N,M=map(int,raw_input().split()) lines=[] blocked=[False for i in range(M)] used=[False for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): L,R=map(int,raw_input().split()) lines.append(((L,R),(M-R-1,M-L-1))) useCnt=0 while useCnt < N: toCheck=[] for i in range(N): if used[i]==False: toCheck.append((i,0)) used[i]=True break while len(toCheck)!=0: p,q=toCheck[0] toCheck.pop(0) l,r=lines[p][q] useCnt+=1 for c in range(l,r+1): if blocked[c]==True: print "NO" exit() blocked[c]=True for t in range(N): if used[t]==False: if lines[t][0][0]<=c and lines[t][0][1]>=c and lines[t][1][0]<=c and lines[t][1][1]>=c: print "NO" exit() elif lines[t][0][0]<=c and lines[t][0][1]>=c : toCheck.append((t,1)) used[t]=True elif lines[t][1][0]<=c and lines[t][1][1]>=c : toCheck.append((t,0)) used[t]=True print "YES"