/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace __gnu_pbds; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef __int128_t ll128; typedef tuple t2; typedef tuple t3; typedef tuple t4; typedef tuple t5; template using priority_queue_incr = priority_queue, greater>; template using binary_search_tree = tree, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>; #define pb push_back #define V vector #define S static #define SP << " " << #define rep(i,n) for(ll i=0LL; i=0LL; --i) #define rfrep(i,f,n) for(ll i=n-1LL; i>=f; --i) #define cfor(i,x) for(const auto & (i) : (x)) #define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define RALL(a) (a).rbegin(),(a).rend() #define CIN(x) do { \ assert(!cin.eof()); \ cin >> x; \ assert(!cin.fail()); \ } while(0); #define E18(x) ((x) * 1'000'000'000'000'000'000LL) #ifdef DEBUG #include "../../../template/debug.h" #else // DEBUG #define debug_print(...) #define debug_printf(...) #endif // DEBUG /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ll llin() { ll a; CIN(a); return a; } V llina(ll count) { V v; for (ll i = 0LL; i < count; ++i) { ll a; CIN(a); v.push_back(a); } return v; } V> llinaa(ll h, ll w) { V> v(h, V(w)); rep (hh, h) rep (ww, w) { ll a; CIN(a); v[hh][ww] = a; } return v; } V llinl2(ll count) { V v; for (ll i = 0LL; i < count; ++i) { ll a, b; CIN(a >> b); v.push_back(t2(a, b)); } return v; } V llinl3(ll count) { V v; for (ll i = 0LL; i < count; ++i) { ll a, b, c; CIN(a >> b >> c); v.push_back(t3(a, b, c)); } return v; } V llinl4(ll count) { V v; for (ll i = 0LL; i < count; ++i) { ll a, b, c, d; CIN(a >> b >> c >> d); v.push_back(t4(a, b, c, d)); } return v; } string strin() { string s; CIN(s); return s; } V strina(ll count) { V slist(count); for (ll i = 0; i < count; ++i) CIN(slist[i]); return slist; } template void sort(V &v) { sort(v.begin(), v.end()); } template void sort_reverse(V &v) { sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater()); } t2 _ext_gcd(ll a, ll b, ll g) { if (!b) return t2(1, 0); ll q = a / b; ll r = a % b; auto [sx, sy] = _ext_gcd(b, r, g); ll x = sy; ll y = sx - q * sy; return t2(x, y); } t2 ext_gcd(ll a, ll b) { return _ext_gcd(a, b, gcd(a, b)); } // x and mod must be coprime ll mod_inv(ll x, ll mod) { auto [ret, xxxx] = ext_gcd(x, mod); while (ret < 0) ret += mod; ret %= mod; return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void _main(); int main() { cout << setprecision(12); #ifndef DEBUG ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); #endif // DEBUG _main(); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void slv() { ll n = llin(); V alist = llina(n); ll low = 0; ll high = 1'000'000'000'000LL; ll ans = high; while (low <= high) { ll now = (low + high) / 2LL; V blist = alist; rep (i, n) blist[i] += (i+1LL) * now; bool ok = true; rep (i, n-1) if (blist[i] >= blist[i+1]) ok = false; if (ok) { ans = now; high = now - 1LL; } else { low = now + 1LL; } } cout << ans << "\n"; } void _main() { ll t = llin(); rep (i ,t) slv(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////