1] = [0]; loop { let mut buf: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(16); loop { let res = u8b); if res.unwrap_or(0) == 0 || u8b[0] <= b' ' { break; } else { buf.push(u8b[0]); } } if buf.len() >= 1 { let ret = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); return ret; } } } fn get() -> T { get_word().parse().ok().unwrap() } // // Verified by: type Coord = i64; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] struct MinCHT { lines: std::collections::BTreeSet, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Point(Coord); #[derive(Eq, Debug, Clone)] struct Entry(Coord, Coord, std::cell::Cell); impl PartialEq for Entry { fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool { (self.0, self.1) == (o.0, o.1) } } impl PartialOrd for Entry { fn partial_cmp(&self, o: &Self) -> Option { (o.0, o.1).partial_cmp(&(self.0, self.1)) } } impl Ord for Entry { fn cmp(&self, o: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { (o.0, o.1).cmp(&(self.0, self.1)) } } impl std::borrow::Borrow for Entry { fn borrow(&self) -> &Point { unsafe { &*self.2.as_ptr() } } } impl MinCHT { const INF: i64 = 1 << 62; fn div(a: Coord, b: Coord) -> Coord { a / b - if (a ^ b) < 0 && a % b != 0 { 1 } else { 0 } } // Should we erase y from lines? // As well as modifying x.2 to the appropriate value fn isect(x: &Entry, y: Option<&Entry>) -> bool { let y = if let Some(y) = y { y } else { x.2.set(Point(Self::INF)); return false; }; assert!(!std::ptr::eq(&x.2, &y.2)); if x.0 == y.0 { let p = if x.1 < y.1 { Self::INF } else { -Self::INF }; x.2.set(Point(p)); } else { x.2.set(Point(Self::div(y.1 - x.1, x.0 - y.0))); } x.2 >= y.2 } fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } // Adds y = ax + b fn add(&mut self, a: Coord, b: Coord) { let e = Entry(a, b, std::cell::Cell::new(Point(0))); if self.lines.contains(&e) { return; } self.lines.insert(e.clone()); loop { let y = self.lines.get(&e).unwrap(); let z = self.lines.range(Entry(a, b - 1, std::cell::Cell::new(Point(0)))..).next(); if Self::isect(y, z) { let z = z.unwrap().clone(); self.lines.remove(&z); } else { break; } } let mut now; { let y = self.lines.range(e.clone()..).next(); let x = self.lines.range(..e.clone()).rev().next(); if let Some(x) = x { now = x.clone(); if Self::isect(x, y) { let y = y.unwrap().clone(); self.lines.remove(&y); let xx = self.lines.range(..e.clone()).rev().next().unwrap(); let yy = self.lines.range(e.clone()..).next(); Self::isect(xx, yy); } } else { return; } } loop { let y = self.lines.range(now.clone()..).next(); let x = self.lines.range(; if let Some(x) = x { if Self::isect(x, y) { let x = x.clone(); let y = y.unwrap().clone(); self.lines.remove(&y); let xx = self.lines.range(; let yy = self.lines.range(now.clone()..).next(); Self::isect(xx, yy); now = x; continue; } } break; } } fn query(&self, x: Coord) -> Coord { assert!(!self.lines.is_empty()); let &Entry(a, b, _) = self.lines.range(Point(x)..).next().unwrap(); a * x + b } } // (3) // -at^2 の部分は t を決めてしまえば定数なので、残りの部分を CHT で計算する。 fn main() { let a: i64 = get(); let q: usize = get(); let mut cht = MinCHT::new(); for _ in 0..q { let ty: i32 = get(); if ty == 2 { let t: i64 = get(); let val = -cht.query(t); println!("{}", - a * t * t + val); continue; } let s: i64 = get(); let t: i64 = get(); cht.add(-(s + t) * a, a * s * t); } }