N,C=map(int,input().split()) L=list(map(int,input().split())) W=list(map(int,input().split())) def calc(a,b,cost): ANS=0 if a==b==0: for i in range(N): if W[i]<=cost: ANS=max(ANS,L[i]+calc(0,L[i],cost-W[i])) return ANS if a==0: for i in range(N): if L[i]!=b and W[i]<=cost: ANS=max(ANS,L[i]+calc(b,L[i],cost-W[i])) return ANS if ab and L[i]!=a: ANS=max(ANS,L[i]+calc(b,L[i],cost-W[i])) return ANS if len(set(sorted(L)))<=2: print(0) else: ANS=0 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): for k in range(N): if L[i]!=L[j] and L[j]!=L[k] and L[k]!=L[i] and W[i]+W[j]+W[k]<=C: if L[i]L[k]: ANS=max(ANS,L[i]+L[j]+L[k]+calc(L[j],L[k],C-W[i]-W[j]-W[k])) if L[i]>L[j] and L[j]