def is_include_num(s): return "1" in s or "0" in s def is_include_symbol(s): return "@" in s or "$" in s def is_include_alphabet(s): flag = False for c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": if c in s: flag = True break return flag def main(): s = input() temp = [] counter = 0 def dfs(i): nonlocal counter if i == 8: ans = "".join(temp) #print(ans) if is_include_num(ans) and is_include_symbol(ans) and is_include_alphabet(ans): counter += 1 return if s[i] == "l": temp.append("1") dfs(i+1) temp.pop() if s[i] == "o": temp.append("0") dfs(i+1) temp.pop() if s[i] == "a": temp.append("@") dfs(i+1) temp.pop() if s[i] == "s": temp.append("$") dfs(i+1) temp.pop() temp.append(s[i]) dfs(i+1) temp.pop() dfs(0) print(counter) if __name__ == '__main__': main()