import macros;macro ImportExpand(s:untyped):untyped = parseStmt($s[2]) import strutils ImportExpand "cplib/math/euler_phi.nim" <=== "when not declared CPLIB_MATH_EULER_PHI:\n const CPLIB_MATH_EULER_PHI* = 1\n import sequtils\n proc euler_phi*(n: int): int =\n result = n\n var n = n\n for i in 2.. n:\n break\n if n mod i == 0:\n result -= result div i\n while n mod i == 0:\n n = n div i\n if n > 1:\n result -= result div n\n\n proc euler_phi_list*(n: int): seq[int] =\n result = (0..n).toSeq\n for i in 2..n:\n if result[i] == i:\n for j in countup(i, n, i):\n result[j] = result[j] div i\n result[j] *= (i - 1)\n discard\n" ImportExpand "cplib/math/divisor.nim" <=== "when not declared CPLIB_MATH_DIVISOR:\n const CPLIB_MATH_DIVISOR* = 1\n import sequtils\n import tables\n import algorithm\n #[ import cplib/math/primefactor ]#\n when not declared CPLIB_MATH_PRIMEFACTOR:\n const CPLIB_MATH_PRIMEFACTOR* = 1\n #[ import cplib/math/inner_math ]#\n when not declared CPLIB_MATH_INNER_MATH:\n const CPLIB_MATH_INNER_MATH* = 1\n proc mul*(a, b, m: int): int {.importcpp: \"(__int128)(#) * (#) % (#)\", nodecl.}\n discard\n #[ import cplib/math/isprime ]#\n when not declared CPLIB_MATH_ISPRIME:\n const CPLIB_MATH_ISPRIME* = 1\n #[ import cplib/math/powmod ]#\n when not declared CPLIB_MATH_POWMOD:\n const CPLIB_MATH_POWMOD* = 1\n #[ import cplib/math/inner_math ]#\n proc powmod*(a, n, m: int): int =\n var\n rev = 1\n a = a\n n = n\n while n > 0:\n if n mod 2 != 0: rev = mul(rev, a, m)\n if n > 1: a = mul(a, a, m)\n n = n shr 1\n return rev\n discard\n proc isprime*(N: int): bool =\n let bases = [2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504, 1795265022]\n if N == 2:\n return true\n if N < 2 or (N and 1) == 0:\n return false\n let N1 = N-1\n var d = N1\n var s = 0\n while (d and 1) == 0:\n d = d shr 1\n s += 1\n for a in bases:\n var t: int\n if a mod N == 0:\n continue\n t = powmod(a, d, N)\n if t == 1 or t == N1:\n continue\n block test:\n for _ in 0..<(s-1):\n t = powmod(t, 2, N)\n if t == N1:\n break test\n return false\n return true\n discard\n import random\n import std/math\n import algorithm\n import tables\n \n randomize()\n proc find_factor(n: int): int =\n if not ((n and 1) != 0): return 2\n if isprime(n): return n\n const m = 128\n while true:\n var x, ys, q, r, g = 1\n var rnd, y = rand(0..n-3) + 2\n proc f(x: int): int = (mul(x, x, n) + rnd) mod n\n while g == 1:\n x = y\n for i in 0.. 1 and not isprime(n):\n var p = find_factor(n)\n while n mod p == 0:\n result.add(p)\n n = n div p\n if n > 1: result.add(n)\n if sorted: return result.sorted\n \n proc primefactor_cnt*(n: int): Table[int, int] =\n for p in primefactor(n):\n if p in result: result[p] += 1\n else: result[p] = 1\n discard\n proc divisor_naive(x: int, sorted: bool): seq[int] =\n for i in 1..x:\n if i*i > x: break\n if x mod i == 0:\n result.add(i)\n if i*i != x:\n result.add(x div i)\n if sorted: result.sort\n\n proc divisor*(x: int, sorted: bool = true): seq[int] =\n if x <= 1000_000: return divisor_naive(x, sorted)\n var factor = primefactor(x).toCountTable.pairs.toSeq\n var ans = newSeq[int](0)\n proc dfs(d, x: int) =\n if d == factor.len:\n ans.add(x)\n return\n var mul = 1\n for i in 0..factor[d][1]:\n dfs(d+1, x*mul)\n if i != factor[d][1]: mul *= factor[d][0]\n dfs(0, 1)\n if sorted: ans.sort\n return ans\n discard\n" ImportExpand "cplib/math/powmod.nim" <=== "" var t = stdin.readLine.parseint var ans = newSeq[int](0) for _ in 0..