#if __INCLUDE_LEVEL__ == 0 #include __BASE_FILE__ namespace { int op(int x, int y) { return std::min(x, y); } int e() { return inf(); } void solve() { std::string s; scan(s); const int n = len(s); const auto sa = atcoder::suffix_array(s); const auto la = atcoder::lcp_array(s, sa); const atcoder::segtree seg(la); std::vector isa(n); for (const int k : rep(n)) { const int i = sa[k]; isa[i] = k; } std::vector f(n + 1); const auto ls = nyaan::enumerate_leftmost_palindromes(s); std::vector> seen(n); for (const int r : rep1(n)) { const int l = ls[r - 1]; const int k = isa[l]; const int rk = seg.max_right(k, r - l <= _1) + 1; const int lk = seg.min_left(k, r - l <= _1); if (seen[lk].contains(r - l)) { continue; } seen[lk].insert(r - l); f[lk] += i64(r - l) * (rk - lk); f[rk] -= i64(r - l) * (rk - lk); } std::partial_sum(f.begin(), f.end(), f.begin()); print(ranges::max(f)); } } // namespace int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr); solve(); } #else // __INCLUDE_LEVEL__ #include #include #include // https://nyaannyaan.github.io/library/string/manacher.hpp namespace nyaan { using namespace std; template vector manacher(const Container& S) { vector res(S.size()); int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < int(S.size())) { while (i - j >= 0 and i + j < int(S.size()) and S[i - j] == S[i + j]) j++; res[i] = j; int k = 1; while (i - k >= 0 and i + k < int(S.size()) and k + res[i - k] < j) res[i + k] = res[i - k], k++; i += k, j -= k; } return res; } template vector> enumerate_palindromes(const Container& vec) { using T = typename Container::value_type; vector v; const int N = vec.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { v.push_back(vec[i]); v.push_back(-1); } v.push_back(vec.back()); const auto man = manacher(v); vector> ret; for (int i = 0; i < N * 2 - 1; i++) { if (i & 1) { int w = man[i] / 2; ret.emplace_back((i + 1) / 2 - w, (i + 1) / 2 + w); } else { int w = (man[i] - 1) / 2; ret.emplace_back(i / 2 - w, i / 2 + w + 1); } } return ret; } template vector enumerate_leftmost_palindromes(const Container& vec) { vector v(vec.size(), 1); for (auto& [l, r] : enumerate_palindromes(vec)) { v[r - 1] = max(v[r - 1], r - l); } for (int i = (int)vec.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) v[i] = max(v[i], v[i + 1] - 2); vector ret(vec.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)vec.size(); i++) ret[i] = i + 1 - v[i]; return ret; } } // namespace nyaan template bool chmin(T& x, U&& y) { return y < x && (x = std::forward(y), true); } template bool chmax(T& x, U&& y) { return x < y && (x = std::forward(y), true); } template T inf() { T ret; std::memset(&ret, 0x3f, sizeof(ret)); return ret; } template T inf() { return std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } template concept Range = std::ranges::range && !std::convertible_to; template concept TupleLike = std::__is_tuple_like::value && !Range; namespace std { istream& operator>>(istream& is, Range auto&& r) { for (auto&& e : r) { is >> e; } return is; } istream& operator>>(istream& is, TupleLike auto&& t) { return apply([&](auto&... xs) -> istream& { return (is >> ... >> xs); }, t); } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Range auto&& r) { string_view sep = ""; for (auto&& e : r) { os << exchange(sep, " ") << e; } return os; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, TupleLike auto&& t) { const auto f = [&](auto&... xs) -> ostream& { [[maybe_unused]] string_view sep = ""; ((os << exchange(sep, " ") << xs), ...); return os; }; return apply(f, t); } #define DEF_INC_OR_DEC(op) \ auto& operator op(Range auto&& r) { \ for (auto&& e : r) { \ op e; \ } \ return r; \ } \ auto& operator op(TupleLike auto&& t) { \ apply([](auto&... xs) { (op xs, ...); }, t); \ return t; \ } DEF_INC_OR_DEC(++) DEF_INC_OR_DEC(--) #undef DEF_INC_OR_DEC } // namespace std void scan(auto&&... xs) { std::cin >> std::tie(xs...); } void print(auto&&... xs) { std::cout << std::tie(xs...) << '\n'; } #define FWD(...) static_cast(__VA_ARGS__) template class fix { public: explicit fix(F f) : f_(std::move(f)) {} decltype(auto) operator()(auto&&... xs) const { return f_(std::ref(*this), FWD(xs)...); } private: F f_; }; template concept LambdaExpr = std::is_placeholder_v> != 0 || std::is_bind_expression_v>; auto operator++(LambdaExpr auto&& x, int) { return std::bind([](auto&& x) -> decltype(auto) { return FWD(x)++; }, FWD(x)); } auto operator--(LambdaExpr auto&& x, int) { return std::bind([](auto&& x) -> decltype(auto) { return FWD(x)--; }, FWD(x)); } #define DEF_UNARY_OP(op) \ auto operator op(LambdaExpr auto&& x) { \ return std::bind([](auto&& x) -> decltype(auto) { return op FWD(x); }, FWD(x)); \ } DEF_UNARY_OP(++) DEF_UNARY_OP(--) DEF_UNARY_OP(+) DEF_UNARY_OP(-) DEF_UNARY_OP(~) DEF_UNARY_OP(!) DEF_UNARY_OP(*) DEF_UNARY_OP(&) #undef DEF_UNARY_OP #define DEF_BINARY_OP(op) \ template \ requires LambdaExpr || LambdaExpr \ auto operator op(T1&& x, T2&& y) { \ return std::bind([](auto&& x, auto&& y) -> decltype(auto) { return FWD(x) op FWD(y); }, \ FWD(x), FWD(y)); \ } DEF_BINARY_OP(+=) DEF_BINARY_OP(-=) DEF_BINARY_OP(*=) DEF_BINARY_OP(/=) DEF_BINARY_OP(%=) DEF_BINARY_OP(^=) DEF_BINARY_OP(&=) DEF_BINARY_OP(|=) DEF_BINARY_OP(<<=) DEF_BINARY_OP(>>=) DEF_BINARY_OP(+) DEF_BINARY_OP(-) DEF_BINARY_OP(*) DEF_BINARY_OP(/) DEF_BINARY_OP(%) DEF_BINARY_OP(^) DEF_BINARY_OP(&) DEF_BINARY_OP(|) DEF_BINARY_OP(<<) DEF_BINARY_OP(>>) DEF_BINARY_OP(==) DEF_BINARY_OP(!=) DEF_BINARY_OP(<) DEF_BINARY_OP(>) DEF_BINARY_OP(<=) DEF_BINARY_OP(>=) DEF_BINARY_OP(&&) DEF_BINARY_OP(||) #undef DEF_BINARY_OP template requires LambdaExpr || LambdaExpr auto at(T1&& x, T2&& y) { return std::bind([](auto&& x, auto&& y) -> decltype(auto) { return FWD(x)[FWD(y)]; }, FWD(x), FWD(y)); } template auto get(LambdaExpr auto&& x) { return std::bind([](auto&& x) -> decltype(auto) { return std::get(FWD(x)); }, FWD(x)); } inline auto rep(int l, int r) { return std::views::iota(std::min(l, r), r); } inline auto rep(int n) { return rep(0, n); } inline auto rep1(int l, int r) { return rep(l, r + 1); } inline auto rep1(int n) { return rep(1, n + 1); } using namespace std::literals; using namespace std::placeholders; namespace ranges = std::ranges; namespace views = std::views; using i64 = std::int64_t; #define len(...) static_cast(ranges::size(__VA_ARGS__)) #endif // __INCLUDE_LEVEL__