from collections import defaultdict, deque, Counter import copy from itertools import combinations, permutations, product, accumulate, groupby, chain from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush import math import bisect from pprint import pprint from random import randint import sys # sys.setrecursionlimit(200000) input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\n') inf = float('inf') mod1 = 10**9+7 mod2 = 998244353 def ceil_div(x, y): return -(-x//y) ################################################# from functools import cmp_to_key from math import atan2, cos, sin, acos, asin, sqrt, degrees, pi inf = float('inf') EPS = 1e-10 def sgn(a): return -1 if a < -EPS else (1 if a > EPS else 0) class Point: def __init__(self, *point) -> None: if len(point) == 0: self.x = 0 self.y = 0 elif len(point) == 1: self.x = point[0][0] self.y = point[0][1] else: self.x = point[0] self.y = point[1] def __getitem__(self, i): if i == 0: return self.x elif i == 1: return self.y raise IndexError def __setitem__(self, i, value): if i == 0: self.x = value elif i == 1: self.y = value raise IndexError def __neg__(self): return Point(-self.x, -self.y) def __add__(self, other): return Point(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y) def __sub__(self, other): return Point(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y) def __mul__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての積 return Point(self.x*other.x - self.y*other.y, self.x*other.y + self.y*other.x) return Point(self.x*other, self.y*other) # スカラー倍 def __rmul__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての積 return Point(other.x*self.x - other.y*self.y, other.x*self.y + other.y*self.x) return Point(self.x*other, self.y*other) # スカラー倍 def __truediv__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての除算 return self*other.conjugation()/other.length_sq() return Point(self.x/other, self.y/other) # スカラー除算 def __floordiv__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての除算、otherのノルムで割らない return self*other.conjugation() return Point(self.x//other, self.y//other) # スカラー除算 def __iadd__(self, other): self.x += other.x self.y += other.y return self def __isub__(self, other): self.x -= other.x self.y -= other.y return self def __imul__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての積 a, b, c, d = self.x, self.y, other.x, other.y self.x = a*c - b*d self.y = a*d + b*c else: # スカラー倍 self.x *= other self.y *= other return self def __itruediv__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての除算 self *= other.conjugation()/other.length_sq() else: # スカラー除算 self.x /= other self.y /= other return self def __ifloordiv__(self, other): if type(other) is Point: # 複素数としての除算、otherのノルム^2で割らない self *= other.conjugation() else: # スカラー除算 self.x //= other self.y //= other return self def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return sgn(self.x-other.x) == sgn(self.y-other.y) == 0 def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: if sgn(self.x-other.x) != 0: return sgn(self.x-other.x) < 0 return sgn(self.y-other.y) < 0 def __repr__(self) -> str: return (self.x, self.y).__repr__() def __abs__(self): return self.length() def length_sq(self): return self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y def length(self): return sqrt(self.length_sq()) def dot(self, other): return self.x*other.x + self.y*other.y def cross(self, other): return self.x*other.y - self.y*other.x def is_zero(self): return sgn(self.x) == sgn(self.y) == 0 def normalized(self): return self/self.length() def normal_vector(self): return Point(-self.y, self.x) def normal_unit_vector(self): tmp = self.normalized() return Point(-tmp.y, tmp.x) def rotate(self, arg): cs = cos(arg); sn = sin(arg) return Point(self.x*cs - self.y*sn, self.x*sn + self.y*cs) def angle(self): return atan2(self.y, self.x) def is_same_angle(self, other): # selfとotherの偏角は等しいか return Point.ccw(Point(), self, other) in (0, 2) def is_same_slope(self, other): # selfとotherの((0, 0)と結んだ直線での)傾きは等しいか return sgn(self.cross(other)) == 0 def conjugation(self): # 共役な複素数 return Point(self.x, -self.y) def print(self): print(f"{self.x: .9f} {self.y: .9f}") def distance_from_Point_sq(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return (self.x-other.x)*(self.x-other.x) + (self.y-other.y)*(self.y-other.y) def distance_from_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return sqrt(self.distance_from_Point_sq(other)) def distance_from_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError return abs(other.vec().cross(self-other.begin))/other.vec().length() def distance_from_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError if Point.angle_type(self, other.begin, other.end) == 2: return self.distance_from_Point(other.begin) return abs(other.vec().cross(self-other.begin))/other.vec().length() def distance_from_Segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if Point.angle_type(self, other.begin, other.end) == 2: return self.distance_from_Point(other.begin) if Point.angle_type(self, other.end, other.begin) == 2: return self.distance_from_Point(other.end) return abs(other.vec().cross(self-other.begin))/other.vec().length() def projection(self, line): return line.begin+line.vec().normalized()*(self-line.begin).dot(line.vec())/line.vec().length() def reflection(self, line): return self+2*(self.projection(line)-self) # 3点A, B, Cの位置関係を返す関数 A, Bがすべて異なった点であるのが前提 # ABから見てBCは左に曲がるのなら +1 # ABから見てBCは右に曲がるのなら -1 # ABC(CBA)の順番で一直線上に並ぶなら +2 # ACB(BCA)の順番で一直線上に並ぶなら 0 # BAC(CAB)の順番で一直線上に並ぶなら -2 # a ≠ b を仮定(a = b ならValueError) def ccw(a, b, c): if a == b: return ValueError flg = sgn((b-a).cross(c-a)) if flg == 1: return 1 elif flg == -1: return -1 # ABC(CBA) if sgn((b-a).dot(c-b)) > 0: return 2 # BAC(CAB) elif (sgn((a-b).dot(c-a)) > 0): return -2 # ACB(BCA) または cがa, bいずれかと一致 return 0 # 角ABCが鋭角なら0、直角なら1、鈍角なら2を返す。 # cc: ABから反時計回りに見るBCの偏角(0 ≤ Θ ≤ 2π)で考え、π < Θ < 2πなら3を返す。 def angle_type(a, b, c, cc=True): if cc and sgn((a-b).cross(c-b)) < 0: return 3 v = (a-b).dot(c-b) if sgn(v) > 0: return 0 elif sgn(v) == 0: return 1 return 2 # Line, Ray, Segment は相互にキャスト可能 # ただし、Rayにキャストする際は向きに注意 class Line: begin = None end = None def __init__(self, *args) -> None: # args: begin, end # begin = end なら ValueError if len(args) == 2: self.begin = Point(args[0]) self.end = Point(args[1]) # args: a, b, c (ax+by+c = 0) # a = b = 0 なら ValueError elif len(args) == 3: a, b, c = args if sgn(a) == sgn(b) == 0: raise ValueError if sgn(b) == 0: self.begin = Point(-c/a, 0) self.end = Point(-c/a, 1) else: self.begin = Point(0, -c/b) self.end = Point(1, -(a+c)/b) elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Line): self.begin = Point(args[0].begin) self.end = Point(args[0].end) if self.begin == self.end: raise ValueError def __eq__(self, other): # 同一の直線か if type(other) is not Line: return False return self.is_parallel(other) and self.is_intersect_with_Point(other.begin) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self)}({self.begin}, {self.end})" def vec(self): return self.end-self.begin def rvec(self): return self.begin-self.end def is_orthogonal(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Line): raise ValueError return sgn(self.vec().dot(other.vec())) == 0 def is_parallel(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Line): raise ValueError return self.vec().is_same_slope(other.vec()) def is_intersect_with_Point(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other) in (-2, 0, 2) def is_intersect_with_Line(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError return not (self.is_parallel(other) and not self.is_intersect_with_Point(other.begin)) def is_intersect_with_Ray(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Ray: return ValueError c = Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.begin) if c in (-2, 0, 2): return True elif c == 1: return Point.ccw(other.begin, other.begin+self.vec(), other.end) == -1 else: return Point.ccw(other.begin, other.begin+self.vec(), other.end) == 1 def is_intersect_with_Segment(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Segment: return ValueError return sgn(self.vec().cross(other.begin-self.begin))*sgn(self.vec().cross(other.end-self.begin)) <= 0 def intersection_with_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError if not self.is_intersect_with_Line(other): return None if self == other: return Line(self) return Point(self.begin+self.vec()*(other.end-self.begin).cross(other.vec())/self.vec().cross(other.vec())) def intersection_with_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError if not self.is_intersect_with_Ray(other): return None if self == Line(other): return Ray(other) return self.intersection_with_Line(Line(other)) def intersection_with_Segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if not self.is_intersect_with_Segment(other): return None if self == Line(other): return Segment(other) return self.intersection_with_Line(Line(other)) def distance_from_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return other.distance_from_Line(self) def distance_from_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError if self.is_intersect_with_Line(other): return 0 return self.begin.distance_from_Line(other) def distance_from_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError if self.is_intersect_with_Ray(other): return 0 return other.begin.distance_from_Line(self) def distance_from_segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if self.is_intersect_with_Line: return 0 return min(other.begin.distance_from_Line(self), other.end.distance_from_Line(self)) class Ray(Line): def __init__(self, *args) -> None: super().__init__(*args) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Ray: return False return sgn(self.begin-other.begin) == 0 and self.vec().is_same_angle(other.vec()) def reverse(self): self.begin, self.end = self.end, self.begin def reversed(ray): return Ray(ray.end, ray.begin) def is_intersect_with_Point(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other) in (0, 2) def is_intersect_with_Line(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError return other.is_intersect_with_Ray(self) def is_intersect_with_Ray(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError if not Line(self).is_intersect_with_Ray(other): return False if Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.begin) in (0, 2) or Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.end) in (0, 2): return True if sgn(self.vec().cross(other.begin-self.begin)) > 0: return sgn(other.vec().cross(self.begin-other.begin)) <= 0 if sgn(self.vec().cross(other.begin-self.begin)) < 0: return sgn(other.vec().cross(self.begin-other.begin)) >= 0 return False def is_intersect_with_Segment(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError return self.is_intersect_with_Ray(Ray(other.begin, other.end)) and self.is_intersect_with_Ray(Ray(other.end, other.begin)) def intersection_with_Line(self, other): return other.intersection_with_Ray(self) def intersection_with_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError if not self.is_intersect_with_Ray(other): return None c = Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.begin) if c in (0, 2): if self.vec().is_same_angle(other.vec()): return Ray(other) if self.vec().is_same_slope(other.vec()): if self.begin == other.end: return Point(self.begin) return Segment(self.begin, other.end) return Point(other.begin) if c == -2 and self.is_parallel(other): return Ray(self) return super().intersection_with_Ray(other) def intersection_with_Segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if not self.is_intersect_with_Segment(other): return None if self.is_parallel(other): if Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.begin) == -2: return Segment(self.begin, other.end) if Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.end) == -2: return Segment(self.begin, other.begin) return super().intersection_with_Segment(other) def distance_from_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return other.distance_from_Ray(self) def distance_from_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError return other.distance_from_Ray(self) def distance_from_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError if self.is_intersect_with_Ray(other): return 0 return min(self.begin.distance_from_Ray(other), other.begin.distance_from_Ray(self)) def distance_from_segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if self.is_intersect_with_Segment(other): return 0 return min(self.begin.distance_from_Segment(other), other.begin.distance_from_Ray(self), other.end.distance_from_Ray(self)) class Segment(Line): def __init__(self, *args) -> None: super().__init__(*args) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Segment: return False return (self.begin == other.begin and self.end == other.end) or (self.begin == other.end and self.end == other.begin) def length_sq(self): return self.vec().length_sq() def length(self): return self.vec().length() def is_intersect_with_Point(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Point: return ValueError return Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other) == 0 def is_intersect_with_Line(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Line: return ValueError return other.is_intersect_with_Segment(self) def is_intersect_with_Ray(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Ray: return ValueError return other.is_intersect_with_Segment(self) def is_intersect_with_Segment(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Segment: return ValueError ray = Ray(self) return ray.is_intersect_with_Segment(other) and Ray.reversed(ray).is_intersect_with_Segment(other) def intersection_with_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError return other.intersection_with_Segment(self) def intersection_with_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError return other.intersection_with_Ray(self) def intersection_with_Segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if not self.is_intersect_with_Segment(other): return None if not self.is_parallel(other): return super().intersection_with_Segment(other) cb = Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.begin) ce = Point.ccw(self.begin, self.end, other.end) if cb == 0: if ce == 0: return Segment(other) if ce == -2: if other.begin == self.begin: return Point(other.begin) return Segment(self.begin, other.begin) if ce == 2: if other.begin == self.end: return Point(other.begin) return Segment(self.end, other.begin) if ce == 0: if cb == -2: if other.end == self.begin: return Point(other.end) return Segment(self.begin, other.end) if cb == 2: if other.end == self.end: return Point(other.end) return Segment(self.end, other.end) return Segment(self) def distance_from_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return other.distance_from_Segment(self) def distance_from_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError return other.distance_from_Segment(self) def distance_from_Ray(self, other): if type(other) is not Ray: raise ValueError return other.distance_from_Segment(self) def distance_from_Segment(self, other): if type(other) is not Segment: raise ValueError if self.is_intersect_with_Segment(other): return 0 return min(self.distance_from_Point(other.begin), self.distance_from_Point(other.end), other.distance_from_Point(self.begin), other.distance_from_Point(self.end)) class Polygon: def __init__(self, points) -> None: self.points = [Point(p) for p in points] if len(points) < 3: return ValueError def __getitem__(self, i): return self.points[i] def __setitem__(self, i, x): self.points[i] = Point(x) def __iter__(self): i = 0 for i in range(len(self.points)): yield self.points[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.points) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self)}({self.points})" def area(self): ret = 0 for i in range(len(self.points)-1): ret += self.points[i].cross(self.points[i+1]) ret += self.points[-1].cross(self.points[0]) return ret/2 def is_convex(self): size = len(self.points) for i in range(size): if Point.ccw(self.points[i-1], self.points[i], self.points[(i+1)%size]) == -1: return False return True # 内部なら2, 境界上なら1, 外部なら0 def is_contain_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError ray = Ray(Point(), Point((1, 0))) ret = 0 for i in range(len(self.points)): a, b = self.points[i]-other, self.points[(i+1)%len(self.points)]-other if Point.ccw(a, b, Point()) == 0: return 1 if not ray.is_intersect_with_Segment(Segment(a, b)): continue if sgn(a.y-b.y) < 0: ret ^= (sgn(b.y) != 0) if sgn(a.y-b.y) > 0: ret ^= (sgn(a.y) != 0) return 2 if ret else 0 class Convex(Polygon): def __init__(self, points) -> None: super().__init__(points) # if not self.is_convex(): # 安全性を考慮するならやるべき # raise ValueError def convex_full(points, on_line=True): if type(points[0]) is not Point: Points.cast_to_Point(points) sp = sorted(points) ret = [sp[0], sp[1]] if on_line: for i in range(2, len(sp)): while len(ret) >= 2 and Point.ccw(ret[-2], ret[-1], sp[i]) < 0: ret.pop() ret.append(sp[i]) t = len(ret)+1 for i in range(len(sp)-2, -1, -1): while len(ret) >= t and Point.ccw(ret[-2], ret[-1], sp[i]) < 0: ret.pop() ret.append(sp[i]) else: for i in range(2, len(sp)): while len(ret) >= 2 and Point.ccw(ret[-2], ret[-1], sp[i]) <= 0: ret.pop() ret.append(sp[i]) t = len(ret)+1 for i in range(len(sp)-2, -1, -1): while len(ret) >= t and Point.ccw(ret[-2], ret[-1], sp[i]) <= 0: ret.pop() ret.append(sp[i]) ret.pop() return Convex(ret) def cut(self, line): if not isinstance(line, Line): raise ValueError points = self.points l = None r = None for i in range(len(points)): c = Point.ccw(line.begin, line.end, points[i]) if c == 1: l = i elif c == -1: r = i if r is None: return Convex(self), None if l is None: return None, Convex(self) left = [points[l]] right = [] i = (l+1)%len(points) t = 0 for _ in range(len(points)-1): p = line.intersection_with_Segment(Segment(points[i], points[(i-1)%len(points)])) if p is None or p == points[(i-1)%len(points)]: if t == 0: left.append(points[i]) else: right.append(points[i]) else: if t == 0: left.append(p) right.append(p) if p != points[i]: right.append(points[i]) t ^= 1 else: right.append(p) left.append(p) if p != points[i]: left.append(points[i]) t ^= 1 i = (i+1)%len(points) if t: p = line.intersection_with_Segment(Segment(points[i], points[(i-1)%len(points)])) right.append(p) left.append(p) return Convex(left), Convex(right) def common_with_Convex(self, other): if type(other) is not Convex: raise ValueError ret = Convex(other) for i in range(len(self.points)): line = Line(self.points[i], self.points[(i+1)%len(self.points)]) ret = ret.cut(line)[0] if ret is None: return None return ret def common_area_with_Convex(self, other): if type(other) is not Convex: raise ValueError c = self.common_with_Convex(other) if c is None: return 0 return c.area() # 内部なら2, 境界上なら1, 外部なら0 def is_contain_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError if len(self.points) == 3: for i in range(len(self.points)): a, b = self.points[i], self.points[(i+1)%len(self.points)] c = Point.ccw(a, b, other) if c == 0: return 1 if c < 0: return 0 return 2 ok, ng = 0, len(self.points)-1 while(abs(ok-ng)>1): mid = (ok+ng)//2 a = self.points[mid]-self.points[0] b = other-self.points[0] if sgn(a.cross(b)) >= 0: ok = mid else: ng = mid if ok == 0: return 0 x = Convex([self.points[0], self.points[ok], self.points[ng]]).is_contain_Point(other) if x != 1: return x if sgn(Point.ccw(self.points[ok], self.points[ng], other)) == 0: return 1 if ok == 1 and sgn(Point.ccw(self.points[0], self.points[1], other)) == 0: return 1 if ng == len(self.points)-1 and sgn(Point.ccw(self.points[0], self.points[-1], other)) == 0: return 1 return 2 class Points: def cast_to_Point(points): for i in range(len(points)): points[i] = Point(points[i]) # 最近点対 def closest_pair(points): if type(points[0]) is not Point: Points.cast_to_Point(points) n = len(points) return Points._cp_rec(sorted(points), 0, n)[:2] def _cp_rec(points, i, n): if n <= 1: return inf, None, [points[i]] m = n//2 x = points[i+m][0] dl, pairl, pointsl = Points._cp_rec(points, i, m) dr, pairr, pointsr = Points._cp_rec(points, i+m, n-m) if dl <= dr: d = dl pair = pairl else: d = dr pair = pairr sorted_points = [None]*n l = r = idx = 0 while l < m and r < n-m: if pointsl[l].y < pointsr[r].y: sorted_points[idx] = pointsl[l] l += 1 else: sorted_points[idx] = pointsr[r] r += 1 idx += 1 while l < m: sorted_points[idx] = pointsl[l] l += 1 idx += 1 while r < n-m: sorted_points[idx] = pointsr[r] r += 1 idx += 1 b = [] for i in range(n): p = sorted_points[i] if abs(p.x-x) >= d: continue for j in range(len(b)-1, -1, -1): if p.y-b[j].y >= d: break nd = p.distance_from_Point(b[j]) if nd < d: d = nd pair = (p, b[j]) b.append(p) return d, pair, sorted_points # 最遠点対 def farthest_pair(points): if type(points[0]) is not Point: Points.cast_to_Point(points) if len(points) == 2: return points[0].distance_from_Point(points[1]), (points[0], points[1]) convex = Convex.convex_full(points, False) if len(convex) > len(points): p, q = min(points), max(points) return p.distance_from_Point(q), (p, q) j = 1 n = len(convex) d_sq = 0 pair = None for i in range(n): while j == i or sgn((convex[(i+1)%n]-convex[i]).dot(convex[(j+1)%n]-convex[i])) > 0: j += 1 j %= n nd_sq = convex[i].distance_from_Point_sq(convex[j]) if d_sq < nd_sq: d_sq = nd_sq pair = (convex[i], convex[j]) nd_sq = convex[i].distance_from_Point_sq(convex[(j+1)%n]) if d_sq < nd_sq: d_sq = nd_sq pair = (convex[i], convex[(j+1)%n]) return sqrt(d_sq), pair def argsort(points, base=Point(), by_cross=True): if by_cross: U, D = [], [] for p in points: p = p-base if p.is_zero(): continue if sgn(p.y) == 0: if sgn(p.x) > 0: U.append(p) else: D.append(p) else: if sgn(p.y) > 0: U.append(p) else: D.append(p) U.sort(key=cmp_to_key(lambda p, q: sgn(q.cross(p)))) D.sort(key=cmp_to_key(lambda p, q: sgn(q.cross(p)))) return list(map(lambda p: p+base, U))+list(map(lambda p: p+base, D)) else: args = [(degrees((p-base).angle())%360, p) for p in points if p != base] args.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return args class Circle: def __init__(self, centre, radius) -> None: if type(centre) is not Point: raise ValueError self.centre = centre self.radius = radius def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not Circle: return False return self.centre == other.centre and sgn(self.radius-other.radius) == 0 def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self)}({self.centre}, {self.radius})" def area(self): return pi*self.radius**2 def common_area_with_Circle(self, other): if type(other) is not Circle: raise ValueError if self == other: return self.area() tn = self.tangent_num_with_Circle(other) if tn == 0 or tn == 1: return min(self.area(), other.area()) elif tn == 2: a, b = self.intersection_with_Circle(other) arg1 = ((a-self.centre).angle()-(other.centre-self.centre).angle())%(2*pi) t1 = Convex([self.centre, b, a]).area() s1 = self.area()/pi*arg1 arg2 = ((b-other.centre).angle()-(self.centre-other.centre).angle())%(2*pi) t2 = Convex([other.centre, a, b]).area() s2 = other.area()/pi*arg2 return s1+s2-t1-t2 return 0 def inscribed_circle(triangle): # 内接円 if not isinstance(triangle, Polygon): raise ValueError if len(triangle) != 3: raise ValueError if not triangle.is_convex(): triangle[0], triangle[2] = triangle[2], triangle[0] a, b, c = triangle B = b-a C = c-a arg = (C.angle()-B.angle())/2 la = Line(a, B.rotate(arg)+a) A = a-b C = c-b arg = (A.angle()-C.angle())/2 lb = Line(b, C.rotate(arg)+b) c = la.intersection_with_Line(lb) return Circle(c, c.distance_from_Line(Line(a, b))) def circumscribed_circle(triangle): # 外接円 if not isinstance(triangle, Polygon): raise ValueError if len(triangle) != 3: raise ValueError A, B, C = triangle AB = B-A AC = C-A a = b = A.distance_from_Point_sq(B) c = A.distance_from_Point_sq(C) t = b*(a-c)/(2*a**2-2*b*c) s = 0.5-a*t/b AO = Point((s*AB.x+t*AC.x, s*AB.y+t*AC.y)) O = A+AO return Circle(O, O.distance_from_Point(A)) def tangent_num_with_Circle(self, other) -> int: if type(other) is not Circle: raise ValueError d = self.centre.distance_from_Point_sq(other.centre) r1 = self.radius r2 = other.radius if sgn(d-(r1+r2)**2) > 0: # 外部 return 4 elif sgn(d-(r1+r2)**2) == 0: # 外接 return 3 elif sgn((r1-r2)**2-d) == 0: # 内接 return 1 elif sgn((r1-r2)**2-d) > 0: # 内部 return 0 else: # 交差 return 2 def tangent_Point_from_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError icp = self.is_contain_Point(other) if icp == 2: return None, None elif icp == 1: return Point(other), None d = self.centre-other arg = asin(self.radius/d.length()) x = d.normalized()*sqrt(d.length_sq()-self.radius**2) a = x.rotate(arg)+other b = x.rotate(-arg)+other return a, b def tangent_Line_from_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError a, b = self.tangent_point_from_Point(other) if a is None: return None, None elif b is None: d = other-self.centre return Line(other, other+d.normal_vector()), None return Line(other, a), Line(other, b) def tangent_Line_with_Circle(self, other): if type(other) is not Circle: raise ValueError if self.centre == other.centre: return [] tn = self.tangent_num_with_Circle(other) if tn == 0: return [] elif tn == 1: p, _ = self.intersection_with_Circle(other) n = (p-self.centre).normal_vector() return [Line(p, p+n)] elif tn == 2: if self.radius < other.radius: c1, c2 = self, other elif self.radius > other.radius: c2, c1 = self, other else: d = other.centre-self.centre n = d.normal_unit_vector()*self.radius a1, b1 = self.centre+n, self.centre-n a2, b2 = other.centre+n, other.centre-n return [Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2)] q = c2.centre+(c1.centre-c2.centre)/(c2.radius-c1.radius)*c2.radius a1, b1 = self.tangent_Point_from_Point(q) a2, b2 = other.tangent_Point_from_Point(q) return [Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2)] elif tn == 3: p, _ = self.intersection_with_Circle(other) n = (p-self.centre).normal_vector() if self.radius < other.radius: c1, c2 = self, other elif self.radius > other.radius: c2, c1 = self, other else: d = other.centre-self.centre n = d.normal_unit_vector()*self.radius a1, b1 = self.centre+n, self.centre-n a2, b2 = other.centre+n, other.centre-n return [Line(p, p+n), Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2)] q = c2.centre+(c1.centre-c2.centre)/(c2.radius-c1.radius)*c2.radius a1, b1 = self.tangent_Point_from_Point(q) a2, b2 = other.tangent_Point_from_Point(q) return [Line(p, p+n), Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2)] else: p = self.centre+(other.centre-self.centre)/(self.radius+other.radius)*self.radius a1, b1 = self.tangent_Point_from_Point(p) a2, b2 = other.tangent_Point_from_Point(p) la, lb = Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2) if self.radius < other.radius: c1, c2 = self, other elif self.radius > other.radius: c2, c1 = self, other else: d = other.centre-self.centre n = d.normal_unit_vector()*self.radius a1, b1 = self.centre+n, self.centre-n a2, b2 = other.centre+n, other.centre-n return [la, lb, Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2)] q = c2.centre+(c1.centre-c2.centre)/(c2.radius-c1.radius)*c2.radius a1, b1 = self.tangent_Point_from_Point(q) a2, b2 = other.tangent_Point_from_Point(q) return [la, lb, Line(a1, a2), Line(b1, b2)] # 内部なら2, 境界上なら1, 外部なら0 def is_contain_Point(self, other): if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError s = sgn(other.distance_from_Point_sq(self.centre)-self.radius**2) if s < 0: return 2 elif s == 0: return 1 return 0 def is_intersect_with_Point(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError return self.is_contain_Point(other) == 1 def is_intersect_with_Line(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError p = self.centre.projection(other) d = p.distance_from_Point(self.centre) return sgn(self.radius-d) >= 0 def is_intersect_with_Circle(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Circle: raise ValueError return 1 <= self.tangent_num_with_Circle(other) <= 3 def intersection_with_Point(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not Point: raise ValueError if sgn(other.distance_from_Point_sq(self.centre)-self.radius**2) == 0: return other return None def intersection_with_Line(self, other): if type(other) is not Line: raise ValueError p = self.centre.projection(other) d = p.distance_from_Point(self.centre) if sgn(self.radius-d) == 0: return p, None elif sgn(self.radius-d) > 0: e = sqrt(self.radius**2-d**2) return other.vec().normalized()*e+p, other.vec().normalized()*-e+p return None, None def intersection_with_Circle(self, other): if type(other) is not Circle: raise ValueError tn = self.tangent_num_with_Circle(other) if tn == 1: if self.radius < other.radius: c2, c1 = self, other else: c1, c2 = self, other a = c1.centre+(c2.centre-c1.centre).normalized()*c1.radius return a, None elif tn == 3: a = self.centre+(other.centre-self.centre).normalized()*self.radius return a, None elif tn == 2: d = self.centre.distance_from_Point_sq(other.centre) r1, r2 = self.radius, other.radius arg = acos((r1**2+d-r2**2)/(2*r1*sqrt(d))) a = self.centre+((other.centre-self.centre).normalized()*r1).rotate(arg) b = self.centre+((other.centre-self.centre).normalized()*r1).rotate(-arg) return a, b return None, None def get_Ray(x, y, d): if d == "R": return Ray(Point(x, y), Point(x+1, y)) elif d == "L": return Ray(Point(x, y), Point(x-1, y)) elif d == "U": return Ray(Point(x, y), Point(x, y+1)) else: return Ray(Point(x, y), Point(x, y-1)) def solve(): x1, y1, d1 = input().split() x2, y2, d2 = input().split() ray1, ray2 = get_Ray(int(x1), int(y1), d1), get_Ray(int(x2), int(y2), d2) intersection = ray1.intersection_with_Ray(ray2) if intersection is None: return "No" elif isinstance(intersection, Line): return "Yes" else: return "Yes" if intersection.distance_from_Point_sq(ray1.begin) == intersection.distance_from_Point_sq(ray2.begin) else "No" T = int(input()) for _ in range(T): print(solve())