attack=[] lose=[] for L1 in range(5): for R1 in range(5): for L2 in range(5): for R2 in range(5): attack.append([]) if L1 and L2: attack[-1].append(((L1+L2)%5,R2)) if L1 and R2: attack[-1].append((L2,(L1+R2)%5)) if R1 and L2: attack[-1].append(((R1+L2)%5,R2)) if R1 and R2: attack[-1].append((L2,(R1+R2)%5)) if L2 and R2: lose.append(False) else: s=L2+R2 lose.append((-s)%5 in (L1,R1)) split=[] for L in range(5): for R in range(5): split.append([]) for l in range(5): for r in range(5): if (l,r)==(0,0): continue if (l+r==L+R or l+r==(L+R)%5) and {l,r}!={L,R}: split[-1].append((l,r)) N,K=map(int,input().split()) mod=10**9+7 def idx(L1,R1,L2,R2): return L1*125+R1*25+L2*5+R2 dp=[0]*625 for cnt in range(K,-1,-1): prev=dp dp=[0]*625 for L1 in range(5): for R1 in range(5): for L2 in range(5): for R2 in range(5): if (L1,R1)==(0,0): dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]=0 elif (L2,R2)==(0,0): dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]=1 else: if cnt%2!=N%2: if not (0,0) in attack[idx(L2,R2,L1,R1)]: not_lose=False for L,R in split[L2*5+R2]: not_lose|=not lose[idx(L1,R1,L,R)] for L,R in attack[idx(L2,R2,L1,R1)]: not_lose|=not lose[idx(L,R,L2,R2)] for L,R in split[L2*5+R2]: if not_lose and lose[idx(L1,R1,L,R)]: continue dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]+=prev[idx(L1,R1,L,R)] for L,R in attack[idx(L2,R2,L1,R1)]: if not_lose and lose[idx(L,R,L2,R2)]: continue dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]+=prev[idx(L,R,L2,R2)] else: for L,R in split[L1*5+R1]: dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]+=prev[idx(L,R,L2,R2)] for L,R in attack[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]: dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]+=prev[idx(L1,R1,L,R)] dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)]%=mod L1,R1,L2,R2=map(int,input().split()) ans=dp[idx(L1,R1,L2,R2)] print(ans)