def solve(n, m, s): # o---x or x---o # o---o # x---x # がそれぞれ長さいくつが何個あるか数える type_0 = [0] * (n + 1) type_1 = [0] * (n + 1) type_2 = [0] * (n + 1) left = "x" c = 0 res = 0 xc = 0 for i in range(n + 1): if i < n: a = s[i] if a == "x": xc += 1 else: a = "x" if a == "o": res += 1 if a == "-": c += 1 else: if a == "x" and left == "x": type_2[c] += 1 elif a == "o" and left == "o": type_1[c] += 1 else: type_0[c] += 1 c = 0 left = a # そもそも休み res += type_1[1] # print(res) # print(type_0) # print(type_1) # print(type_2) # 貪欲 mm = m for i in range(3, n + 1, 2): d = min(mm // (i // 2), type_1[i]) res += i * d mm -= d * (i // 2) if d < type_1[i]: res += 2 * mm mm = 0 break # 2倍増えるところ twos = 0 for i in range(2, n + 1, 2): twos += type_1[i] * (i // 2) for i in range(n + 1): twos += type_0[i] * (i // 2) # print(twos) if mm > twos: res += 2 * twos mm -= twos else: res += 2 * mm mm = 0 # 2倍弱増えるところ for i in range(n, 2, -1): d = min(mm // ((i + 1) // 2), type_2[i]) res += i * d mm -= d * ((i + 1) // 2) if d < type_2[i]: res += 2 * mm - 1 mm = 0 break # それでも余った場合 res_max = n - xc res = min(res + mm, res_max) # print(res) return res def main(): n, m = map(int, input().split()) s = input() res = solve(n, m, s) print(res) def test(): assert solve(8, 2, "x-o----x") == 5 assert solve(20, 5, "xo--x-o--o--------ox") == 14 assert solve(5, 0, "xo-ox") == 3 assert solve(20, 20, "xo--x-o--o--------ox") == 17 assert solve(5, 5, "xo-ox") == 3 if __name__ == "__main__": test() main()