# ルート決めてLCA # 2頂点のdepthが同じなら、LCAおよびその親、その先すべて # 2頂点のdepthが異なり、そのdepth diffが奇数なら0 # 偶数なら1でいいか ## library of LCA by class ## index start from 0 import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10**7) from collections import deque class LCA: def __init__(self,n): self.size = n self.bitlen = n.bit_length() self.ancestor = [[0]*self.size for i in range(self.bitlen)] self.depth = [-1]*self.size self.dis = [-1]*self.size ## using [log_n][n] [n][log_n] ## [log_n][n] is tend to faster than [n][log_n] ## get parent by bfs is probably faster than dfs def make(self,root): self.depth[root] = 0 self.dis[root] = 0 q = deque([root]) while q: now = q.popleft() for nex in edges[now]: if self.depth[nex]>= 0: continue self.depth[nex] = self.depth[now]+1 self.dis[nex] = self.dis[now]+1 self.ancestor[0][nex] = now q.append(nex) for i in range(1,self.bitlen): for j in range(self.size): if self.ancestor[i-1][j] > 0: self.ancestor[i][j] = self.ancestor[i-1][self.ancestor[i-1][j]] def lca(self,x,y): dx = self.depth[x] dy = self.depth[y] if dx < dy: x,y = y,x dx,dy = dy,dx dif = dx-dy while dif: s = dif & (-dif) x = self.ancestor[s.bit_length()-1][x] dif -= s while x != y: j = 0 while self.ancestor[j][x] != self.ancestor[j][y]: j += 1 if j == 0: return self.ancestor[0][x] x = self.ancestor[j-1][x] y = self.ancestor[j-1][y] return x def par(self,x,dep): #親parent now = x for i in range(self.bitlen)[::-1]: if 1 << i <= dep: now = self.ancestor[i][now] dep -= 1< t_depth: deeper = s shalower = t else: deeper = t shalower = s mid = lca.par(deeper, (s_depth+t_depth)//2) if mid == shalower: mid = lca.par(deeper, (s_depth+t_depth)//4) mid_depth_diff = lca.depth[deeper]-lca.depth[mid] ans = 1 for nxt in edges[mid]: if nxt != lca.par(deeper, mid_depth_diff-1) and nxt != lca.par(deeper, mid_depth_diff+1): ans += child[nxt] #print('mid', mid) elif (s_depth-t_depth)%2 == 1: ans = 0 print(ans)