for _ in range(int(input())): x1,y1,x2,y2,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 = map(int,input().split()) #print(x2-x1,y2-y1,X2-X1,Y2-Y1) #print((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2,(X2-X1)**2+(Y2-Y1)**2) #print((x2-x1)/(y2-y1),(X2-X1)/(Y2-Y1)) if x1 == X1 and y1 == Y1 and x2 == X2 and y2 == Y2: print("Yes") continue if X1 == X2 and Y1 == Y2: print("Yes") continue if (x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 -y1) ** 2 <= (X2 - X1) ** 2 + (Y2 -Y1) ** 2: print("No") continue if (y2-y1)*(X2-X1) == (Y2-Y1)*(x2-x1): if (y2 - y1) == 0: if (x2 -x1) * (X2-X1) > 0: print("Yes") else: print("No") elif (x2 - x1) == 0: if (y2 -y1) * (Y2-Y1) > 0: print("Yes") else: print("No") else: if (y2-y1) * (Y2 - Y1) > 0: print("Yes") else: print("No") continue print("No")