H,W,K,L,R=map(int, input().split()) A=[] for i in range(H): S=input() A.append(S) from collections import deque d=deque() B=[[10**10]*W for i in range(H)] B[0][0]=0;BB={} d.append((0,0)) dy,dx=[0,0,1,-1,],[1,-1,0,0] for i in range(L-1): nd=deque() while d: y,x=d.popleft() for i in range(4): ny,nx=y+dy[i],x+dx[i] if 0<=nyB[y][x]+1: nd.append((ny,nx)) B[ny][nx]=B[y][x]+1 BB[(ny,nx)]=(y,x) d=nd d=deque() C=[[10**10]*W for i in range(H)] C[H-1][W-1]=0;CC={} d.append((H-1,W-1)) dy,dx=[0,0,1,-1],[1,-1,0,0] for i in range(K-R): nd=deque() while d: y,x=d.popleft() for i in range(4): ny,nx=y+dy[i],x+dx[i] if 0<=nyC[y][x]+1: nd.append((ny,nx)) C[ny][nx]=C[y][x]+1 CC[(ny,nx)]=(y,x) d=nd if (R-L)%2==0: print('No') exit() hh,ww=-1,-1;d=0 for h in range(H): for w in range(W): if B[h][w]!=10**10 and C[h][w]!=10**10: if B[h][w]%2==(L-1)%2 and C[h][w]%2==(K-R)%2: if 0<=h-10: if len(X)>1: for i in range(L-len(X)): X.append(X[-2]) else: X.append(Y[0]) for i in range(L-len(X)-1): X.append(X[-2]) c=K-len(X)-len(Y) for i in range(c+1): X.append(X[-2]) XX=X+Y ans=[] for i in range(len(XX)-1): p,q=XX[i];r,s=XX[i+1] if q+1==s: ans.append('R') elif q-1==s: ans.append('L') elif p+1==r: ans.append('D') else: ans.append('U') print('Yes') print(''.join(ans))