import sys alp = [[chr(i) for i in range(65,65+26)], [chr(i) for i in range(97,97+26)]] digi = ["nyo","Nyo","nYo","nyO","NYo","nYO","NyO","NYO"] petit = ["nyu","Nyu","nYu","nyU","NYu","nYU","NyU","NYU"] gema = ["gema","Gema","gEma","geMa","gemA","GEma","GeMa","GemA","gEMa","gEmA","geMA","GEMa","GEmA","GeMA","gEMA","GEMA"] piyo = ["pyo","Pyo","pYo","pyO","PYo","pYO","PyO","PYO"] for line in sys.stdin: if len(line) < 2: exit() s = line ss = s.split() fdigi = True fpetit = True fgem = True fpiyo = True frabi = True if len(s) < 6: print(len(s)) print("WRONG!") continue if ss[0] == "digi": for i in range(4): if len(s) - i - 7 >= 0 and s[i-7:i-4] in digi: print("CORRECT (maybe)") fdigi = False break if fdigi: print("WRONG!") elif ss[0] == "petit": for i in range(4): if len(s) - i-7 >= 0 and s[i-7:i-4] in petit: print("CORRECT (maybe)") fpetit = False break if fpetit: print("WRONG!") elif ss[0] == "gema": for i in range(4): if len(s) - i-7 >= 0 and s[i-7:i-4] in gema: print("CORRECT (maybe)") fgema = False break if fgema: print("WRONG!") elif ss[0] == "piyo": for i in range(4): if len(s) - i-7 >= 0 and s[i-7:i-4] in piyo: print("CORRECT (maybe)") fpiyo = False break if fpiyo: print("WRONG!") else: cnt = 0 for S in s: if S.isalpha(): cnt += 1 if cnt > 4: print("CORRECT (maybe)") frabi = False break if frabi: print("WRONG!")