# BFS, distance # L-1歩とR歩では同じ座標にいる、そうしないとゴールに行けない # L to Rでは同じところを行ったり来たりすればいい、それ以上の動き必要なしだから # つまりL-1歩で3個の縦または横のフリーゾーンの真ん中にいる必要 # (R+1-L)%2==0が必要 # (K-goal_distance-(R+1-L))%2==0も必要 H, W, K, L, R = map(int, input().split()) S = [] for i in range(H): s = input() S.append(s) from collections import deque d = [[+1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, +1], [0, -1]] sh, sw = 0, 0 que = deque() que.append((sh, sw)) INF = 10**4 distance = [[INF]*W for h in range(H)] distance[sh][sw] = 0 while que: ch, cw = que.popleft() for dh, dw in d: if 0 <= ch+dh < H and 0 <= cw+dw < W: if S[ch+dh][cw+dw] != '#': if distance[ch+dh][cw+dw] > distance[ch][cw]+1: distance[ch+dh][cw+dw] = distance[ch][cw]+1 que.append([ch+dh, cw+dw]) # 行ったり来たりチェック L1_position = (-1, -1, -1) #第3は縦0、横1 back_forth_test = False for h in range(H): for w in range(W): if distance[h][w] == L-1: if 1 <= h < H-1 and S[h-1][w] == S[h][w] == S[h+1][w] == '.': back_forth_test = True L1_position = (h, w, 0) if 1 <= w < W-1 and S[h][w-1] == S[h][w] == S[h][w+1] == '.': back_forth_test = True L1_position = (h, w, 1) if back_forth_test == False: print('No') exit() goal_distance = distance[H-1][W-1] if goal_distance == INF: print('No') exit() LR = R+1-L if LR%2 == 1: print('No') exit() if K-goal_distance-LR < 0 or (K-goal_distance-LR)%2 == 1: print('No') exit() #print('L1_position', L1_position) direction1 = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R'] route1 = [] current = (L1_position[0], L1_position[1]) for i in range(L-1, -1, -1): #print('current', current) ch, cw = current for j in range(4): dh, dw = d[j] if 0 <= ch+dh < H and 0 <= cw+dw < W: if distance[ch+dh][cw+dw] == i-1: current = (ch+dh, cw+dw) route1.append(direction1[j]) break #print(route1) route2 = [] l1h, l1w, dire = L1_position if dire == 0: for k in range(LR//2): route2.append('U') route2.append('D') elif dire == 1: for k in range(LR//2): route2.append('R') route2.append('L') #print(route2) direction3 = ['D', 'U', 'R', 'L'] route3 = [] current = (L1_position[0], L1_position[1]) for i in range(L-1, goal_distance): #print('current', current) ch, cw = current for j in range(4): dh, dw = d[j] if 0 <= ch+dh < H and 0 <= cw+dw < W: if distance[ch+dh][cw+dw] == i+1: current = (ch+dh, cw+dw) route3.append(direction3[j]) break #print(route3) ans = ''.join(route1[::-1]) + ''.join(route2) + ''.join(route3) print('Yes') print(ans)