import sys input = sys.stdin.readline from collections import deque H,W,K,L,R=map(int,input().split()) if (R-L+1)%2!=0: print("No") exit() MAP=[input().strip() for i in range(H)] F=[[1<<30]*W for i in range(H)] BACK=[[-1]*W for i in range(H)] F[0][0]=0 Q=deque() Q.append((0,0)) while Q: x,y=Q.popleft() for z,w in [(x+1,y),(x-1,y),(x,y+1),(x,y-1)]: if 0<=z=1 and MAP[i-1][j]==".": gx,gy=i,j if F[i][j]<=L-1 and F[i][j]%2==(L-1)%2 and F2[i][j]<=K-R and F2[i][j]%2==(K-R)%2 and j+1=1 and MAP[i][j-1]==".": gx,gy=i,j if gx==-1: print("No") exit() ANS1=[] ANS2=[] x=gx y=gy while x!=0 or y!=0: z,w=BACK[x][y] if z==x+1: ANS1.append("U") elif z==x-1: ANS1.append("D") elif w==y+1: ANS1.append("L") else: ANS1.append("R") x,y=z,w x=gx y=gy while x!=H-1 or y!=W-1: z,w=BACK2[x][y] if z==x+1: ANS2.append("D") elif z==x-1: ANS2.append("U") elif w==y+1: ANS2.append("R") else: ANS2.append("L") x,y=z,w ANS1.reverse() if gx+1=1 and MAP[gx-1][gy]==".": ANS3=["D","U"]*((R-L+1)//2) elif gy+1=1 and MAP[gx][gy-1]==".": ANS3=["R","L"]*((R-L+1)//2) else: print("No") exit() ANS=ANS1+ANS3+ANS2 print("Yes") print("".join(ANS))