#ifdef NACHIA #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #else #define NDEBUG #endif #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <queue> #include <array> #include <cmath> #include <atcoder/modint> using i64 = long long; using u64 = unsigned long long; #define rep(i,n) for(i64 i=0; i<(i64)(n); i++) #define repr(i,n) for(i64 i=(i64)(n)-1; i>=0; i--) const i64 INF = 1001001001001001001; const char* yn(bool x){ return x ? "Yes" : "No"; } template<typename A> void chmin(A& l, const A& r){ if(r < l) l = r; } template<typename A> void chmax(A& l, const A& r){ if(l < r) l = r; } template<typename A> using nega_queue = std::priority_queue<A,std::vector<A>,std::greater<A>>; using Modint = atcoder::static_modint<998244353>; #include <iterator> #include <functional> template<class Elem> struct vec; template<class Iter> struct seq_view{ using Ref = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::reference; using Elem = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type; Iter a, b; Iter begin() const { return a; } Iter end() const { return b; } int size() const { return (int)(b-a); } seq_view(Iter first, Iter last) : a(first), b(last) {} seq_view sort() const { std::sort(a, b); return *this; } Ref& operator[](int x){ return *(a+x); } template<class F = std::less<Elem>, class ret = vec<int>> ret sorti(F f = F()) const { ret x(size()); for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) x[i] = i; x().sort([&](int l, int r){ return f(a[l],a[r]); }); return x; } template<class ret = vec<Elem>> ret col() const { return ret(begin(), end()); } template<class F = std::equal_to<Elem>, class ret = vec<std::pair<Elem, int>>> ret rle(F eq = F()) const { auto x = ret(); for(auto& a : (*this)){ if(x.size() == 0 || !eq(x[x.size()-1].first, a)) x.emp(a, 1); else x[x.size()-1].second++; } return x; } template<class F> seq_view sort(F f) const { std::sort(a, b, f); return *this; } Iter uni() const { return std::unique(a, b); } Iter lb(const Elem& x) const { return std::lower_bound(a, b, x); } Iter ub(const Elem& x) const { return std::upper_bound(a, b, x); } int lbi(const Elem& x) const { return lb(x) - a; } int ubi(const Elem& x) const { return ub(x) - a; } seq_view bound(const Elem& l, const Elem& r) const { return { lb(l), lb(r) }; } template<class F> Iter lb(const Elem& x, F f) const { return std::lower_bound(a, b, x, f); } template<class F> Iter ub(const Elem& x, F f) const { return std::upper_bound(a, b, x, f); } template<class F> Iter when_true_to_false(F f) const { if(a == b) return a; return std::lower_bound(a, b, *a, [&](const Elem& x, const Elem&){ return f(x); }); } seq_view same(Elem x) const { return { lb(x), ub(x) }; } template<class F> auto map(F f) const { vec<typename Iter::value_type> r; for(auto& x : *this) r.emp(f(x)); return r; } Iter max() const { return std::max_element(a, b); } Iter min() const { return std::min_element(a, b); } template<class F = std::less<Elem>> Iter min(F f) const { return std::min_element(a, b, f); } seq_view rev() const { std::reverse(a, b); return *this; } }; template<class Elem> struct vec { using Base = typename std::vector<Elem>; using Iter = typename Base::iterator; using CIter = typename Base::const_iterator; using View = seq_view<Iter>; using CView = seq_view<CIter>; vec(){} explicit vec(int n, const Elem& value = Elem()) : a(0<n?n:0, value) {} template <class I2> vec(I2 first, I2 last) : a(first, last) {} vec(std::initializer_list<Elem> il) : a(std::move(il)) {} vec(Base b) : a(std::move(b)) {} operator Base() const { return a; } Iter begin(){ return a.begin(); } CIter begin() const { return a.begin(); } Iter end(){ return a.end(); } CIter end() const { return a.end(); } int size() const { return a.size(); } bool empty() const { return a.empty(); } Elem& back(){ return a.back(); } const Elem& back() const { return a.back(); } vec sortunied(){ vec x = *this; x().sort(); x.a.erase(x().uni(), x.end()); return x; } Iter operator()(int x){ return a.begin() + x; } CIter operator()(int x) const { return a.begin() + x; } View operator()(int l, int r){ return { (*this)(l), (*this)(r) }; } CView operator()(int l, int r) const { return { (*this)(l), (*this)(r) }; } View operator()(){ return (*this)(0,size()); } CView operator()() const { return (*this)(0,size()); } Elem& operator[](int x){ return a[x]; } const Elem& operator[](int x) const { return a[x]; } Base& operator*(){ return a; } const Base& operator*() const { return a; } vec& push(Elem args){ a.push_back(std::move(args)); return *this; } template<class... Args> vec& emp(Args &&... args){ a.emplace_back(std::forward<Args>(args) ...); return *this; } template<class Range> vec& app(Range& x){ for(auto& v : a) emp(v); } Elem pop(){ Elem x = std::move(a.back()); a.pop_back(); return x; } bool operator==(const vec& r) const { return a == r.a; } bool operator!=(const vec& r) const { return a != r.a; } bool operator<(const vec& r) const { return a < r.a; } bool operator<=(const vec& r) const { return a <= r.a; } bool operator>(const vec& r) const { return a > r.a; } bool operator>=(const vec& r) const { return a >= r.a; } vec<vec<Elem>> pile(int n) const { return vec<vec<Elem>>(n, *this); } template<class F> vec& filter(F f){ int p = 0; for(int q=0; q<size(); q++) if(f(a[q])) std::swap(a[p++],a[q]); a.resize(p); return *this; } private: Base a; }; template<class IStr, class U, class T> IStr& operator>>(IStr& is, vec<std::pair<U,T>>& v){ for(auto& x:v){ is >> x.first >> x.second; } return is; } template<class IStr, class T> IStr& operator>>(IStr& is, vec<T>& v){ for(auto& x:v){ is >> x; } return is; } template<class OStr, class T> OStr& operator<<(OStr& os, const vec<T>& v){ for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ if(i){ os << ' '; } os << v[i]; } return os; } template<class OStr, class U, class T> OStr& operator<<(OStr& os, const vec<std::pair<U,T>>& v){ for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ if(i){ os << ' '; } os << '(' << v[i].first << ',' << v[i].second << ')'; } return os; } namespace nachia{ struct WordsizeTree{ using Word = unsigned long long; static constexpr int W = 64; int N; std::vector<std::vector<Word>> A; static int highBit(Word x){ if(x == 0) return 0; return W-1 - __builtin_clzll(x); } static int lowBit(Word x){ if(x == 0) return W; return __builtin_ctzll(x); } WordsizeTree(int length){ N = length; int n = length; do { std::vector<Word> a(n/W+1,0); A.emplace_back(std::move(a)); n /= W; } while(n); } WordsizeTree(const std::string& binStr = ""){ N = binStr.size(); int n = N; { std::vector<Word> a(n/W+1); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) if(binStr[i] == '1'){ a[i/W] |= (Word)1 << (i%W); } A.emplace_back(std::move(a)); n /= W; } while(n){ std::vector<Word> a(n/W+1,0); for(int i=0; i<=n; i++){ if(A.back()[i]) a[i/W] |= (Word)1 << (i%W); } A.emplace_back(std::move(a)); n /= W; } } void insert(int x){ for(auto& a : A){ a[x/W] |= (Word)1 << (x % W); x /= W; } } void erase(int x){ for(auto& a : A){ a[x/W] &= ~((Word)1 << (x % W)); if(a[x/W]) return; x /= W; } } int count(int x) const { return (int)((A[0][x/W] >> (x%W)) & 1); } int noLessThan(int x) const { if(x < 0) x = 0; if(N <= x) return N; int d = 0, i = x; while(true){ if(d >= (int)A.size()) return N; if(i/W >= (int)A[d].size()) return N; Word m = A[d][i/W] & ((~(Word)0) << (i%W)); if(!m){ d++; i /= W; i++; } else{ int to = lowBit(m); i = i/W*W + to; if(d == 0) break; i *= W; d--; } } return i; } int noGreaterThan(int x) const { if(x < 0) return -1; if(N <= x) x = N-1; int d = 0, i = x; while(true){ if(i < 0) return -1; if(d >= (int)A.size()) return -1; Word m = A[d][i/W] & ~((~(Word)1) << (i%W)); if(!m){ d++; i /= W; i--; } else{ int to = highBit(m); i = i/W*W + to; if(d == 0) break; i *= W; i += W-1; d--; } } return i; } }; } // namespace nachia using namespace std; void testcase(){ int N, A; cin >> N >> A; vec<int> X(N); cin >> X; vec<pair<int, pair<int,int>>> events; int T; cin >> T; rep(i,T){ int l,r; cin >> l >> r; events.push({l, { 0, i }}); events.push({r, { 2, i }}); } rep(i,N){ events.push({X[i], { 1, i }}); } events().sort(); auto ds = nachia::WordsizeTree(T); vec<int> ans(N, -1); for(auto [p, q] : events){ auto [t,x] = q; if(t == 0){ ds.insert(x); } if(t == 2){ ds.erase(x); } if(t == 1){ ans[x] = ds.noGreaterThan(T); if(ans[x] >= 0) ans[x]++; } } rep(i,N) cout << ans[i] << '\n'; } int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); #ifdef NACHIA int T; cin >> T; for(int t=0; t<T; T!=++t?(cout<<'\n'),0:0) #endif testcase(); return 0; }