local bc = string.byte("C", 1) local bp = string.byte("P", 1) local bt = string.byte("T", 1) local bf = string.byte("F", 1) local n = io.read("*n", "*l") local s = io.read() local cnt = 0 local pos = 1 while pos <= n - 4 do local found = false if s:byte(pos) == bc and s:byte(pos + 1) == bp and s:byte(pos + 2) == bc and s:byte(pos + 3) == bt then if s:byte(pos + 4) == bf then cnt = cnt + 1 pos = pos + 5 found = true elseif pos <= n - 6 then if s:byte(pos + 4) == bc and s:byte(pos + 5) == bp and s:byte(pos + 6) == bc then cnt = cnt + 1 pos = pos + 7 found = true end end end if not found then pos = pos + 1 end end print(cnt)